View Full Version : Hotkeys and local characters?

May 2nd, 2013, 06:42

I just started using FG2 (great work!).
I am using a player licence and imported a local character to a game. Then I set up the hotkeys during the game session. Is there a way to export this character (done by the GM) with the hotkey settings so that I can use it in another game session (other GM)? Or is there a way to save/edit the hotkey settings with a local character (in "manage characters" there is no option to change the hotkeys)?
(we are using a community ruleset but there are also no options for editing in the 4E ruleset)

Moon Wizard
May 2nd, 2013, 22:38
The challenge with migrating the hot keys is that they are independent of character sheets. This means that any shortcut links will not match unless the character database ID is identical in both campaigns. Any rolls should be fine at this point, though I plan to update the 3.5E/4E rulesets at some point to link rolls to character sheet so that they update automatically when levelling up.

Try looking in <FG Data>/cache/<campaign>/usersettings/hotkeys_<name>.xml


May 3rd, 2013, 06:04

ok thank you. I will have a look at the xml but I guess it's easier to just set the hotkeys again in the new campaign.