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June 11th, 2013, 19:42
Has anyone successfully managed to create a ruleset for Runequest 2 using the BRP system?

June 12th, 2013, 16:18
A friend has been working on a version of the Chaosium RQ2 ruleset for a long time. He has run a few sessions of it in the past. Or did you mean the Mongoose version ?

June 12th, 2013, 17:54
The chaosium version. I love runequest 2, and played it for many years. I'm struggling a little trying to extend FG2's BRP system to be closer to the second edition chaosium rules though.

June 12th, 2013, 18:11
I have a RQ2 (Chaosium) extension for BRP mostly underway but I haven't really been working on the project for a while... If I had some motivation to go back to it I might.. but currently it is on my back burner.

I ran into some issues with updates to FG where BRP wasn't making use of some of the newer features I was kinda waiting until the core system update went in to start working on this again.

June 12th, 2013, 23:54
I've really started by stripping back the skills and stats to more like the rq2 system. I ditched education and exchanged charisma for appearance.

As there's no real defense register, I've put it as a statless skill in its own category.

The weapon skills have no space for parry, so I'm probably going to ask the players to create a second skill for their weapon abbreviated with parry on the end so that I can keep track.

I find the armor page on the character sheet incredibly cumbersome, and will probably try next to remove the picture and replace it with a larger table version of the original hit location chart. I might play test it first as its really the players who will need to use it rather than me (evil laugh).

I've also found that the mini pages for skills don't actually work so I might try fixing those with the extension also. *edit* bah ok so theres a show on mini sheet check box but its not obvious lol*

If someone has already done what I've mentioned, please let me know as it will save a bit of time if we collaborate :)


June 13th, 2013, 00:33
I've also noticed that the skill bonuses are a bit flat. they're calculated by +1 for each above 10, which doesn't fit well with RQ as it moves in increments of 5 except when you critical or impale a stat increase roll.

I'm trying to work on a calculation per stat to run the mod increases rather than how it works just now.

June 13th, 2013, 01:56
I've really started by stripping back the skills and stats to more like the rq2 system. I ditched education and exchanged charisma for appearance.

As there's no real defense register, I've put it as a statless skill in its own category.

The weapon skills have no space for parry, so I'm probably going to ask the players to create a second skill for their weapon abbreviated with parry on the end so that I can keep track.

I find the armor page on the character sheet incredibly cumbersome, and will probably try next to remove the picture and replace it with a larger table version of the original hit location chart. I might play test it first as its really the players who will need to use it rather than me (evil laugh).

I've also found that the mini pages for skills don't actually work so I might try fixing those with the extension also. *edit* bah ok so theres a show on mini sheet check box but its not obvious lol*

If someone has already done what I've mentioned, please let me know as it will save a bit of time if we collaborate :)

I've done some of this work already... defense isn't actually statless. It's based on SIZ, DEX, INT, & POW...
There are some big issues that I was working on.. like tying the weapons into the skills page... targeting... geez.. I can't remember it's been so long since I worked on this one.
This is what I have done so far... but it's far from done.
I also have some great modules.. but unfortunately.. I don't think I can share those.

June 13th, 2013, 02:12
I've also noticed that the skill bonuses are a bit flat. they're calculated by +1 for each above 10, which doesn't fit well with RQ as it moves in increments of 5 except when you critical or impale a stat increase roll.

I'm trying to work on a calculation per stat to run the mod increases rather than how it works just now.
None of the calculations in the BRP ruleset are 'quite right' for RQ2 calcs.. but they weren't that hard to tweak to be right.. I 'think' I had that part working right.. if I can remember correctly... it's been over a year since I looked at this stuff.
The BRP ruleset makes no effort to do stat calcs for weapons... which is a mistake IMO... without stat calcs you can't make use of effects that enhance stats and therefore weapon skills... ie Strength, Vigor, & Coordination spells.

I don't know if I'd start this project at this time... there are some big changes coming for the FG core system.. if I am following what Moon Wizard is suggesting he is working on. Changes that will hopefully make it simpler to incorporate new basic features into other rulesets like BRP.

June 13th, 2013, 04:27
I find the armor page on the character sheet incredibly cumbersome, and will probably try next to remove the picture and replace it with a larger table version of the original hit location chart. I might play test it first as its really the players who will need to use it rather than me (evil laugh).
The armor picture is an option in the prefs... you can turn it off there easily enough.

