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September 26th, 2013, 06:32
Quick head's up: using a parenthesis in a table name causes the table to stop functioning - all results are similar to this "[TABLE] Languages (Common) = [Unable to find matching table]"

September 26th, 2013, 09:49
Did auto-save stop in the newest patch? I was working on prepping my next session, and noticed after 2 hours of work when I was about to close out of Fantasy Grounds the chat window was still clear. It isn't that big of a deal because Fantasy Grounds rarely fully crashes on me any more, and I always /save before exiting, but it was nice to have auto saves just incase.

September 26th, 2013, 13:32
Did auto-save stop in the newest patch? I was working on prepping my next session, and noticed after 2 hours of work when I was about to close out of Fantasy Grounds the chat window was still clear. It isn't that big of a deal because Fantasy Grounds rarely fully crashes on me any more, and I always /save before exiting, but it was nice to have auto saves just incase.

People complained about the auto-save message in the chat log, so Moon has redirected those messages to the console. If you want to see them, type "/console" in the chat window.

September 26th, 2013, 15:09
The way it should work is that copies of any tokens assigned to exported records are also exported.

Once a module is built, it becomes read only. Basically, all modules are treated like the current client module type (I.e. Read only, and shareable by GM to anybody)

I just want to make sure modules are building and reading correctly, including associated tokens.


I'm planning some heavy building this weekend (glorious crappy weather means no yard work!)... any ideas on that module file I sent? I note the assigned tokens are exported, but they were just removed from the Identities.


September 26th, 2013, 15:54
My ruleset (Vampire the masquerade) will be compatible with FG3 ? I have programmed it for FG 2.9.4 ...

Moon Wizard
September 27th, 2013, 00:33
As Andraax mentioned, the auto-save message was moved to the console log in consideration of people who use the chat window and log heavily.

See update notes below.

I have tried very hard to make sure that rulesets written for v2.9.x will continue to work in v3.0. Please let me know if you find any items that do not work, and I will see if I can make them backward compatible.


Moon Wizard
September 27th, 2013, 00:37
This round was general cleanup, and the last big feature I planned to add in this release. If this version shakes out well with all of you, I'll be moving to "beta" next week, and pushing people to run games to get any remaining bits cleaned up.


Better handling of targeting arrows when distance between token and target graphic radius values is less than zero.
Adjustment of selection/active ring and targeting arrow positions on map tokens.
Added targeting arrow offsets when two tokens targeting each other.
[Core+] Tokens added to map from combat tracker using creature token or faction marker will auto-scale to fit map, based on value of the size field for that creature. First token dropped will set token-to-map scaling ratio, and any subsequent tokens added will set individual scaling to match current token-to-map scaling ratio. Only works after grid set.
[Core+] Added basic time tracking to calendar.
[Core+] Image toolbar updated. (drawing/mask tools always available on host, mask tools available on host when grid defined, token select/target tools available on host and client when tokens on map)
[Core/CoC] Campaign effects list added.
[Core+] An empty effect no longer added to all CT entries, instead an add effect button has been added.
[Core+] Publicly visible effects added to turn notification message.
[Core+] Export window file name chooser removed, modules will always export to FG data directory in the modules subfolder. (Same as v2.9.4 behavior.)
[4E] Added line breaks as valid phrase endings for power parsing.
Player client crash or exit when joining campaign that used a ruleset not installed on the client machine. Fixed.
Module token fields were not displaying module tokens. Fixed.
Image loaded status icon (web) not appearing when all clients have loaded the image. Fixed.
Tooltips not displaying for certain button controls. Fixed.
[Core+] Warning about missing "msgfont" font. Fixed.
[Core+] /identity had incorrect behavior when used with the same title as GM identity. Fixed, and now activates GM identity instead.
[Core+] Image toolbar extended past window frame when window smaller than toolbar. Fixed.
[Core+] Parentheses in table name breaks table rolls. Fixed.
[3.5E/PFRPG] Ability effects not adjusting healing rolls which use ability bonuses. Fixed.
[CnC] Warning about missing "xp" icon. Fixed.
[DEV] Added top-level "string" XML tag to register string resources (using name attribute to reference later)
[DEV] All internal menus have been assigned a default string resource name to use (if available), otherwise it uses the default text. (See CoreRPG strings/strings_common.xml)
[DEV][CoreRPG] All XML and Lua converted to use string resources for interface text display.
[DEV] buttoncontrol: Changed setText and setStateText parameters; Removed setTooltip function; Changed setStateTooltip function to setStateTooltipText and changed parameters; Added state.color tag; Added setStateColor function
[DEV] buttoncontrol: Added tags - textres, state.tooltipres, state.textres
[DEV] chatwindow: Changed onDragStart event to pre-fill dragdata structure with chat entry data; Changed onDragStart default drag object to use "type" of message passed in addChatMessage function call.
[DEV] formattedtextcontrol: Added tags - empty.textres
[DEV] imagecontrol: Add getTokenScale, setTokenScale and hasTokens functions
[DEV] Interface: Add getString and setString functions
[DEV] numbercontrol: Add parameter to setDescriptionText function
[DEV] numbercontrol: Added tags - description.textres
[DEV] stringcontrol: Add parameter to setValue function
[DEV] stringcontrol: Added tags - default.textres, static.textres, empty.textres
[DEV] textwidget: Add parameter to setText function
[DEV] tokeninstance: Add registerMenuItem2 function
[DEV] widget: Add parameter to setTooltipText function
[DEV] widgetcontainer: Add parameter to addTextWidget function
[DEV] windowclass: Added tags - tooltip.textres
[DEV] windowcontrol: Add parameter to setTooltipText function; Add registerMenuItem2 function
[DEV] windowinstance: Add registerMenuItem2 function
[DEV] windowlist: Add parameter to getWindowCount and getWindows functions


