View Full Version : Problem with toggle button and checkbox templates

September 18th, 2013, 20:06
I am writing a ruleset for iron kingdoms, I am using the 4e ruleset as a base. I am making heavy use of the checkbox and toggle button templates ( for example I have an ability list, each ability has a checkbox to indicate it is taken, and a toggle button which toggles the ability’s description to visible.

As long as the sheet is only open on the client side everything works as intended. If both client and host have the sheet open, clicking on the drop down buttons or check boxes causes FG to freeze on the client’s computer. There is no console error message FG simply stops responding. While I was working on it locally I tried the sheet (I started 2 instances of FG and connected to the hosted game) and everything worked. The problem only happens with remote clients.

What could be the cause, and what can I do against it?

Moon Wizard
September 18th, 2013, 20:41
I'm guessing that there is some sort of endless loop logic causing the lockup, meaning that script code in some event (onValueChanged, onSizeChanged, etc.) is calling a function which is causing the event to occur again (setValue, setVisible, setSize, etc.).

It's hard to tell exactly what is happening without the code for that windowclass.


September 18th, 2013, 21:08
I will try and have a look at the scripts. Strange thing is that when I tested it locally this didn’t happen, I can send or post the code but first I’ll try and find it myself.

September 18th, 2013, 22:11
Thank you very much it was an infinite loop , without your tip I would have never found it!