June 13th, 2013, 08:04
Fantastic, thanks for your help Blackfoot :) you've certainly saved me a lot of work. I can start bringing in some of my own modules to use with this straight away.

I had planned on manually calculating defense, and the weapon stats I will probably have to manually update for the players to get a starting point.

June 13th, 2013, 12:09
There's no reason to manually calculate defense.. the system can do it for you easily enough... and as I said.. if they aren't calculated by the program... you won't be able to use 'effects' for spells.

May 10th, 2014, 03:12
Has there been any movement on this? Have you gotten any further? I know I can't be the only one besides the OP who loves RQ. I'm an absolute fanatic for RQ 2nd Edition by Chaosium, and am very picky about the systems I use to game, so if you HAVEN'T finished the work, though I'm not an owner of the game at present, I would gladly buy whatever license I saw for sale which allowed us to have people who DON'T own the game play, and would be happy to help finish the inputting of numbers if that's all that's left (or help figure out how to allow the game to apply "Defense" if that's what's needed). From everything I've seen about this system, it looks like it would be well worth it for people like me who've been looking for a very long time for a game which allows me to play my old P&P tabletop roll&role playing games.

I don't know if you're still paying attention to this thread, but I would really be interested in hearing if you've gotten further, and would even gladly pay you for the work if its been done. I hope to hear from you. Thanks.

May 10th, 2014, 04:01
Hey ChiefW4 - all threads get watched :)
I dont think there has been any recent movement on this particular ruleset.
There have been some recent changes to the whole system which make ruleset creation easier (although still a challenging task).
There is a crowd funding project here that you should check out: https://www.verkami.com/projects/7992-ruleset-wizard-for-fantasy-grounds
Its just launched and its a long way from funding still but this tool will greatly assist ruleset development - especially being built to work on top of CoreRPG.
Kick in some dollars here - you wont have to pay if the project doesnt fund - as this has great potential.
It will enable people to build new skins and functioning character sheets etc - but I dont think it will be able to do the full automation that we see in sets like Pathfinder, but thats really not necessary. It will also help build up relationships with publishers so "official content" can be licensed etc too.

May 10th, 2014, 04:55
Excellent! Will Do! Runequest 2nd Ed. Chaosium, aka Runequest:TOG, isn't the only game system I would love to see being handled. Scott Bizarre and I are actually friends and have been for coming up on 40 years (I met him when I was 10, and he was running FGU from the back of a storefront called "Waterloo" right next to Stony Brook University on Long Island), so it's cool to see (I seem to recall seeing it, correct me if I'm wrong) supporting Bushido, an FGU game. Daredevils, however, was my favorite FGU game of all time, mainly because it allowed you to play anything from Call of Cthulu type games to Gangster/Anti-hero (Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Myer Lansky) based games to Indiana Jones type games, to Alfred Hitch**** like games, and I could go on. With small modifications (like updating the weapons and technology) you could also morph it into a modern James Bond-ish game. To boot, it had one of the most involved character generation systems I'd ever seen. The older your character, the more previous experience you had, but at a certain age, your physical stats started going down. so THAT was even something you had to put some thought into choosing.

Seriously, the easier it is for the owner of the game to input the rule system, the more likely I am to pay money for it. I'm on the downhill side of life now, so money isn't so much a concern anymore, but finding ways to be able to play the games *I* want to play, well, that's another thing entirely.

Anyway, again, thanks for the referral. OMW to check it out now.

May 10th, 2014, 09:42
@ChiefW4 - nice one - good on you for backing.

May 11th, 2014, 06:32
@ChiefW4 - nice one - good on you for backing.

No worries! (forgive me, but I have to ask... I've been saying "no worries" instead of "No problem" since Crocodile Dundee came out. Do people in Oz still say that? Or has it fallen out of favor because we "damn Yankees" have ruined it or something?

Also, I would be willing to put up even more money, but there would be, of course, some different terms. If you, or whomever is on the team, or whatever, would be interested in, if nothing else, just discussing it, we might both find the providence in meeting one another being even greater. Please let me know (oh, and you did SEE that I DID contribute, yes?)


May 12th, 2014, 21:58
Hey Chiefw4,
Blackfoot has been devoting his time to the Champions/Hero system 5th ed ruleset. I know he has made amazing progress on it so far and was able to run a demo/test at the recently concluded FG-Con event. If you like RQ2 you'll probably be interested in Champions too.