September 27th, 2013, 00:56
Just in time for tonight's game, I will let you know how it goes.

September 27th, 2013, 18:04
This round was general cleanup, and the last big feature I planned to add in this release. If this version shakes out well with all of you, I'll be moving to "beta" next week, and pushing people to run games to get any remaining bits cleaned up.


[Core+] Tokens added to map from combat tracker using creature token or faction marker will auto-scale to fit map, based on value of the size field for that creature. First token dropped will set token-to-map scaling ratio, and any subsequent tokens added will set individual scaling to match current token-to-map scaling ratio. Only works after grid set.
Module token fields were not displaying module tokens. Fixed.

Just to confirm... in C&C the tokens are now included in the module I sent you... thanks.

Looking forward to testing the first item I've quoted here. I'm always having to resize tokens to match map scale... sounds like this will do this automatically.

Moon Wizard
September 27th, 2013, 23:21

Removed some warnings for pre-v3.0 rulesets
Added table border to formattedtext tables
[Core+] Character selection entries will now display long names and long character detail strings by wrapping
[Numenera] Added stat cost fields to character abilities
[C&C] Graphic updates
Console window incorrectly opening on warnings when -c command line option not defined. Fixed.
Unable to edit dice color in local mode. Fixed.
[Numenera] Script error when client opens combat tracker. Fixed.
[Numenera] Incorrect training label when rolling skills. Fixed.
[Numenera] Missing names in client character selection window. Fixed.
[Numenera] Missing details in GM character selection window. Fixed.


September 28th, 2013, 00:12
Adding an effect to yourself by clicking on the effect icon in Mini Sheet or double clicking the effect from Full sheet still shows as GM view only in the Combat Tracker. If you drag the effect on to your character it is set to VSBL. These actions are done on PC's client. I've tested in the PFRPG using my campaign and the 3.5 loading the campaign that comes with FG. Same results.

September 28th, 2013, 17:47
Token positions are not saved on maps after a campaign restart. I can see the token position saved in the <image> entry in db.xml but when the image is opened after restarting the campaign the tokens are not displayed. Then, when the campaign is saved the original token position details in the campaign db.xml are removed, as the image no longer thinks the tokens are there.

Moon Wizard
September 28th, 2013, 18:11
Thanks for the legwork to both of you. I'll look at this weekend.


Moon Wizard
September 28th, 2013, 19:36

Did you pull the tokens from a module initially? I had to change some internal storage naming of module tokens, and that could make any tokens placed before the last update disappear. If that's the case, can you drop tokens from the bag again, place on the map and check again.

This may be a transitory issue between alpha versions. If still an issue, I could use your campaign folder.


