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View Full Version : Noob, seeking game

July 5th, 2013, 22:19
So, I've essentially retired, and found it to be boring as hell. I don't want to go get a job just yet, and I'm bored of reading all day, watched all the TV shows and movies I'm interested in, and the newer generations of computer games hold no interest for me.

As a kid, I kind of wanted to play D&D (type games), but I never encountered anyone who did. I'd read rulebooks, and thought it was pretty cool. Tried to convince a couple foster siblings to do the Amber dRPG with me, that never happened.

So here I am, years later, bored, still interested. My schedule is, umm... Well, whenever the cat doesn't sit in my lap while I'm away from my laptop, I guess. So it's pretty open.

Just to clarify--I've never done anything like this before. You will probably have to hold my hand to start, and clarify whatever it is you're talking about. I'll learn fast, and am open to reading a large amount of material in a short period of time to catch up, but you'll have to point me in the right direction.

July 5th, 2013, 22:33
Welcome Artaxerxes,

I've sent you an invite and a PM. Best of luck finding a suitable game.

July 6th, 2013, 03:12
My game still has a couple open slots. Here is the link (https://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/blacktooth-ridge) with info.

July 6th, 2013, 08:42
Hey Artaxerxes, welcome!

Some things you might want to include here to help you find the game you want are your time zone, your day/time availability, and genre of game you'd be interested in. Another thing to consider is if you'd prefer a game player via voice over the computer (like Skype, etc) or if you'd like a text-based game where the whole game takes place in FG's built-in chat feature. Some folks prefer one type of game over others, with text games requiring a lot more typing, not surprisingly.

July 13th, 2013, 02:22
Well, spent much of the time since I was on here either trying to contact people who claimed they were running game, or finding people on IRC who had games going... Which tended to consist of one or two people at any given week.

I haven't actually found a thriving game yet that's accepting members. Or someone whose ability to follow through matches their initial "oh yeah, I'm totally starting a game!" enthusiasm.

Glad I didn't wind up buying a Fantasygrounds license--no one followed through.

July 13th, 2013, 03:11
Well, it can and usually does take more than a couple of days to organize a game, especially if it is a new one. Stay persistent and you'll find something... but it is true that there is a lot of enthusiasm sometimes and nothing comes of it... but that unfortunate phenomenon isn't unique to Fantasy Grounds.

July 13th, 2013, 03:17
Yeah, keep at it - very few of us found quality, long lasting games in the first couple of weeks on here.

Just like anything worth having in life, it can take a bit of perseverance with some misses along the way. Even if you find a game quickly, it may be with people you don't hit it off with or with a style that you don't enjoy. Again, don't give up if you do find a game and it isn't for you.

As you're completely new to role-playing it may be harder for you to judge what type of game you're looking for, so it may take a few strikes before you find the right game and group for you.

July 13th, 2013, 04:52
I would be more than willing to run and intro for you to get you up to speed with Pathfinder and FG2 but I only have a full license. I have made several requests for floating licenses so that I could run intro games for people but Fg2 does not support that and I am not ever going to spend $115 for an upgrade to ultimate. So here we are.
I hope you give FG2 a try. Its an incredible piece of software, but comes with a wonky marketing scheme that lays financial burden on the GM to introduce people to it.

July 13th, 2013, 05:13
I would be more than willing to run and intro for you to get you up to speed with Pathfinder and FG2 but I only have a full license. I have made several requests for floating licenses so that I could run intro games for people but Fg2 does not support that and I am not ever going to spend $115 for an upgrade to ultimate. So here we are.
It's great that you have ran demo games for people new to FG Magreine.

With a full licence you can run a demo for one unlicensed player.

Load up a campaign and when the first player connects, if they are unlicensed it will state in the GMs chat window "Unlicensed user connecting. Switching to demo mode." Then you can run the game just for that one unlicensed player. Any other unlicensed connections will be blocked and if any licensed client connects the campaign will drop out of demo mode and the unlicensed player will lose connection.

July 13th, 2013, 05:22
It's great that you have ran demo games for people new to FG Magreine.

I never said I ran demo games before. How did you know? Btw thanks for the info on running a game one on one for people with no license. I must say though its not the same as when another person or two are there at the table.

July 13th, 2013, 05:50
Then you can run the game just for that one unlicensed player. Any other unlicensed connections will be blocked and if any licensed client connects the campaign will drop out of demo mode and the unlicensed player will lose connection.
This is kinda weird from my perspective and unnecessarily protective (greedy or something?). Don't you think a trial period or something would be much more rewarding for everyone?

July 13th, 2013, 06:35
I never said I ran demo games before. How did you know?
I have my sources! :bandit:

July 13th, 2013, 14:19
The demo mode is to showcase functionality. I mean, really, we are only talking $24 for a lite license, which is peanuts any way you cut it and most peeps into rpgs are dropping a lot more than that on MMOs, PC and PS3 games, and PF materials. I really don't understand this beef with SM. If they wanted to use a different marketing scheme so members could demo for groups larger than one they would enact it, but larger groups don't increase the functionality at all.

July 13th, 2013, 20:49

July 14th, 2013, 01:27
I certainly don't mind paying 25 for a license. I'd just like to find a game.

Had someone who was going to do a 5e testrun, and he invited me along... But sometimes kids are flighty, that didn't happen. So I glanced over 5e a bit.

I did a full session of Pathfinder with one group, but the next week half the group wasn't there, one kid pulled a tantrume, and the DM gave up. So I glanced over Pathfinder a bit.

I think I'd probably have to play quite a few before I'm in a situation to be picky over what I enjoy and what I don't.

Thank you for the link. I continue checking out recent games. Some of the potential DMs I contact and don't get an answer. Some I do, but nothing comes of it. I shall continue ;)

Until then, I'm still interested, and looking. Feel free to PM me.

July 17th, 2013, 04:25
Artaxerxes, send me a PM if you're still looking. I may be able to fit you in.