View Full Version : Multi-layer tokens

May 10th, 2013, 19:21
Does Fantasy grounds support multi-layer tokens? I want to create a "token" that is a person standing, prone, and crouched. I have the three images, and want to toggle between them somehow versus adding and removing tokens.

May 10th, 2013, 19:25
Currently, no it does not. I'm pretty sure Joshuha did a proof of concept of this idea awhile back where he used an animated gif with several frames where each frame was a different token state like you were asking about.

May 11th, 2013, 12:03
actually the gurps ruleset has this feature. the tokens must be named the same name with a series number(example: token_name[1o5].png)
the first number being the frame in the sequence and the o=of the second number being the total number of frames. the gm can right click the token(token options) to advance the frame.

I use it by making my top down tokens armed with the players fav weapons and them a prone frame. so as they change weapons the tokens can reflect that and if they are dead or down the token can show it on the map.