View Full Version : Force Reload of Ruleset While Client Connected?

December 17th, 2013, 14:28
I'm working on a ruleset again and doing testing. I connect as GM and then again as client on my local machine. Whenever I need to see changes on the client side I have to close the client, reload the ruleset and then reconnect the client.

Is there a way to reload the ruleset while the client is connected?

December 17th, 2013, 15:39
Reloading the ruleset reinitialises the campaign on the GM side and loads the updated ruleset. The client downloads the ruleset and campaign info when they first connect to the GM (reads the ruleset info if it is in the local rulesets folder, which it will be for your testing I assume), therefore the client has to go through the reconnect process to get the updated ruleset. As such, you can't reload the ruleset while the client is connected because that could result in the GM and player instances running different versions of the ruleset. You have to exit the client, reload the ruleset on the GM side and re-join on the client.

December 18th, 2013, 05:23
kick the client and /reload then reconnect with the client... it's the only way I've found.