View Full Version : New to both Fantasy Grounds and Pathfinder

August 19th, 2013, 23:23
I'm new to both Pathfinder and FG II (although I've run FG II for quite some time now). I have played 3.5e rule sets like D&D 3.5 and know that Pathfinder is that but has some modifications to it from what Paizo explained to me at their booth at GENCON this past weekend. If I wanted to get a game with my very dispersed gaming group through Fantasy Grounds, would I need anything extra for the software to run a game of Pathfinder? I know FG II has the 3.5e ruleset included, but is there a Pathfinder specific ruleset that I would need, or will the 3.5e rule set that is included suffice?

We all picked up our Pathfinder gaming materials at GENCON this past weekend and want to run our games over FG II, since we all live in different parts of the country these days. Thanks for the help folks!

August 19th, 2013, 23:33
In the current release 2.9.x Pathfinder is built into the 3.5e ruleset - when the GM first creates a campaign it will ask them when it first loads if they want to run as 3.5e or PFRPG. In the next iteration of Fantasy Grounds (3.x) the Pathfinder ruleset will be in it's own ruleset, separate from 3.5e.

There are many community created FG data modules available to help you play Pathfinder: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?16074-List-of-Modules

There is also a character converter to help you bring characters produced in HeroLab or PCGen into Fantasy Grounds.

Plus a creature parser to help the GM bring creatures from PDF scenarios easily into Fantasy Grounds: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?15475-Pathfinder-Creature-Parser-Alpha-release

August 20th, 2013, 00:25
Thanks so much. I'm going to dig into this stuff tonight. Again many thanks!

In the current release 2.9.x Pathfinder is built into the 3.5e ruleset - when the GM first creates a campaign it will ask them when it first loads if they want to run as 3.5e or PFRPG. In the next iteration of Fantasy Grounds (3.x) the Pathfinder ruleset will be in it's own ruleset, separate from 3.5e.

There are many community created FG data modules available to help you play Pathfinder: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?16074-List-of-Modules

There is also a character converter to help you bring characters produced in HeroLab or PCGen into Fantasy Grounds.

Plus a creature parser to help the GM bring creatures from PDF scenarios easily into Fantasy Grounds: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?15475-Pathfinder-Creature-Parser-Alpha-release