May 12th, 2014, 22:09
Thanks for the plug WBC... I actually did quite a bit of work on a RQ2 extension for BRP back before 2.8 came out.. at that point issues with feature compatibility and incorporation became too much of an issue for my skills at the time. I drifted on to my Champions project. The coding I did for RQ2 still 'works' mostly.. but there's a long way to go with it and honestly... it would be better at this point to either start over with CoreRPG or update BRP to use CoreRPG first and then build a RQ2 ruleset over BRP. Either way.. until my Champions project is complete... I won't be working on any more RQ projects (that's not to say I'm not a huge fan of the 'real' RQ2 Chaosium system.. I just don't have the focus to do two projects at once and get either of them done).

May 13th, 2014, 00:24
No worries! (forgive me, but I have to ask... I've been saying "no worries" instead of "No problem" since Crocodile Dundee came out. Do people in Oz still say that? Or has it fallen out of favor because we "damn Yankees" have ruined it or something?

Well we certainly do still say No Worries but I think online culture has eroded that as in written comms it is now usually abbreviated to NP which is not NW!

Also, I would be willing to put up even more money, but there would be, of course, some different terms. If you, or whomever is on the team, or whatever, would be interested in, if nothing else, just discussing it, we might both find the providence in meeting one another being even greater. Please let me know (oh, and you did SEE that I DID contribute, yes?)

Ahhh - well I am only a backer of the project too. You can contact the Dev psicodelix via PM here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?10996-psicodelix to discuss further.

October 28th, 2014, 21:44
Had any luck? I am in the same predicament: have played RQ since the 80s and would love to playing it on here...

October 28th, 2014, 22:29
I haven't done any work on this project in a long time. At this point it would pretty much be a complete restart due to the big changes in FG since I worked on it. I don't know that I'd do a BRP extension anymore, I think I'd probably do it as a CoreRPG based Ruleset.

October 29th, 2014, 02:22
You might be interested to see Legend is on sale at rpgnow for $1.


October 29th, 2014, 02:22
Yeah... t would be better value as a CoreRPG extension but that is a whole new project :(

October 29th, 2014, 19:23
You might be interested to see Legend is on sale at rpgnow for $1.


Actually is has always been on sale for $1. I think that was their marketing strategy from the start. Core rules are cheap and the add ons are where they might make some money.

It would be nice if we could get a solid d100 core based ruleset that could be modified/adapted to the various incarnations of BRP/RQ/OQ etc. I wonder if the new CoC ruleset would be the place to start.

June 13th, 2015, 16:29
I've been very busy with other things for the last couple of years but i'm back and looking at this again. Personally, I would prefer for the BRP system to be updated, as we have been waiting for quite a long time for that to happen.

June 14th, 2015, 17:11
Personally, I would prefer for the BRP system to be updated, as we have been waiting for quite a long time for that to happen.
There isn't currently an active developer for the BRP ruleset. If you're interested in updating the BRP ruleset, there is some info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?13678-Ruleset-updates-for-older-rulesets-for-community-developers-%28commission-work%29 and contact ddavison to see if they're still looking and what expected.

June 14th, 2015, 23:06
On that post it says that they want to port functionality from BRP into older rulesets.

June 14th, 2015, 23:26
On that post it says that they want to port functionality from BRP into older rulesets.
It's an old post, but the concepts and details would be the same for updating the BRP ruleset, which is now classed as an older ruleset. Basically, to the best of my knowledge, there isn't a current developer for the BRP ruleset and it doesn't look like anyone is stepping up to do it. If you'd be interested then reach out to ddavison.

June 15th, 2015, 07:44
I suppose I could, however my time is very limited to spend, and I'm quite out of practice on the coding side so I'm not sure I could do it justice. I'll have a word anyway too see what is expected.

June 15th, 2015, 10:14
I suppose I could, however my time is very limited to spend, and I'm quite out of practice on the coding side so I'm not sure I could do it justice. I'll have a word anyway too see what is expected.

Coding in FG is not a trivial task for most...

June 20th, 2015, 09:43
I got a reply from FG support via the facebook page. I asked them if there was a plan to upgrade the BRP Ruleset to FG3 as it feels very out of date in comparison to the other rulesets, here's the response :)
this is still not in the pipeline. We have a pretty full schedule of releases planned through September, but perhaps we can bump it onto the list for after that.