View Full Version : 2.9.4 Rollback Instructions Please

December 19th, 2013, 22:37

3.0 is broken, or at least has broken a lot of mods.

Please provide instruction as to how to roll back to 2.9.4 while relevant devs fix modules.

I was lucky, I backed up all my roaming and program files folders and could drag and drop to roll back, but even if I share those folders with my friends my license key stops them from being able to use FG2 with my rolled back 2.9.4 files. I didn't share the modules, just the main guts of the rest of the operating stuff. Is there a license file I need to destroy?

Can you guys please provide the 2.9.4 files for roll back to help us out in the interim? Or at least instruct me how to clear the license key from my files so they can use them and launch back in off their own licenses?

December 19th, 2013, 22:49
Can you guys please provide the 2.9.4 files for roll back to help us out in the interim? Or at least instruct me how to clear the license key from my files so they can use them and launch back in off their own licenses?
You should be able to clear the license key in the settings window accessible from the first screen of FG. The key is stored in the Windows registry, not in a license file.

December 19th, 2013, 23:29
He's saying:
Problem is it won't even allow it to load, the error box appears with Retry or Cancel options. Retry takes me to Enter Licence Key window but even entering my key doesn't work.

Moon Wizard
December 19th, 2013, 23:29
Which mods are broken? v3.0 has been in alpha/beta for about 9 months to give mod devs the chance to update their mods to work with v3.0.

I'm hesitant to roll back at the moment, given the long lead time as well as the one-way migration of data in the most heavily used rulesets (3.5E, PFRPG, 4E).

For the license key issue, I just resent your license key to the email linked to your order as well as your forum email setting. Please make sure that the license key is correct. If you are still having issues with the license key, please e-mail us at [email protected].


December 19th, 2013, 23:58
Which mods are broken? v3.0 has been in alpha/beta for about 9 months to give mod devs the chance to update their mods to work with v3.0.

I'm hesitant to roll back at the moment, given the long lead time as well as the one-way migration of data in the most heavily used rulesets (3.5E, PFRPG, 4E).

For the license key issue, I just resent your license key to the email linked to your order as well as your forum email setting. Please make sure that the license key is correct. If you are still having issues with the license key, please e-mail us at [email protected].


Dude, you didn't read my post did you.

I don't have a license key issue. My friend, who is trying to roll back is having a license key issue because of my shared old files. I shared my old files from Fantasy Grounds folder with him so he could roll back to 2.9.4. I'm not asking you to roll back at your end, I'm asking how to roll back on the client end whilst we wait for our community driven module to be updated to FG3 compliant.

Reloading my old save of the following file locations worked for me to roll back:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Fantasy Grounds II * I removed modules and characters folders etc
C:\Program Files (x86)\Fantasy Grounds II

But I think the issue is that I am on GM license and they are on Player and something in that folder is blocking their license type. What file could be causing issues between the 2 license types in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fantasy Grounds II?

Or could it be files from the Roaming folder like:

December 20th, 2013, 00:31
Or let me rephrase,

What's the easiest way for players to downgrade their client version back to 2.9.4?

Any help appreciated as we're left high and dry with a 3.0 unsupported module right on Christmas holidays.

Moon Wizard
December 20th, 2013, 04:01
I'm looking into it.

Which ruleset or extension are you using that is not working? V3.0 is designed to be backward compatible, so I want to know if something isn't working. The only things that I expect to be broken are extensions, and I may be able to help.


Moon Wizard
December 20th, 2013, 04:02
Also, I did read your post. The GM and player use different files.


December 20th, 2013, 07:58
Twodogz is having trouble with my Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition Ruleset. I have started having a look at the ruleset but have noticed a some things that changed in v3.0

The one that is currently causing problems is to do with database nodes which are named after integer values. The ruleset sometimes creates nodes based on a integer number - this node ends up in the database with a name of <id-xxx>. Reading back this node using the same integer value no longer works - it appears as though the node does not exist. If I specify the name as "id-" .. xxx then the node is found and it all works. This worked fine in 2.9.x.

I am still trying to investigate other issues so will report them as I find them.

You can get the last version of my ruleset from here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wfrpv3/files/

December 20th, 2013, 08:43
Thanks Neil.

WFRP3 and FG has been amazing to date. It would be nice to see it continue, be it with a 3.0 hat or if you could help us roll back to 2.9.4.

Either way would be great.

December 20th, 2013, 12:14
typically there is no roll back enabled by FG as all participants must be on the exact same version. the only way 2 versions typically exist is by using the live/test/dev versions and these are still always meant to be the latest versions of the specific versions (i wonder if that makes sense...). i know this probably doesnt help you right now but v3 was available for a long time in test mode to try out your rulesets and extensions and report on any issues. FG only write and directly support a handful of core rulesets and these have obviously been tested heavily. the other rulesets require community/dev testing and reporting on issues. hopefully JPG might be able to give you an old installer but it will also stop you being able to participate in any one elses games too and if anyone hits update you would have to reinstall old one again etc. if you can it would probably help neilgfoster if you can report specific issues and how you generated them... good luck!

December 20th, 2013, 13:36
Cheers mate.

I see where both parties are coming from.
Yes, there's been 9 moths to sort out bugs, but on the flip side, 3.0 is not backwards compatible if a module from yesterday isn't working now, right?
And in the middle sits us guys, the users, GM and player alike who are stranded. Pretty disappointing as it was only a week ago I showed 3 mates from Roll20 the combined FG and WFRP product and they bought the license based on it alone.

Right now I'd settle for any sort of working compromise.

December 20th, 2013, 15:25
I do not know if this will be helpful, but I am currently working on moving Gurps to core I work long hours so I only started recently working on the ruleset; utilizing my vacation for the task. However I discovered a few broken things nothing major just annoying errors and minor issues.

but to roll back I saved my fantasygrounds.exe and the launcher.pak from 2.9.4 and when ever I want to rollback I backup the 3.0 versions and replace them with the 2.9.4 versions. (bad thing is the players have to do the same)

Please NOTE I like many of the new features in core and play in a Savage Worlds game as well so I want to be able to play with people using 3.0 but continue running my current games This is not a complaint on 3.0, soon gurps itself will be fully in core. it is a big task but worth it in the end.

Moon Wizard
December 20th, 2013, 19:41
If anyone is having issues running an older ruleset that worked fine on v2.9.4, please let me know ASAP via PM or at [email protected]. I will be working on a patch release (v3.0.1) to address backward compatibility issues.


December 20th, 2013, 23:57
to roll back I saved my fantasygrounds.exe and the launcher.pak from 2.9.4 and when ever I want to rollback I backup the 3.0 versions and replace them with the 2.9.4 versions.

is that it? you only need those two files to rollback?

December 20th, 2013, 23:58
just in case you didnt see this one yet:


December 21st, 2013, 01:07
OH thanks so much for the heads up mate! :D