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View Full Version : I Have My License!

Rose Claymore
May 8th, 2013, 18:39
I just purchased my Full/GM license. The client is updating now (getting timeout errors though, not sure what's up with that) and I'll be able to start running games here (as well as playing in anyone's game, not just those awesome GMs with ultimate licenses.

So, while I make my way through the various tutorials and helpful threads on how to get started I'll need a scenario in mind to run for my first attempt at this. What would everyone like to play? I'm thinking of keeping it simple with a old season 0 or 1, like The Prince of Augustana or Silent Tide. I've already prepped and run each of these for F2F games, so I'm comfortable running each, just need to get one into FG. So if I do one of these, which would any of you want to play, or if you have played both already, would you have any requests?

May 8th, 2013, 21:17
time zones will probably prohibit my attendance but may I be the first to congratulate you on joining the small band of PFS FG Gm's, I hope it all goes well for you

May 8th, 2013, 21:32
Just played my first PFS game last Saturday and am keen for more, but time zones may also make it difficult for me to play in your games. Good luck anyway. Great to see more PFS GMs on FG.

Eru the One
May 8th, 2013, 22:07
I'm up for Prince of Augustana, Ftr4

Rose Claymore
May 8th, 2013, 22:19
Time zones may not be much of an issue, given the flexibility of my schedule if I have enough notice. I can only say I won't be available much on weekends. Provided there's enough players avail during a weekday around the same time, I'm good with whatever day/time that turns out to be. My current preference is a start time around noon MTZ (gmt -7), but I can go up to 12 hours in either direction if need be. :D

May 8th, 2013, 23:07
Well, first of all, congratulations on your GM license.

Unfortunately, I have already played both Silent Tide and The Prince of Augustana, so I wouldn't participate in those games.

I'm quite open about alternatives, and among the games I haven't played yet, I don't really know anything about most.
From what I've read in the summary on paizo.com, Murder on the Throaty Mermaid does sound interesting, though.
And I'm still looking for an opportunity to play Tide of Twilight, because it's the only scenario I have run as a GM without having it played first. (but that one's season 3, and having already run it as a GM, I of course know the scenario)

And of course, I'd have to have time to play, which I'll have to check once you announce a game time ^^

May 9th, 2013, 01:50
Congrats on your license! Hope to be able to play in one of your game! I haven't played any season 0 or 1 scenarios, so I'm wide open there.

Rose Claymore
May 9th, 2013, 05:13
Looks like The Prince of Augustana is tied with "other"....

Some others I could potentially run: Anything in the Quest for Perfection series, Icebound Outpost (I'm running all of these at Phoenix ComiCon at the end of the month, so I could work importing them into FG part of my scheduled prep time for them.

From season zero, I also have Frozen Fingers of Midnight and Among the Living. From season one, I have Citadel of Flame, The Beggar's Pearl, Among the Dead (sequel to Among the Living) and The Infernal Vault. (I also have Assult on the Kingdom of the Impossible, but that was just played on FS so I don't know if there is any further interest in it.)

I also have a whole lot of season four I haven't played yet, so would rather not run until I have, but in the interest of getting a game together could pull one out.

I also also have a number of sanctioned modules, including The Godsmouth Heresy, Crypt of the Everflame for levels 1-2) (and Everflame's sequels Masks of the Living God (levels 2-4) & City of Golden Death (4-6)). The modules would require 2-3 planned/committed sessions though, and I"m extremely hesitant to take on on in FS until I'm more familiar using it as a GM.

And of course there's always the fallback of any of the First Steps series, but I'd prefer to run this only for players who have not played them. I'd be more interested in running parts 2 & 3, since they are both being phased out in August (and part 1 will be phased out as soon as they write a replacement).

Okay, that's a lot of options. Maybe I should just pick one, schedule a day, prep it and see if I get enough players, and if not reschedule.

May 9th, 2013, 05:31
Congratulations on getting your license.

