View Full Version : 4E Monster marks don't parse

August 24th, 2013, 19:52
I've been meaning to mention this for a while. In the newer/updated 4E monster descriptions monster powers with the marked condition the wording has been changed such that the built in ruleset parser will no longer generate a mark effect from monster power that you can drop on a PC. The older wording is that the monster "marked a target..." the newer wording is "marks a target..." so a change to present tense from past tense. You can see an example of this in the Yuan-ti Abomination's Bastard Sword power.

Moon Wizard
August 27th, 2013, 00:26
Going to throw in the next v3.0 release to look for "marks" also. It currently looks for "mark the target".


August 27th, 2013, 09:52
Thanks, for doing that - it will be much appreciated.