View Full Version : Dramatic Autostabilization Feature

February 18th, 2014, 19:47
As a player, I find it extremely tense when I don't know whether a downed character has successfully stabilized or not. How many more rounds will they survive if we don't get to them in time? Egads!

So it's disappointing when the Autostabilize feature prints out boldly to everyone that Black Bart has just stabilized. Oh, no rush now, he'll be fine.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great feature and saves a LOT of GM time. I just think it would be great if players didn't see the results. Either in chat or in the Combat Tracker.

It would be nice if besides the current "Off" "Friendly" and "All" selections for the Autostabilize function, if it also had a "Dramatic" setting.

Under the "Dramatic" setting, the shadow dice would roll for each dying/dead character but not reveal the results. Granted, the player would know since their HP would stop dropping and the GM would have it appear on their Combat Tracker as stabilized or dead.

Other players would not see it on their Combat Tracker and the shadow dice would CONTINUE to roll each round whether the character had stabilized, died, or was still dramatically dying. They would also CONTINUE to see the "Damage -> [to Black Bart]" chip away in the chat window even after he'd stabilized or died even though these wouldn't be added to their wounds at this point. It would just be for the Drama of seeing the dice roll in the background and wondering whether there was still time to save them... or too late!

I've tried the various checkboxes with a localhost connection and can't seem to come up with a combination that even just prevents the "Effect ['Stable'] -> [to Black Bart]" from appearing in chat or from the effect showing in the combat tracker "Effects:Stable".

If someone has been able to duplicate this feature in some fashion, please let me know or I'll submit it as a feature request.

Please actually try to duplicate it with FG before making suggestions, I have tried using the various "Show Effects" "Show Ally Effects" "Show Ally Health" "Show Health to Clients" "Show Results to Client".

February 22nd, 2014, 05:43
Good idea.