May 9th, 2013, 09:56
Good stuff. I'm up for the Prince one and definitely would commit to a module or two, even three :)

May 9th, 2013, 14:46
ok, to help you get a good sense of how many players to expect for each individual scenario, I can tell you which of the scenarios/modules you posted I haven't played yet:
Quest for Perfection
Frozen Fingers of Midnight
Among the Living
Citadel of Flame
Among the Dead
The Infernal Vault
The Godsmouth Heresy
Crypt of the Everflame
Masks of the living God (but I own that myself and have already read it because I plan to run it for my home group)
City of Golden Death

Of course, I would also be interested in First Steps, but I played and/or run them all at least once already, so I'd know what will happen.

Rose Claymore
May 10th, 2013, 14:04
I've been fiddling around with FG, and it's looking to be not as steep a learning curve as I feared. Working from scratch, I've got The Prince of Augustana almost completely prepped.

I don't know why, but I was expecting some kind of preset text element to feed boxed text I type in before the start of the game into the chat, but either there is no such function or I've completely overlooked it. I have a clipboard app I can keep open for quick access to long strings of text to copy/paste, but I'm curious how other GMs manage this.

Also, if I want to make my own tokens to use for NPCs on the maps, how to I get them to show up in FG?

May 10th, 2013, 15:11
I've been fiddling around with FG, and it's looking to be not as steep a learning curve as I feared. Working from scratch, I've got The Prince of Augustana almost completely prepped.
the first one's always the longest - sounds like you're getting the hang of it. :)

I don't know why, but I was expecting some kind of preset text element to feed boxed text I type in before the start of the game into the chat, but either there is no such function or I've completely overlooked it. I have a clipboard app I can keep open for quick access to long strings of text to copy/paste, but I'm curious how other GMs manage this.
Add the text into story entries, then right-click on the text you want to be able to easily add to the chat window and select "Paragrapth Type" then "Chat Frame". Exit edit mode and then you can click-drag the chat frame text to the chat window.

See the sub-menus in the Story sidebar in the 3.5e user guide for info on what you can do with story entries - the "Sharing story data" entry gives good info: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/userguide35E/gm_story.xcp

Also, if I want to make my own tokens to use for NPCs on the maps, how to I get them to show up in FG?
Add the token files to a new directory in <FG App Data Directory>\host\tokens, restart FG and you will see you new directory as a bag in the tokens window.

See the "Adding and removing tokens" sidebar here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/userguide35E/gm_tokens.xcp

May 10th, 2013, 15:15
Also, you can share whole story entries with one or more players.

To share with individual players (handy for faction missions) drag the link icon from the story list to the PC's portrait.

To share to all players: open the story entry, right-click and select share.

Both of these methods then lists the story entry in the PC's "Story" list so they can refer back to it at any time. To remove the ability for PCs to refer back to a story entry, left-click the small "S" icon next to the entry in the GM's story list.

Rose Claymore
May 11th, 2013, 15:33
Okay, I've begun prepping The Prince of Augustana (for real) but I won't be available to run it until June... maybe the 1st or 2nd week, probably on a Monday or Friday.

I didn't like the server alias I got at random, so clicked the generate button for about half an hour and got "warm dice good luck" and love it. :D

May 11th, 2013, 15:36
Dibs on Friday please.

May 11th, 2013, 15:37
Okay, I've begun prepping The Prince of Augustana (for real) but I won't be available to run it until June... maybe the 1st or 2nd week, probably on a Monday or Friday.
Why not run it as part of FG Con? Friday May 31st - Sunday June 2nd? :)

Rose Claymore
May 11th, 2013, 15:43
Why not run it as part of FG Con? Friday May 31st - Sunday June 2nd? :)
Because I'm running tables all through PHXCC (which is held the week prior) and prep for those take priority. I'm not comfortable setting any date yet, but will when the prep is done. So maybe, but it will likely be a last minute entry if I do.