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View Full Version : [QUESTIONS] Effect exportation and 1 result max for a table entry

November 20th, 2013, 23:15
Hi guys,

I'd like to know if there is a way to export the effect of my campaign in the form of a module, so I can use them as links.

Another thing, now about the table pug-in. Is there any way to limit the roll of a number, so it can only be rolled once? For example, I make a table of random items for an encounter. I roll a 20, now I can't roll a 20 again.

Thanks for the help!

November 20th, 2013, 23:36
The effects are not registered for export, so you would need to manually create them in an XML file that you make into a module - you can manually make the effects or copy/paste the XMl out of a campaign database file (db.xml).

Some info in post #4 and #6 in this thread: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?18006-Effects-library&highlight=effect+module This is for 3.5e, but the process is similar for 4e.

Tables are pretty rudimentary in their functionality - there is currently not a way to automatically remove a number already rolled, you'd have to do that manually.

November 20th, 2013, 23:46
Thanks so much Trenloe!