View Full Version : The Fallen Throne: Complete and Utter Reboot

April 20th, 2013, 17:25
I'm going to start out with a little background. So, I've tried this campaign twice so far; the first time was my first time ever DMing and I feel like I rushed the players through things, gave them an idea of being overpowered (and the characters WERE overpowered), and overall I feel like it made for a game that went in a direction that not many people enjoyed. I attempted a reboot of the game and realized that I had not been clear on what I was looking for in a group, and because of that; I had decided to give it a nice long break, and revisit the idea of a campaign now that I've got a little experience under my belt, and talked to a few other GMs.


What is "The Fallen Throne"?

The Fallen Throne is a Pathfinder roleplay over the Fantasy Grounds II software and only the Fantasy Grounds II software, meaning that while Skype may be used for OOC connections (comments, questions, etc), there will be NO VoIP USED. The characters will be powerful, and the campaign is not combat oriented, and while there will be sessions full of combat, short of the party constantly out looking for a large-scale fight, they won't find it. (Note: I do try to include some small bit of combat per session, so the players can get their dice rolling and have fun, but it's not always something that is around the plot).

Where does "The Fallen Throne" take place?

The Fallen Throne takes place on the homebrew island of Aldiron, a country that is dwarfed by a supercontinent to the east, it is the last known Kingdom of Humans.

What kind of characters are allowed in "The Fallen Throne" Campaign?

I am rather open with this; I enjoy looking at various character concepts, and I try to do a prelude-style intro with each character to get to know them, and the person behind the character, I also feel that a one-on-one session allows the player to roleplay more, and therefore develop a deeper background. While there are some ideas I strictly say no on, it's more of a "as seen" basis, I don't like to say "no" to many ideas... but there are just some character ideas I cannot take seriously, and feel they wouldn't fit in the campaign.

What information should I know before I roll my character?
Two ways to create your character
- 20 Point buy with 9 being the lowest stat possible before racial
- roll 4d6 on server, drop lowest roll; you can either re-roll a 4d6 twice, or re-roll the entire set once.

Whichever way you choose you have to stick with it; you cannot go back if your rolls are bad, it's a risk-reward scenario.

Your character will start out with 1000 GP worth of equipment.

Your character will start at level 3, with max HP.

Your character cannot be in the evil or chaotic-neutral branch (exceptions may apply).

While this is homebrew, we will use forgotten realm deities.

The playtime(s):

Right now, Saturday nights are the best for me, and 6PM-10PM, 7PM-11PM or 8PM-12AM (All EST times) work best for me. I don't want to jump around schedules by doing alternate days or anything of that matter, as I would prefer the same night ever week.

The Story

Aldiron stands alone, a single beacon of faith left in a dark and decrepit world. The Southern Kingdoms lay in ruin, torn between civil war, and a fatal invasion from the Orc Horde. The elves hide in recluse, recovering from their various skirmishes and wars with the Orc Horde, the dwarves; as always - hide in their mountains, coveting their gold and riches.

The world is in peril as the Orc Horde has burned and pillaged their way through the Savage Lands, only being defeated by the stout dwarves in their mountains.

Where does your hero stand? Are they loyal to Lords, lands, personal wealth, or something else?

Your choices will help to shape the future of Aldiron and the world.

Anything else?

Have any questions? Feel free to post here, PM me, or IM me on skype.

Current Party:
Two Rangers
One Royal
One Cleric
One Paladin
One Wizard

April 20th, 2013, 22:57
This sounds like the perfect foil to my other combat-heavy game. I'll send you a PM with my information. As far as characters go, I'm leaning toward a rogue.

April 20th, 2013, 23:18
GAME CALENDAR (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=1013)

Just so I can get an interest check in the character notes section please put your availability.

April 21st, 2013, 07:08
I changed the "times of play" from Thursday OR Saturday to strictly Saturday.... of the two it's the better day for me as I don't have any other commitments (I have school until 5:30 on Thursday), so I think it will make for a better game.

April 21st, 2013, 12:19
Well schedule changed it seems I can still join on a Saturday. If you still have an open slot I would love to join.

April 22nd, 2013, 00:14
Same here, if that's alright.

April 22nd, 2013, 01:08
Alright; looking at the group right now we seem to be full up, thanks for the interest!

April 22nd, 2013, 02:17
Sounds like there's ample enough interest for your game. Kudos! :)

I dunno if I was ever officially confirmed for it, but I'll be backing out at this time for a few reasons. None of them anything against you, or anyone else, for the record. I just figured with so much interest, it'd be best to respectfully bow out now rather than later.