Moon Wizard
September 28th, 2013, 19:53
Nevermind, it appears to be a more general issue with module tokens. I was able to reproduce.


September 29th, 2013, 03:10
Dunno if I'm alone here, but I think the new table outlines make many of the tables harder to read than no outlines at all. Part of the problem is that the table outlines are dark and rather thick, and there is not much padding between the table outlines and the table contents. Here is an example from C&C:


As you can see, it's rather difficult to read. I'd suggest either reverting back to no outlines (which I was OK with in the first place) or making the lines lighter and thinner with more padding inside and with table lines forming regular grids, as opposed to some cells being smaller than the ones next to them. Feedback on the proposal is welcome, of course.

September 29th, 2013, 03:19
As you can see, it's rather difficult to read. I'd suggest either reverting back to no outlines (which I was OK with in the first place) or making the lines lighter and thinner with more padding inside and with table lines forming regular grids, as opposed to some cells being smaller than the ones next to them. Feedback on the proposal is welcome, of course.

I for one rarely used the tables, partly because without lines at all I find them difficult to use, but I do agree with your assessment of the new table presentation. I also agree that lightening the lines and making them thinner will help a lot, and for the love of all that is good full cells instead of mismatched madness.

Moon Wizard
September 29th, 2013, 05:46
Hmm, I can see the issue. I think I can adjust to handle the different sized cells.

However, the lines are already at 1 pixel thickness, so the best I could do is lighten them to a mid-grey.

The padding is already at 2 pixels to start with, as I didn't want to eat up all the space inside the cell, but I can try increasing to 5.


September 29th, 2013, 05:46
Agreed, outlines are necessary in some cases, for some people. But lighter, thinner, and a small padding too.

Edit, missed the response.

However, the lines are already at 1 pixel thickness, so the best I could do is lighten them to a mid-grey.

Maybe with some transparency instead?

The padding is already at 2 pixels to start with, as I didn't want to eat up all the space inside the cell, but I can try increasing to 5.

You can slightly increase the horizontal padding, the vertical one is small but readable right now.

Moon Wizard
September 29th, 2013, 06:16
Here are some minor updates. The table cell height mismatch for drawing cells in formattedtext controls will take a little more time.


Increased transparency and cell padding for formattedtext tables.
[C&C] Add parsing of NPC attacks that have individual bonuses. (i.e. Broad Sword +2 (2d4+2))
Tokens placed on maps from modules were disappearing between sessions. Fixed.
Display not updating when clearing targets from a token. Fixed.
[Core+] Script errors when using image toolbar faction targeting buttons. Fixed.
[Core+] Name missing from source or target for certain rolls. Fixed.
[C&C/4E] Image toolbar not working. Fixed.
[3.5E] Self-targeted effects applied via double-click from a spell list would always apply as GM-only. Fixed.


September 29th, 2013, 08:21
IMO, the tables look *much* better - I think when you get the vertical sizing dialed in, you'll have it nailed.

September 29th, 2013, 09:31
Applied the latest update about 2 min ago. (10:25 local time)
Trying to start the fantasy grounds program now throws an error 1223.

I am running Windows 8 and the antivirus program has been told that FantasyGrounds.exe is a safe file. Anyone else see this problem with the latest dev-release?

- Obe

September 29th, 2013, 09:44
Fine for me on Win7.

September 29th, 2013, 10:31
No errors for me on Win 8.1 Pro Preview.

Moon Wizard
September 29th, 2013, 14:44
From MS site, it looks like a Windows error message: "The operation was canceled by the user."

It seems like it might be some sort of permissioning issue.


September 29th, 2013, 15:24
Of note to the conversation at hand, Avast Anti-virus blocked this update again for the first time in awhile, they might be connected issues.

September 29th, 2013, 19:00
Attacks parsing correctly.

September 29th, 2013, 19:25
Having problems with tokens in modules. I have the module open in the host, and set to to share with clients:


On the client I am seeing this:

Network Warning: Download error for file 'PC-NPC/Human Male.png@C and C Tokens'; HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND

and on the host I am seeing this:

Network Notice: 'Mario Butter' connected
Network Error: Unable to locate requested file 'PC-NPC/Human Male.png@C and C Tokens'

However, the token works fine on the host.

