View Full Version : [3.5E/PFRPG] Targeting doesn't take effect

February 11th, 2014, 13:44
In our session last night, two players experienced that same problem: although they could target enemy tokens (the white arrows appeared - as GM, I could see them), when they rolled attacks and damage from their character sheets, the rolls were not applied to the targets.

Now, one of these players has had a problem with targeting not working for quite some time (before FG v3 came out), in both this and another campaign I'm running. So when I upgraded the campaigns to v3, I ran a second instance of FG and joined my own game masquerading as him. I then tested out the targeting, and it appeared to work fine. (I'll try to do some more testing when I get the chance.)

So, does anyone have any suggestions as to why targeting might not work properly for these players?

Incidentally, I noticed another small issue as a result of having to drag the attack results to the targets - this method doesn't register a natural 20 as an automatic hit.

February 11th, 2014, 15:41
When targeting doesn't work in one of my games I do the following:

1. delete the character's token and redrag from the combat tracker.
2. if that doesn't fix it, delete the character's token and the character from the combat tracker (remembering any effects on him/her); readd to the tracker and redrag to the map.
3. still not targeting, delete the mob token and redrag from the combat tracker

It's a pain, but I have yet to have this process not fix the targeting issues. Somewhere along the way either the character's token or the mob's token disconnects with the proper entry for the automation.

February 11th, 2014, 18:31
I've experienced the same thing, but in addition to the combat tracker not behaving, players' character sheets would no longer accept any item from the library. Drag and drop does nothing. I've opened several of my campaigns to see if this is an issue in them all and it behaves in an entirely random fashion. I can open the same campaign after closing it when this problem occurs and for whatever unknown reason it will stop.

I'm running PFRPG and it does not seem to matter whether I've activated the wood or dungeon theme or just left them off as it happens in all cases.

In some instances, I've been able to recognize when this is going to be an issue as an error pops up in that obnoxious hugemungus white box that appears at times. This morning I tried to get it to happen, but no dice. Otherwise, I'd post whatever that error string is.

I can resolve the issue at times by closing the game down and removing images from the image file, which seems to appease the program demon responsible. But it doesn't always work and I don't really know what sacrifice its demanding of me.

February 11th, 2014, 18:51
When targeting doesn't work in one of my games I do the following:

1. delete the character's token and redrag from the combat tracker.
2. if that doesn't fix it, delete the character's token and the character from the combat tracker (remembering any effects on him/her); readd to the tracker and redrag to the map.
3. still not targeting, delete the mob token and redrag from the combat tracker

It's a pain, but I have yet to have this process not fix the targeting issues. Somewhere along the way either the character's token or the mob's token disconnects with the proper entry for the automation.

This plus: Are either of the player's running more than one character? The most common reason I found for targeting for working if everything is linked up is they have the wrong character selected. I see it the most when someone can't make it so another player is running two characters. If this is the problem and they make a mistake just drag and drop the attack roll onto the monster token to get a hit/miss results.

February 11th, 2014, 19:51
This plus: Are either of the player's running more than one character? The most common reason I found for targeting for working if everything is linked up is they have the wrong character selected. I see it the most when someone can't make it so another player is running two characters. If this is the problem and they make a mistake just drag and drop the attack roll onto the monster token to get a hit/miss results.

Neither of the players who got the error is running two characters. I'll try Nick's suggestions and see if they help.

I did drag-and-drop the attack roll as a workaround; however, although it did calculate hit or miss, it didn't recognise that a natural 20 was an automatic hit.

Moon Wizard
February 12th, 2014, 00:23
Please let me know if you capture the error string again. There's a copy to clipboard option on the error window that you can hit real quick before you close the window, so you can drop in an e-mail, forum post or notepad.


February 12th, 2014, 22:13
Here's that error string:

Script Error: [string"scripts/manager_options.lua"]:12: attempt to call global 'isOption' (a nil value)

Had it happen just now. I had this same campaign loaded earlier with no issues and changed nothing before closing it. Much random, this error demon.

The problems that happen when I get this are that the CT does not apply attack or damage rolls against selected targets, not even if I drag the number directly on the CT entry. And - I can't drag/drop items from the library into a character's sheet.

February 12th, 2014, 22:57
What extensions are you running?

February 13th, 2014, 00:41
do you re-add your characters to Combat tracker and from CT to Map at the start of each game session? I do - I dont know if that is required but I do that and havent seen this issue.

Moon Wizard
February 13th, 2014, 00:52
That is a strange issue, since the isOption function is actually defined in that same file. (via the CoreRPG ruleset)

As Nickademus asked, are you running any extensions?


