View Full Version : Paizo season 5 update

September 10th, 2013, 00:51
Interesting blog addressing:

1. Changes to scenario maps making VTT use simpler
2. Clarification on inventory tracking sheets and use of custom forms
3. Reminders on chronicle reporting changes for GM's

The blog can be found here https://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lf9y?A-Few-Updates#discuss

September 10th, 2013, 04:53
Thanks for posting.

Just to be clear - the guideline in the blog saying that GMs need to initial the inventory tracking sheet is incorrect, this is mentioned in the comments and the author of the blog (John Compton) agrees.

September 14th, 2013, 21:55
Scenario maps without secret doors on them is a good idea. Some of them need lots of photoshop work