September 30th, 2013, 08:29
This round was general cleanup, and the last big feature I planned to add in this release. If this version shakes out well with all of you, I'll be moving to "beta" next week, and pushing people to run games to get any remaining bits cleaned up.


Better handling of targeting arrows when distance between token and target graphic radius values is less than zero.
Adjustment of selection/active ring and targeting arrow positions on map tokens.
Added targeting arrow offsets when two tokens targeting each other.
[Core+] Tokens added to map from combat tracker using creature token or faction marker will auto-scale to fit map, based on value of the size field for that creature. First token dropped will set token-to-map scaling ratio, and any subsequent tokens added will set individual scaling to match current token-to-map scaling ratio. Only works after grid set.
[Core+] Added basic time tracking to calendar.
[Core+] Image toolbar updated. (drawing/mask tools always available on host, mask tools available on host when grid defined, token select/target tools available on host and client when tokens on map)
[Core/CoC] Campaign effects list added.
[Core+] An empty effect no longer added to all CT entries, instead an add effect button has been added.
[Core+] Publicly visible effects added to turn notification message.
[Core+] Export window file name chooser removed, modules will always export to FG data directory in the modules subfolder. (Same as v2.9.4 behavior.)
[4E] Added line breaks as valid phrase endings for power parsing.
Player client crash or exit when joining campaign that used a ruleset not installed on the client machine. Fixed.
Module token fields were not displaying module tokens. Fixed.
Image loaded status icon (web) not appearing when all clients have loaded the image. Fixed.
Tooltips not displaying for certain button controls. Fixed.
[Core+] Warning about missing "msgfont" font. Fixed.
[Core+] /identity had incorrect behavior when used with the same title as GM identity. Fixed, and now activates GM identity instead.
[Core+] Image toolbar extended past window frame when window smaller than toolbar. Fixed.
[Core+] Parentheses in table name breaks table rolls. Fixed.
[3.5E/PFRPG] Ability effects not adjusting healing rolls which use ability bonuses. Fixed.
[CnC] Warning about missing "xp" icon. Fixed.
[DEV] Added top-level "string" XML tag to register string resources (using name attribute to reference later)
[DEV] All internal menus have been assigned a default string resource name to use (if available), otherwise it uses the default text. (See CoreRPG strings/strings_common.xml)
[DEV][CoreRPG] All XML and Lua converted to use string resources for interface text display.
[DEV] buttoncontrol: Changed setText and setStateText parameters; Removed setTooltip function; Changed setStateTooltip function to setStateTooltipText and changed parameters; Added state.color tag; Added setStateColor function
[DEV] buttoncontrol: Added tags - textres, state.tooltipres, state.textres
[DEV] chatwindow: Changed onDragStart event to pre-fill dragdata structure with chat entry data; Changed onDragStart default drag object to use "type" of message passed in addChatMessage function call.
[DEV] formattedtextcontrol: Added tags - empty.textres
[DEV] imagecontrol: Add getTokenScale, setTokenScale and hasTokens functions
[DEV] Interface: Add getString and setString functions
[DEV] numbercontrol: Add parameter to setDescriptionText function
[DEV] numbercontrol: Added tags - description.textres
[DEV] stringcontrol: Add parameter to setValue function
[DEV] stringcontrol: Added tags - default.textres, static.textres, empty.textres
[DEV] textwidget: Add parameter to setText function
[DEV] tokeninstance: Add registerMenuItem2 function
[DEV] widget: Add parameter to setTooltipText function
[DEV] widgetcontainer: Add parameter to addTextWidget function
[DEV] windowclass: Added tags - tooltip.textres
[DEV] windowcontrol: Add parameter to setTooltipText function; Add registerMenuItem2 function
[DEV] windowinstance: Add registerMenuItem2 function
[DEV] windowlist: Add parameter to getWindowCount and getWindows functions


So you start implementing a functionality for make it easier to localize FG2, great!

Could you give us an example where you implement the usage of string resources within lua code ?

Moon Wizard
September 30th, 2013, 19:35
Yeah, I've been thinking about basic localization capability quite a bit, and while testing the concept, I got caught up in getting it integrated. I'm sure it's still got some rough edges, but I think I hit most of the places where interface localization would happen. It currently covers all windowcontrols and registerMenuItem2 calls, as well as the built-in radial menus.

