View Full Version : Silly question about the upgrade...

July 21st, 2013, 22:34
I just got the new versions of SW and Deadlands, and I note three icons next to the modifier box... I didn't see anything in the patch notes, so I wad wondering what they do. :)


July 21st, 2013, 22:48
There are quite a few features in the release that are from Ikael's feature improvements extension, and this is one of them.

These icons toggle whether to auto-apply wound penalties, fatigue penalties and encumbrance penalties for the next roll. You can also auto-deactivate these by holding the Shift key when rolling. Finally the GM can control whether to use these features at all in the Options menu.

Apologies in advance that there are now quite a few undocumented features; I do have high hope to build an updated set of documentation someday, but maintaining the ruleset eats up too much of my time as it is !

July 21st, 2013, 22:50
Those icons notify you that wound/fatique/encumbrance penalties will be automatically applied to toll made from PC sheet. You can skip auto apply for next roll by clicking the icon (it changes to faded out one). If you want to disable auto-apply, host can do it in preferenced.

Edit: uh-oh, phantomwhsle was faster here :)