View Full Version : Is there a way to make player attacks appear under attacks on the combat tracker?

February 18th, 2014, 20:12
I notice that with my npcs the attacks listed on their npc sheets shows up under attacks, but when my players have weapons listed on their action sheets it comes up blank, they also don't list space / reach or have speeds listed (though the speed at least is filled out on their sheets).

February 18th, 2014, 21:35
This is designed that way - the entries in the combat trackers are primarily to help the GM run the NPCs (the GM doesn't normally roll player attacks etc.). The GM can still get access to the PC details by clicking the link on the combat tracker entry to see the full character sheet.

This was discussed in a couple of threads recently:

Also, which ruleset are you using? Looking in 3.5E/PFRPG if you click the square icon in the combat tracker you will see the size and reach of the PC, but this has to be manually changed in the combat tracker - which will change the size and reach diagram that appears when you hover over the token on the map.

Yeah, it would be nice if speed was populated in the combat tracker.

February 18th, 2014, 22:13
Yea sorry, I forget to mention the ruleset, im running in PFRPG.

Ok that's cool, yea I just thought it was odd they weren't popping up, I also noticed ammo didn't seem to be tracking (or more likely, we aren't using it correctly). we put in a count of 40 for ammo on say, a longbow, tried both firing multiple shots with and without the circles denoting ammo count (40 checkcircles unchecked, then checked) and didn't see anything updating either time. It's fine if it needs to be manually tracked, it just appeared as though it might have a way to auto track ammo usage.

February 18th, 2014, 22:33
It's fine if it needs to be manually tracked, it just appeared as though it might have a way to auto track ammo usage.
Yeah, it's manual tracking.