In the current v3.0 alpha, the CoreRPG and Call of Cthulhu rulesets have been completely switched over to use the new string resources approach. (Just do a search for textres=, tooltipres=, Interface.getString) Also, the string resource names for the built-in radial menus are located in the CoreRPG/strings/strings_common.xml file.

One of the reasons I was delaying this feature is that it requires quite a bit of effort converting over each ruleset to use string resources instead of fixed strings. So, not all of the revised rulesets have been converted yet. (i.e. 3.5E, 4E, C&C, Numenera) And, I'm not clear yet on whether I'll have time to do those before v3.0 release.


Moon Wizard
September 30th, 2013, 19:37

Token modules are always set to be "host" tokens when opened. That said, any tokens, used in a tokencontrol field or on a map shared with a client, should be requested and downloaded by the clients when used.


Moon Wizard
October 1st, 2013, 00:19

Changed modifier key detection method (CTRL, SHIFT, ALT) to support Windows StickyKeys.
Module tokens not displaying on client. Fixed.


October 1st, 2013, 03:35
Just discovered a minor problem with tables. When tables are saved into a module, then opened in another campaign, the "show result" button no longer works.

October 1st, 2013, 05:17
In the scenario you looked at previously - where a ruleset references a ruleset that clients don't have - I'm unable to have clients load a custom library module that they don't have locally in their modules directory. I can set the module to "Force load for players," and the player can see it on their module activation screen, but it has the spider web icon next to it perpetually and they are unable to get it to load. If I manually copy it into the modules dir for that machine, it loads fine.

October 1st, 2013, 06:02
In the scenario you looked at previously - where a ruleset references a ruleset that clients don't have - I'm unable to have clients load a custom library module that they don't have locally in their modules directory. I can set the module to "Force load for players," and the player can see it on their module activation screen, but it has the spider web icon next to it perpetually and they are unable to get it to load. If I manually copy it into the modules dir for that machine, it loads fine.
What kind of module is it? Is the main file within the module common.xml or client.xml? If it is client.xml then this will not download from the GM - it has to be installed locally on the player's PC for them to be able to access it. Only common.xml modules will download from the GM, and then only if the GM allows (which is what you are doing).

October 1st, 2013, 06:17
I just noticed in the 4th edition ruleset, the Properties and Powers tab sections on item window entries appear to be missing. I can't say for sure that I'm not misunderstanding or forgetting something important though.

October 1st, 2013, 06:30
Hrmm, the module I made includes neither xml, just a db.xml. However, for testing purposes, I decided to remove my aptitude for dumb errors as a variable, and use a module I didn't make :P

I took a known-good module out of the CoC ruleset, re-named it and changed its compatibility tag in the definition file so that I can load it in the ruleset I'm building, and I'm seeing this one behaves the same way. It has a common.xml in it and downloads for clients when using CoC. I'm attaching the file I'm testing with here. (I had to rename it from .mod to .zip for the forum software to allow the upload.)

October 1st, 2013, 17:21
Hrmm, the module I made includes neither xml, just a db.xml. However, for testing purposes, I decided to remove my aptitude for dumb errors as a variable, and use a module I didn't make :P
Just as an FYI - db.xml (host only) modules cannot be shared with players (if everything is working correctly). These are the 3 different module types:

Common: Can be shared by host. Module only needs to be installed on host. Data stored in common.xml.
Client: Can be shared by host. Module has to be installed on each client to be visible by that client. Data stored in client.xml.
Host: Can not be shared. Only visible to host. Data stored in db.xml.

Yeah, looks like "host" modules can be seen by players if it is shared with them and it is on their local PC. Something not quite right there...

Moon Wizard
October 1st, 2013, 18:56
Actually, the whole module subsystem was changed quite a bit for this release.

All modules can be shared by the host to the client in v3.0. The existence of db.xml, client.xml and common.xml only determines initial permission state now. (i.e. if no XML files or only db.xml, then initial permission state is disallow.) If a module is disallowed by the host, it will not appear on the client.


Moon Wizard
October 1st, 2013, 18:58

Seriously thinking about removing the hidden roll option from the tables. It is a duplication of the dice tower and GM roll display option, and I've already had to adjust to make deal with this interaction. If GMs want to make hidden rolls, they already have options.