Thanks for hosting the game, and happy hunting to all! May all your hits be crits!

April 22nd, 2013, 02:30

With him dropping out that opens up 1-2 spots

If anyone is interested, shoot me a PM or post here.

April 24th, 2013, 21:50
My wife and I would likely be interested in your game. What characters do you have now?
Saturdays would be fine for most every one but one a month I have duty (ARNG) and usually dont get home until 4pm Central time on that day.
we have both played PFS games before and enjoyed playing with folks. I just had difficulty with theactual society having so many restrictions on characters that we stopped playing. Let me know if you have room for 2 and I will talk with my wife this evening about it.

April 25th, 2013, 01:52
Hey Ranger, sorry I didn't get back to you earlier.

At the moment we are full, I should probably have updated that; sorry. If you'd like, I can keep you updated if anyone drops out, though there is one player that is currently in a 'waitlist' in case someone drops out, go ahead and shoot me a PM if you'd want to do that, since we haven't played our first game, and you never know with the anonymity of the internet.

April 29th, 2013, 04:22
Looking for one (possibly two if they come as a duo) player, PM me if you're interested and we can get to rolling up / creating a character ASAP.

May 26th, 2013, 06:11
Looking for one-to-two more players as we've had a player drop, and another one no-show for two weeks in a row (with no contact).

PM me if you'd be interested in playing.

May 26th, 2013, 16:52
It's still in the early days for this campaign so there is great opportunity to develop a character with strong connections to the party, setting, and story...if that's your thing. I've just heard some people like that sort of depth. Somewhere.

May 26th, 2013, 18:12
What day/time are you running on?

May 26th, 2013, 23:50
Currently Saturday nights at 8:00 pm EDT (that is...GMT-5, I believe). Three sessions in. Larger group and we run when the majority are present. Slightly tense race-against-time atmosphere working to quell violent expansion and return peace to conquered lands (no biggie). We mostly just hit level four so some character background might be warranted. If I understand party etiquette, a divine spellcaster or tank would be well received but we would prefer prospective players present a concept that will motivate them toward engaging interaction and teamwork.

May 27th, 2013, 02:42
Indeed. One of the best ways? Well. My character's big deal is hiring people to help her. Granted, you could be some other introduction, it's up to you.

May 31st, 2013, 09:54
Poppy Milo busies herself scouring her sandy surroundings for driftwood suitable for use in crafting tools in the style common to her homeland. She had been pleased when the party's short journey brought them so close to the coast once again and the horses deserved at least a brief respite. Sadly, she had found the pickings slim but, still, there was a certain therapeutic value in walking barefoot on a beach not recently churned by battle and clotted with blood.

She turns her reflexive, irrepressible smile to her friend Raevon who observes her search from a comfortable distance. She is reminded once again what a peculiar, unlikely companion she's found in the masked Elven intellectual, though her respect for him is undeniable.

"Not a lot t' pick from fer my purposes," Poppy announces with a rueful laugh. "The others just about ready t' move on, then?"

Raevon offers no response and, of course, his expression is unreadable beneath his concealing garment. That he had come to fetch her seems self-evident.

"I 'magine we'd do well findin' others t' take up with us," Poppy muses, not bothered by his silence. She fidgets in place for a moment, lost in thought and toying with the sticks she's collected. Despite her sunny countenance, an edge to her tone belies genuine concern regarding their chances. "We're at war now, like et or not, and we'll need more soldiers fer fightin' et before we're through. Seems brave mates keen on makin' a difference are few an' far between."

She seems momentarily distracted by the reassuring rhythm of the nearby breakers, her limpid sea-green eyes focusing at their landing point and then beyond. Poppy's fingers tighten almost imperceptibly on the driftwood as a loose strand of mahogany hair abides the mild breeze to twitch carelessly across her forehead. Poppy's beloved home lies somewhere past that horizon and far out of reach of the strife afflicting this land. But for how much longer?

"Reckon no matter how much you need 'em you gotta wait until the right pieces wanna be found," Poppy sighs, allowing the meager bits of wet debris to drop from her hands. She brushes sand from her fingers and turns to rejoin the others alongside Raevon. "Best t' choof off, then."

(In short, we're still looking for players. Those interested should post here or contact jasonthelamb via PM.)

May 31st, 2013, 20:41
Dr_Babylon; the Australian monk that 90% of the time people cannot understand.

June 1st, 2013, 03:22
(I thought it a charming detail. And she's really more an homage to Ozploitation...)