October 23rd, 2013, 00:53
Hello GMs, Castle Keepers, Dungeon Masters, Storytellers, etc.,
I apologize for such a late response and I hope this isn't too late. We would really love to see the FG Con take off and showcase as many different rulesets as possible. So, for this reason we would like to offer the following incentives for those of you who are gracious enough to spend your time planning, organizing, advertising and running a game in Fantasy Grounds for this Con.
If you run a game at the Con, please ask your players to email [email protected] with the name and link to the event and your forum name or email address (whichever you are comfortable providing to your players) and we will give you Paypal cash you can spend at the FG store or wherever you choose.
The reward we send you will be based on the number of players who contact us
1-3 Players
4-6 Players
7-15 Players
16 or more players
We were tempted to incentive game systems other than Pathfinder at a higher level since we already have a bunch of those scheduled. In the end we believe that all games are equally valuable to the community, and therefore we will pay everyone the same amount. We would still love to see as many game systems as possible represented. While this offer is relatively small, we think the biggest benefit is potentially being able to recruit a new player who you just met into your games.
I apologize for such a late response and I hope this isn't too late. We would really love to see the FG Con take off and showcase as many different rulesets as possible. So, for this reason we would like to offer the following incentives for those of you who are gracious enough to spend your time planning, organizing, advertising and running a game in Fantasy Grounds for this Con.
If you run a game at the Con, please ask your players to email [email protected] with the name and link to the event and your forum name or email address (whichever you are comfortable providing to your players) and we will give you Paypal cash you can spend at the FG store or wherever you choose.
The reward we send you will be based on the number of players who contact us
1-3 Players
4-6 Players
7-15 Players
16 or more players
We were tempted to incentive game systems other than Pathfinder at a higher level since we already have a bunch of those scheduled. In the end we believe that all games are equally valuable to the community, and therefore we will pay everyone the same amount. We would still love to see as many game systems as possible represented. While this offer is relatively small, we think the biggest benefit is potentially being able to recruit a new player who you just met into your games.