Moon Wizard
October 1st, 2013, 23:38

[Core+] To better support any table type, when rolling on a table with a range that does not map to a physical die, a random number will be generated by script instead of rolling.
[Core+] Added hooks in CalendarManager to register unique lunar day and variable month length calculations.
[Core+] Remove hidden roll option from table records. Already available to GM via dice tower and global reveal options.
Targets for non-modifiable tokens (i.e. enemies) not being saved on client. Fixed.
Modules sometimes appearing on player Module screen, even when blocked on host. Fixed.
Text getting cut off on right side of formattedtext tables. Fixed.
Cell borders for formattedtext tables would not match if cells contained different sized text blocks. Fixed.
[Core+] Script error when time change causes day to advance past end of month or prior to start of month. Fixed.
[Core+] Modifier toggle keys in modifier window not toggling off correctly. Fixed.
[4E] Missing tabs on Items and NPCs. Fixed.


October 2nd, 2013, 22:24
In the 4E ruleset, I get the following script error when trying add a trap to the combat tracker:

Database Error: A XML parse error occurred processing file - Error on line 7: Error reading end tag.

There are also a number of script errors having to do with character inventories and the corresponding mini-sheet.

When opening a character's inventory:

Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (showonminisheet) in windowclass (char_invitem)

When opening the inventory mini-sheet:

Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (showonminisheet) in windowclass (charmini_inventoryitem)
Script Error: [string "inventorylist"]:1: attempt to index field 'showonminisheet' (a nil value)

Actually, I think the 'Show on minisheet' checkboxes are missing for most items. I think these are all of the items that were added before loading the campaign in FG 3.0+

Moon Wizard
October 2nd, 2013, 23:05

* Did you just convert that campaign? If so, can you send me pre-3.0 version.
* If new campaign, can you give me some steps to recreate.
* When you created trap, did you just add an NPC campaign record then flip type to trap when you got the error? Or could the error have happened before that point? (Looks like an XML load error)
* Are you using any extensions?


October 3rd, 2013, 00:10
* I've had the campaign converted for a while now, but I think I have a copy of the pre-converted version. I'll send it momentarily. EDIT: Attached now
* The traps (2 of them that I've tested) were generated by a fairly recent version of valeros's 4E Item Parser (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?17485-4E-Item-Parser). I don't recall any problems with them before converting to 3.0+. Actually, they're located within a module, which I guess doesn't have a conversion process like a campaign would, so I wouldn't be surprised if the error has to do with some obsolete xml formatting or somesuch.
* I am not using any extensions

October 3rd, 2013, 02:06
Hi Moon_Wizard,
Im getting ready to post 2 game sessions on the FG Virtual Con 3 site. Will v3 be released prior to Virtual Con 3?
My game material is all currently running in Dr Ventures beta version of Castles & Crusades v3.x (not to be confused with FG v3).
I will need to start migrating (re-keying) all my stuff for FG v3 if that is going to be released prior to the Con.

Moon Wizard
October 3rd, 2013, 06:31
By request, I am going to wait until after FG Con to release v3.0 to avoid any disruption to GMs organizing games.


October 3rd, 2013, 07:09
Could you, when it's ready, push it to test status maybe instead?

Moon Wizard
October 3rd, 2013, 07:31
That's the plan.

Going to check out ElementalAjah's report, and consider moving to Test/Beta in the next week or so.


October 5th, 2013, 16:06
Using the PFRPG ruleset it doesn't appear the "View: Wound Categories" setting has any effect on what is displayed. Choosing detailed or simple ends up with the same results and any wounds that bring the target (either NPC or PC) to -1 or greater always shows Grievously Wounded. At no value will it show Dead.

October 5th, 2013, 18:03
Using the PFRPG ruleset it doesn't appear the "View: Wound Categories" setting has any effect on what is displayed. Choosing detailed or simple ends up with the same results and any wounds that bring the target (either NPC or PC) to -1 or greater always shows Grievously Wounded. At no value will it show Dead.

My group highly prefers this, whether it's intentional or not. As then one has to actively check whether a creature is dead or not. It still shows dead or dying in the chatlog, however, which kind of defeats the purpose.

