View Full Version : WoTD Slow.lua Vs The latest couple of Combat tracker updates.

ShotGun Jolly
January 14th, 2014, 23:47
Hey all.

Kind of a weird one, and nor really sure how to fix it on my own.

If I am ever using the WoTD extenstion that came out, that auto redealt any shambler with the SLOW trait a card if it was higher then a 5, changes now to it draws only 2 cards and picks the lowest.

This only happens when ever I load up any of the last couple of combat trackers that I want to use.

Here is the slow.lua

function onInit()
InitiativeManager.registerAbilityHandler("slow", "SLOW", slowHandler)

function slowHandler(wCombatantGroup, tCard, fDraw)
local msg = {font = "systemfont"}
if OptionsManager.isOption("ARIN", "on") then
while tCard.getValue().getOrder() > CardLib.Value.five.getOrder() do
msg.text = wCombatantGroup.getName() .. " was dealt the " .. tCard.displayName() .. "; redealing"
tCard = fDraw()
elseif tCard.getValue().getOrder() > CardLib.Value.five.getOrder() then
msg.text = wCombatantGroup.getName() .. " was dealt the " .. tCard.displayName() .. " and may redraw"
return tCard

And here is the extension.xml for the WotD Ext

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!-- Copyright SmiteWorks USA, LLC., 2011 -->
<root version="2.8">
<name>War of the Dead - TJC</name>
<author>Tim Coombes</author>
<description>Adds support for Slow to the combat tracker.</description>
<script name="ScriptSlow" file="scripts/slow.lua" />

So I figured it could be an easy fix for me as I would just somewhere transplant this info into the combat tracker, but when I opened up the combatracker, it is well more advanced then I can deal with.

But could someone explain to me why the two extensions are not working together? And would it be a way that I could fix it on my own?

Thanks for the help.

ShotGun Jolly
January 15th, 2014, 00:22
I kinda figured it out.. Once I found the slow command in the launder.lua, I then took the above script and renamed all the cases of slow it to something like "WoTD Slow", and transplanted it directly into lua. And presto, it worked..

So, I answered my own question, it was not working cause in both cases, they had the same name, so all I would need to do I actually change info the WotD extension and not the combat tracker, and technically it should work the same.