View Full Version : Necropolis - Token Issues.. Maybe Doswelk can help?

ShotGun Jolly
December 9th, 2013, 22:59
I am kinda directing this post to Doswelk (as I know he GMs this game), but if anyone else has experienced this problem then feel free to chime in.

I am starting a Necropolis game, and I am currently making all the tokens (pogs) after spending the last 2 days making them I went to add them to the already pre existing NPC and creature profiles in the Necropolis mod.

But it wont let me!

If I go to create a new NPC and drag a token over, it works no problem. But all of the other pre made ones I can not modify. The only work around I can seem to find for now, is create a combat, add the NPCs and then I can assign the tokens to the proper NPCs. I can work for now but it is a real pain in the butt, during a game drag tokens to the proper spots.

I am the kind of person who likes to have this stuff ready before a game, so I can have more time roll dice. :D

Anyone else out there have that issue? Any simple corrections I can implement?

Thanks all.

ShotGun Jolly
December 9th, 2013, 23:04
To add a little bit more detail, this problom is only when I am using NPCs from the "Church Allies" tab. Every other one seems to work ok.

ShotGun Jolly
December 10th, 2013, 13:25
I have confirmed that there is some form of write protect on the NPC list for the Church Allies. Every other "page" is editable. After doing a little more digging I noticed, that all the ones I can not edit are all the things listed in the pre made story line. See attached picture.

And the other clue I found is that the tab marked "Church Allies" has a oval pattern in the design, (highlitghed in blue). While the rest of the tabs are square. see the section I circled.

Is there someway I can turn the write protect of the items listed in that tab? I created my own tab, and dragged the NPCs over to that one and they work fine, but these are not linked to tokens in the story. So when I drag them to maps, they can not be edited on the fly as they are linked to the write protected tab :(

December 10th, 2013, 14:36
I must admit I just added the tokens I created to the Campaign folder, but I suspect that the issue you describe might be due to the fact that Necropolis has more than two modules!

Unlike all the ones I build - Player's Guide and GMs guide, Necropolis also has a New Budapest campaign, is what you are trying to edit in there?

If not let me know, I'll see if I can re-download the original modules, mine were so mucked up by the end with all my attempts to hack them into supporting 3.4 they were a mess!

On another note when you share an NPC with a player do you get all the skill names vanish? - It was the most annoying thing in my game and I could not find away around it!

Hope you enjoy the game, my players did, we are now off to sail the world of Caribdus in 50 fathoms!

ShotGun Jolly
December 10th, 2013, 16:02
Hey, thanks for looking into this.

Yes, the tokens are linked to the New Budapest campaign as far as I can guess. (As that is where the story element is located, but if I turn of the module for campaign the personalites stay on the list.. so it may be in the core mod. Sorry wish I new the answer)

I did some more testing, and the same issue happens when I open up the vehicle tabs. If its a church allies vehicle, I can not add a token to it.

And as for your problem, yes I do get the same problem but again, only with NPCs or vehicles from the Church Allies tab. If I copy the NPC or vehicle over to a new tab, I can do what ever I want and they act the way they should be. But again, they are just not linked to the story elements.

I am guessing, that somewhere in the program, that folder has been hard coded to be protected. Some 0 should be a 1. Know what I am trying to say?

ShotGun Jolly
December 11th, 2013, 15:54
I have confirmed that the tokens are in the main extension for necroplis, and the battle for New Budapest only contain the links.

ShotGun Jolly
December 11th, 2013, 16:20
I really wish I knew XML, as I think I found more clues to the issue.

But I managed to break down the .xml files and I discovered something. All the church allies are listed in the Players Guide "client.xml" file, while all the other tokens are only listed in the War Masters guide "DB.XML"

Could this have something to do with why only the tokens I am having trouble with are the ones listed under the "church allies" Tab?

Is there any command in the Players Guide client.xml file to turn off the write protect on those tokens?

ShotGun Jolly
December 11th, 2013, 16:37
Good News,

All issues solved... Going on a hunch, what I did was rename the "client.xml" file in the players guide mod to "db.xml" and it cleared up all problems, even the one with sharing the tokens to the players.