October 6th, 2013, 23:19
Ran a 4E game today. It went really well overall but we ran into two issues. I was able to reproduce both these problems in the 3.5E and Core rulesets where applicable.

1. My players complained about the 'bar' token widget for showing health. It seems like it's much thinner than before, and as the monster's health goes down, the entire graphic shrinks instead of just the height being shaved off the bar. When a combatant is nearly dead it almost entirely disappears.

2. When clicking on a background buttons (i.e. combat tracker, characters, npcs, etc...) if you hold down the left mouse button and then click the middle mouse button, the button disappears. A tooltip for the button still shows up but it's doesn't seem possible to actually click and activate the button. This one required us to restart a few times as I lost access to my encounters and library.

S Ferguson
October 6th, 2013, 23:27
Ran a 4E game today. It went really well overall but we ran into two issues. I was able to reproduce both these problems in the 3.5E and Core rulesets where applicable.

1. My players complained about the 'bar' token widget for showing health. It seems like it's much thinner than before, and as the monster's health goes down, the entire graphic shrinks instead of just the height being shaved off the bar. When a combatant is nearly dead it almost entirely disappears.

2. When clicking on a background buttons (i.e. combat tracker, characters, npcs, etc...) if you hold down the left mouse button and then click the middle mouse button, the button disappears. A tooltip for the button still shows up but it's doesn't seem possible to actually click and activate the button. This one required us to restart a few times as I lost access to my encounters and library.

Problem confirmed in C&C as well.

October 7th, 2013, 23:43
Discovered a new issue today. On windows 8 using the Full license you can not drag and drop an image from a USB storage device into the images list, have not had a chance to check if it will not work in other operating systems.

More info:
Double click causes the image to load in windows, not in Fantasy Grounds.
We have verified that FG is being ran in Admin mode
Moving the files off of the USB drive an onto the computers hard drive doesn't help.

Moon Wizard
October 8th, 2013, 02:21
So, the image can't be dragged, either from thumb drive or local drive? If both, send me a copy of file to email.

Also, which ruleset? And do other files from thumb drive or local drive work?


October 9th, 2013, 22:05
I will get more info on that image this weekend when he is at my house, and I can get hands on with it.

But for now, the MSRD modules will not share with players. I have them opened and set to force load on the GM side. Do I need to have those modules on each player system for them to load correctly?

October 9th, 2013, 22:29
FG crashed on the client side today when I turned on facing while a player was looking at a map with tokens on it. Upon reconnecting it worked fine with facing already on.

PFRPG on latest DEV.

Moon Wizard
October 10th, 2013, 07:07

[Core+] When viewing module selection window from token bag, only modules with tokens will be shown.
[Core+] When viewing module selection window from library or calendar, only modules with data will be shown.
[3.5E/PFRPG/4E] Labels and menus changed to use string resources.
[Numenera] Changed character sheet (removed appearance, added recovery modifier, added attack difficulty step modifier, separate defense skill tracking and rolling)
Database corruption could occur when saving formatted text controls that used text formatting (bold, italic, underline) in table cells. Fixed.
Multi-line text fields were not scrolling when navigating above top or below bottom of visible text. Fixed.
Unable to drag objects in older rulesets. Fixed.
Modules shared by host and not installed on client would not load and not appear in module list. Fixed.
Modules unloaded by client are no longer removed from module list.
Module categories showing out of order in older rulesets. Fixed.
[Core+] Sidebar buttons would disappear if you middle-clicked on them. Fixed.
[3.5/PFRPG/4E] Health bar not displaying correctly. Fixed.
[3.5/PFRPG] Health status text for dying/dead was incorrect. Fixed.
[DEV] Interface.getString will return empty string when receiving nil parameter, instead of throwing script error.
[DEV] Added old bitmapwidget.getBitmap function to prevent errors in pre-v3 rulesets, even though it does nothing.
[DEV] Add backward compatibility for portrait folders and packs for pre-v3 rulesets.
[DEV] Added third parameter to bitmapwidget.setSize, which specifies how to clip graphic if graphic size exceeds widget size.
[DEV] Removed registerMenuItem2 functions and extra parameters in various text setting functions (setText, setTooltipText, setStateText, setStateTooltipText, addTextWidget). Use Interface.getString instead.
[DEV] Removed onDragStart event for rulesets with compatibility version less than 2.8.
[DEV] Modules can now contain multiple ruleset tags.
[DEV] Module.getModuleInfo now returns hasdata variable in module data table, which is true if any data files exist in the module.


