View Full Version : Shared Tokens missing

September 17th, 2013, 18:09
I know its not optimal to share a bunch of tokens, but the way we are running one of our campaigns requires that I share out close to one hundred tokens with the players. One of my players (who happens to be on my local LAN) never receives all the shared tokens. My two remote players have no issues.
I've deleted the entire campaign and cache from their computer and restarted FG, and the player then receives a different but still partial set of tokens.
Any ideas how to resolve this? Due to the situation, the answer "don't share the tokens" is not a viable resolution.

**EDIT** As added information, the tokens are in nested bags (eg, Monster bag with biped bag, flyer bag inside the monster bag, and the tokens in the biped and flyer bags)

Thanks in advance.

September 17th, 2013, 18:36
Is the player using wireless on the LAN? Sometimes this can cause transfer issues of the initial game data (due to large amounts of data being sent to the player).

Downloading of things like tokens can continue once the player is connected and is up and running (even after selecting their character) - so I'd recommend keeping an eye on the cache folder for the campaign on the player's PC, once all of the .dat files in the cache have finished loading (the size isn't increasing) then this will mean that the client has finished loading. The campaign.dat file in the player's cache (encrypted so you can't open it and see anything meaningful) stores the tokens that are shared with the players via the <FG App Data Folder?\tokens\shared directory on the GM PC, so look at this file as the player is finishing loading FG.

Once the player has fully connected and campaign.dat has finished downloading (the size has stopped increasing), compare this size to the same file on another player PC (who can see all of the tokens) - if the file size is different then it indicates that the tokens are not downloading properly. You can either manually transfer the contents of the campaign cache from a player who is working OK, or as a GM launch another instance of FG on the GM's PC and connect as a player ("join game") with host address of localhost - make sure that this instance loads OK with all of the tokens and then transfer the contents of the campaign cache folder from the GMs PC to the player PC - close FG on the player's PC while you are transferring (and overwriting) the campaign cache data.

September 18th, 2013, 01:22
Thanks for the suggestions. I will log using the localhost and copy the "good" cache over to the other computer.