February 13th, 2014, 01:33
Nope, not even the wood or dungeon themes. I've had this thing happen with the themes active and without them. I'm not using any other extensions such as the languages. Removing and re-adding characters or NPCs to the CT makes no difference when this happens. The easiest fix I've been able to come up with when this error happens is to add some superfluous image, re-open the game, exit the game and delete the image. It causes the error to cease every time. Why it happens in the first place has me utterly confused.

February 13th, 2014, 02:51
Perhaps a reinstall? Backup your directories of course, but if the base program is throwing an option error for no reason it could just be a blip during the install.

February 13th, 2014, 03:48
That may do the trick. I'll give it a shot and see what comes of it.

EDIT: Just experimenting prior to a full reinstall - I turned off the dice tower and the token facing and that resolved the problem. I'm going to see what happens when I open and close the campaign a few times. [no extensions or themes are active; PFRPG ruleset being used]

February 13th, 2014, 04:08
So, I opened the campaign repeatedly after disabling the token facing and the dice tower and everything seems gravy for the time being. Also opened up other campaign folders where I left the dice tower and token facing on, no problems with them. I'm wondering if the issue stems from this particular campaign folder being one I recently created after the update. The others are all preexisting campaigns from earlier versions of the program. That error with the CT hasn't struck any of those older campaigns, only this new one.

February 17th, 2014, 20:12
When targeting doesn't work in one of my games I do the following:

1. delete the character's token and redrag from the combat tracker.
2. if that doesn't fix it, delete the character's token and the character from the combat tracker (remembering any effects on him/her); readd to the tracker and redrag to the map.
3. still not targeting, delete the mob token and redrag from the combat tracker

Okay, I just tried all these with one of players that is having the problem. No joy - the targeting still doesn't take. Although the arrow appears, no rolls are applied to the target.

February 17th, 2014, 20:19
Last step, a bit of a pain, but.

4. Delete the mobs' tokens from the map, delete the mobs from the CT, reinitialize the encounter to the CT, drag the mobs from the CT back on the map.

Moon Wizard
February 17th, 2014, 20:34
Some questions to help me track this down:

Can you set up the PC with the targets in place that do not apply to rolls, and send me a copy of the host database (db.xml)? (to [email protected])
If the GM starts a second instance of FG connected to localhost, connecting to the campaign set up above, uses the same user name and picks the same character; when he performs the rolls in the player instance, do they work correctly?
If it works on host second instance and not on player instance, can you have him walk through the steps they follow to roll? (i.e. if they drag and drop on chat window, it will not use targets.) (requires double-click or drop on targets)

I'm not sure what makes his use different, so I'm trying to find out if it is a) a general issue, b) a player vs. GM instance issue or c) a usage issue.


February 17th, 2014, 22:40
4. Delete the mobs' tokens from the map, delete the mobs from the CT, reinitialize the encounter to the CT, drag the mobs from the CT back on the map.

I put a brand new enemy in the CT, dragged the token to the map, and got the players to try again. They both failed.

Can you set up the PC with the targets in place that do not apply to rolls, and send me a copy of the host database (db.xml)? (to [email protected])

If the GM starts a second instance of FG connected to localhost, connecting to the campaign set up above, uses the same user name and picks the same character; when he performs the rolls in the player instance, do they work correctly?
When I connect using localhost and operate the characters, the rolls do work correctly.

If it works on host second instance and not on player instance, can you have him walk through the steps they follow to roll? (i.e. if they drag and drop on chat window, it will not use targets.) (requires double-click or drop on targets)
I walked through the steps with the players - they are both double-clicking on the attacks in the Actions tab (which is what I also did when I operated the characters successfully).

Thanks for your help.

March 3rd, 2014, 00:27
We had this in our PFRPG session tonight, ran by Skellan. He has sent me the campaign files after and I can't replicate the issue from my side.

It seemed like virtually everything that relies on OOB Message functionality would not work: initiative being populated in the Combat Tracker, whispers, dice tower, player end turn, applying effects, attacks and damage being applied to the target, auto save on spell casting.

So, we were seeing issues not just restricted to attacks and damage.

The only thing that does rely on OOB Message functionality that did work was handleAFK.

Very weird.

We're going to try uninstalling and reinstalling the GM side to see if it makes a difference.

March 3rd, 2014, 01:09

For us at least.

It seems an older version of CoreRPG was still on the system and was not getting updated when an update was ran. The fact that 99% of all OOB Messages didn't work, and that functionality is in CoreRPG suggested there was something up with CoreRPG.

Fix: delete CoreRPG and run and update.