October 11th, 2013, 00:07
Danger Will Robinson! DANGER!!!!
Everything worked last night, updated before the game tonight, and players are getting:

Network Notice: Client ruleset download complete
Script Error: [string "desktop/scripts/characterlist_entry.lua"]:66: attempt to call global 'registerMenuItem2' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "name"]:1: attempt to index global 'label' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "dr"]:1: attempt to index global 'label' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "race"]:1: attempt to index global 'label' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "speedspecial"]:1: attempt to index global 'label' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "senses"]:1: attempt to index global 'label' (a nil value)

While GM side I am getting:
Runtime Notice: Host session started
Network Notice: 'Athena' connected
Script Error: [string "desktop/scripts/characterlist_entry.lua"]:62: attempt to call global 'registerMenuItem2' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "desktop/scripts/characterlist_entry.lua"]:62: attempt to call global 'registerMenuItem2' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "desktop/scripts/characterlist_entry.lua"]:62: attempt to call global 'registerMenuItem2' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/charselect_host_entry.lua"]:8: attempt to call global 'registerMenuItem2' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/charselect_host_entry.lua"]:8: attempt to call global 'registerMenuItem2' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/charselect_host_entry.lua"]:8: attempt to call global 'registerMenuItem2' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/charselect_host_entry.lua"]:8: attempt to call global 'registerMenuItem2' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/charselect_host_entry.lua"]:8: attempt to call global 'registerMenuItem2' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/charselect_host_entry.lua"]:8: attempt to call global 'registerMenuItem2' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/charselect_host_entry.lua"]:8: attempt to call global 'registerMenuItem2' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/charselect_host_entry.lua"]:8: attempt to call global 'registerMenuItem2' (a nil value)

Originally noticed this in the D20 Modern ruleset I am working on, closed it and opened an unmodified 3.5E session and we get the same results.

I know one of the errors was thrown when the player attempted to create a new character, not sure what the rest of them cam from. But this set of errors is game ending for tonight. :(

Moon Wizard
October 11th, 2013, 06:48
While working on the string resource feature, I went with adding more functions originally, and then changed the approach to require less API changes.

I'm guessing that you have a CoreRPG and/or 3.5E directory in your rulesets folder with the older version of the rulesets, which would cause these errors to appear. I removed the registerMenuItem2 function in this pass, since it really was redundant.

That function no longer appears in any rulesets on my computer (I just searched all of them), and I just fired up a GM and client for a 3.5E campaign with PAK files only in the rulesets directory with no errors.


October 11th, 2013, 06:56
That was the issue. Now to track down how I ended up with 2 versions of each ruleset. But that almost had to be something I did.

Moon Wizard
October 11th, 2013, 07:02
You probably had them unzipped when you were working on the d20 Modern update.

October 11th, 2013, 13:14
Yeah, before I do an update, I go out and delete any unpacked version of the rulesets to prevent this type of error.

October 11th, 2013, 13:31
I rename anything I unpack so that this doesn't happen. I actually had two copies of each of the .pak files. But I have tracked the source of that down to ownership settings that I changed without thinking about it.

October 12th, 2013, 21:35
Anyone noticing that the default critical/fumble tables aren't working in 3.5e?

[TABLE] Critical Hit = [Unable to find result row or column]

Moon Wizard
October 14th, 2013, 18:58

Combined built-in calendar modules, so that the combined module can be used in any ruleset based off CoreRPG.
[Core+] When rolling on a table, if the resulting roll total is less than or greater than table range, the lowest or highest range entry will be used, respectively.
[Numenera] Collapsed skills into a single list.
[3.5E/4E] House rule critical and fumble rolls not working. Fixed.
[Core+] /rollon command would not roll on tables correctly unless the dice were specified (-d). Fixed.
[C&C] Arms and Armor module incorrectly specifying ranges for melee weapons. Fixed.
[C&C] Encumbrance calculation contained logic errors. Fixed.


Moon Wizard
October 14th, 2013, 18:58
OK, moving to beta phase.

Also, for those helping with the alpha, please update your Settings to use Test mode.