View Full Version : Fiery Dragon Productions Token Packs

July 9th, 2013, 22:43
I just purchased a token pack from these guys after looking at the description in the store and thinking "that looks like it might be really good"

I was deceived. Not only is this product utter trash, its worse than what an amateur can do with their own paint program. These 'tokens' are nothing more than snapshots of images from books or drawn by hand. What I had been led to believe were actual top-down full bodied images with depth, shadow, and shading were just two-dimensional art that has been poorly cropped (cut on the edges so that you wind up nothing more than a bust - upper torso/head-shoulders) and some transparency done to clean up whatever background might have been on the original image.

I am quite displeased over the lack of explanation for the product. Had I been able to see at least one token prior to purchasing the pack, then I could have saved myself the wasted money. Its not the cost of the item, but the quality of the crap I got that irks me.

So, my fellow gamers, be certain to avoid this product (and most likely all the other token packs they have) as they are not worth using. I can make better tokens on my own using images taken from a google search and so can you.

July 10th, 2013, 00:07
I bought all of the Fiery Dragon 4e monster tokens. The quality is decent, nothing special and yeah they are two dimensional.

The token packs in the FG store, at least the 4e ones, have screenshots of the tokens in FG. Even if they didn't, the cover for each token pack had like 5 images of tokens against white backgrounds. So I get that they are nothing special but nothing is being disguised, in fact the opposite is true in my opinion.

Can you make better? Of course. Is it worth $50 to me to buy every 4e token pack so that I dont have to make every single monster from level 1-30? It is to me!

Moon Wizard
July 10th, 2013, 00:35
Please send us a note at [email protected], and we can arrange for a refund for you.


July 10th, 2013, 15:38
I'm not fishing for a refund. I just vented in frustration. Despite the majority of the tokens in the pack being useless (for me) there are a few that aren't cropped badly and do look nice.

July 10th, 2013, 23:39
jedorian, which Fiery Dragon Token pack are your referencing specifically? As was mentioned, most of the product images show samples of what the tokens look like and most of the newer products also contain lists of each figure covered and a sample screenshot or two. If you feel that the product description was inaccurate or misleading, perhaps we need to re-evaluate our description on one or more products. We do have some older products that might be missing this level of detail.

As for the art style of the newer Fiery Dragon token packs, this is mostly a matter of taste. Some people like the top down views and some people prefer the side view of a character or monster bust. I actually like both, but I probably wouldn't want to mix the two styles within the same campaign. I do like the artwork from Fiery Dragon though.

July 11th, 2013, 02:26
It was Counter Collection 4E - Heroic 1 Token Pack. I haven't viewed the others, but this one only has a bullet list of the tokens it contains. It does not have a preview image of anything, unless you're considering the artwork on the thumbnail to be a preview.

If you are, you really should consider including at least a couple thumbnails of the tokens that can't be mistaken for anything other than what they are. When I saw the poster, I figured that each of those images were reduced in size and only showing a bust because of an attempt to save room.

By the way, are the Disposable Heroes token packs the same sort of thing? Before I got this token pack I was considering getting a couple of those. If they're the top down style tokens, then I will purchase them. Otherwise I won't bother.

And as I mentioned before, even though the majority of the tokens in this token pack were busts or heavily cropped, there are about a dozen that are very nice, full bodied profile tokens that I did like.

July 11th, 2013, 02:33
I just browsed through the rest of the token packs on page 1 of the list, limiting the search to token packs only. Paragon 1-2, Heroic 2, and Epic 1-2 from Fiery Dragon all have an actual screen shot of the tokens. The token packs for Disposable Heroes do not.

July 11th, 2013, 02:43
For what it's worth, I have some of Fiery Dragon's printed tokens and they're 'bust style' too. I happen to like it, but that's just a matter of taste. I think the idea is to allow a decent sized picture on a square token. If you showed a human from head to toe on the same sized token you couldn't have as much detail.

But Doug, you may want to look at some of the older token packs. I tried to check out the list of monsters on one of the older ones (it's a link, not a bullet list) and got 403'd:


You don't have permission to access /filelibrary/tokenlists/Humanoid.txt on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) Server at www.fantasygrounds.com Port 443

So that probably needs to be fixed.


Moon Wizard
July 11th, 2013, 07:05
Those lists appear to be for very old token packs, and are literally just a list of file names. Not very helpful, I think. I've fixed the permissions so the links are valid for what it's worth. I'll let Doug know.


July 12th, 2013, 01:13
Thanks Moon!

Now that I can see the lists I agree, they're not as helpful as they might be. Thanks for following up!


July 12th, 2013, 04:51
The disposable heroes line is similar but not cropped as far as I remember. For the most part, they are direct translations of what is in the PDF versions sold for stand-up figures but with a transparent background.

Here is a link: