June 4th, 2013, 02:00
Well, the second FG Con is over and I'm beginning to recover... A few statistics:
Over 80 people registered on the site.
21 events ran - 24 events were posted but 3 withdrawn due to lack of sign-ups.
Over 9000 individual page views on the website.
Activity on the website (views on each day):
The first "peak" on May 12th is when we went live, the one on May 20th is when Doug sent out a Fantasy Grounds newsletter, and the big peak is the first day of the con.
Now the thanks...
First and foremost I have to thank damned - he did the vast majority of the work for the website, organised hosting and put up (most of the time) with our requests for things to be changed or more functionality - usually at the last minute. THANK YOU Damian! It wouldn't have happened without you. As a reward, I won't pester you for a month and then I'll be bugging you for changes for the next con! :o
Dakadin - for enabling the expanded capacity of the community teamspeak server and for keeping this very useful community asset going!
The rest of the convention team (in no particular order): Blackfoot, wbcreighton, phantomwhale, skellan, lachancery, damned and others that have helped out over the last few months.
Another thanks goes to the whole team, again especially damned, for keeping the ball rolling when I went on vacation to darkest Africa 1 month before the convention.
wbcreighton and Blackfoot for again doing their very useful event time matrix.
Shockbolt for providing artwork for the site and banners.
Smiteworks - Doug and JPG for sending out the FG-Con newsletter, posting on various sites and for providing the full-to-ultimate upgrade for the week of the con (awesome).
Anyone who mentioned the con on any external website/forum/webpage out there.
All the GMs for running games - I had a blast playing my usual convention system of Savage Worlds (phantomwhale's Deadlands: Noir – Red Harvest), getting to play the prequel to a C&C campaign I played with damned 2 years ago, and returning to one of my favourite gaming worlds: Middle Earth with Valarian's The One Ring – A Shout in the Dark.
All the players for making it another successful FG Con.
Over 80 people registered on the site.
21 events ran - 24 events were posted but 3 withdrawn due to lack of sign-ups.
Over 9000 individual page views on the website.
Activity on the website (views on each day):
The first "peak" on May 12th is when we went live, the one on May 20th is when Doug sent out a Fantasy Grounds newsletter, and the big peak is the first day of the con.
Now the thanks...
First and foremost I have to thank damned - he did the vast majority of the work for the website, organised hosting and put up (most of the time) with our requests for things to be changed or more functionality - usually at the last minute. THANK YOU Damian! It wouldn't have happened without you. As a reward, I won't pester you for a month and then I'll be bugging you for changes for the next con! :o
Dakadin - for enabling the expanded capacity of the community teamspeak server and for keeping this very useful community asset going!
The rest of the convention team (in no particular order): Blackfoot, wbcreighton, phantomwhale, skellan, lachancery, damned and others that have helped out over the last few months.
Another thanks goes to the whole team, again especially damned, for keeping the ball rolling when I went on vacation to darkest Africa 1 month before the convention.
wbcreighton and Blackfoot for again doing their very useful event time matrix.
Shockbolt for providing artwork for the site and banners.
Smiteworks - Doug and JPG for sending out the FG-Con newsletter, posting on various sites and for providing the full-to-ultimate upgrade for the week of the con (awesome).
Anyone who mentioned the con on any external website/forum/webpage out there.
All the GMs for running games - I had a blast playing my usual convention system of Savage Worlds (phantomwhale's Deadlands: Noir – Red Harvest), getting to play the prequel to a C&C campaign I played with damned 2 years ago, and returning to one of my favourite gaming worlds: Middle Earth with Valarian's The One Ring – A Shout in the Dark.
All the players for making it another successful FG Con.