I noticed that every other mod I have, it has db files, and the necropolis mod had a client file. So I renamed it, and it works fine now.

So, maybe this could be an easy fix to get uploaded onto the website, so others will not have this problem, of course someone would need to duplicate the results I had. But yeah, its fixed!

December 11th, 2013, 19:51
All issues solved... Going on a hunch, what I did was rename the "client.xml" file in the players guide mod to "db.xml" and it cleared up all problems, even the one with sharing the tokens to the players.

I noticed that every other mod I have, it has db files, and the necropolis mod had a client file. So I renamed it, and it works fine now.

So, maybe this could be an easy fix to get uploaded onto the website, so others will not have this problem, of course someone would need to duplicate the results I had. But yeah, its fixed!
What else is in that module? Changing the XML file type from client to DB means it is now a GM only module and players can't open it on their side and use it's content without items being explicitly shared with them. Neither can the players use this module in "Manage Characters", so if there is library data that might be useful to the players either during the game or during character generation changing the xml file to db.xml will make this inaccessible to the players.

ShotGun Jolly
December 11th, 2013, 21:14
Well, where I am in the world I can not have anyone log into my game at the moment. So the only connection I could test is using the local host, and when I tried that, everything worked the way it should have. I will not be able test it properly till I get back home.

Doswelk suggested using the "common.xml" So I will see if that works too..

But the question that I would like to have answered, is why would the naming of the file make the difference of being able to edit it or not?

So far I am aware of..


Any other ones I can use?

December 11th, 2013, 21:35
Those are the only type of FG XML files. Likely your problem is an interaction between having two files. The twin db and client model was to allow GM's to use manage characters, a problem likely to go away in FG3. The naming of the files gives them different rights and restrictions in the program and signals who is using the file.

Moon Wizard
December 11th, 2013, 21:58
Technically, modules are designed to be read-only data. With v3.0, a lot of this is going to change to allow GM sharing of all modules; but the caveat is that all the data will be read-only. I think this would affect setting tokens on module data.

You can always drag creatures onto campaign NPCs list or encounters before assigning tokens.


December 11th, 2013, 22:38
But the question that I would like to have answered, is why would the naming of the file make the difference of being able to edit it or not?

So far I am aware of..


Any other ones I can use?
Those are the 3. See the "module types" sidebar in the user guide: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/userguide35E/gm_library.xcp (go to the "module types" sub menu in the left sidebar).

Making the module DB.xml is more akin to it being like the data in the campaign. It will not make the module editable, but it will make it more of a structure that makes it appear that you are editing the module data within your campaign - if you change the db.xml entries within the campaign it puts a layer of edited data over the top of the read-only module, but just in that specific campaign.

common and client are really meant to share library data and player tokens with the players, not expand the GM side campaign data.

As M_W has mentioned above, if you want to actually have full editing of entries, drag them from the module to the relevant entry window within the campaign - this will make a copy of the data and you can edit that directly in the campaign. Dragging the data from the module to the campaign will also mean that the data is still there within the campaign if/when you close the source module.

December 12th, 2013, 23:34
You can always drag creatures onto campaign NPCs list or encounters before assigning tokens.

This is what I would do.
If Im making a new module in Castles&Crusades i drag the monster into my NPCs and then I add either a Devin Knight or a Shockbolt token to it.

ShotGun Jolly
December 13th, 2013, 08:42
So, it sounds to me like that this issue is accepted and that it happens in other mods other then Necropolis?

It just drives me crazy, when I am dealing with the way it does work, when i should be dealing with the way it is supposed to work. I know what the problem is, and I suspect I know how to fix it but I need to sit down and actually try and learn xml. Cause I would just transfer everything over to the WM mod. Problem solved. But, its cool. Ill just accept the bug as is, I was just hoping it was something that could be addressed from the people who develop the mods.

December 13th, 2013, 16:38
Ill just accept the bug as is, I was just hoping it was something that could be addressed from the people who develop the mods.
Give Doswelk a chance - it was only 3 days ago that he said he'd look at it.