View Full Version : Efffects range descriptors?

April 9th, 2013, 04:38
I am continuing to work on effects.

Currently, I am working on getting the concealment and cover effects right.

I have used CONC and TCONC... and the combat engine correctly rolls a 20% and 50% miss chance repectively. (pretty sweet!)

However, as soon as I add a range modifier, the effect is completely ignored by the combat engine. By that I mean, not just the range modifier is ignored... the entire effect becomes disabled when I add a range modifier.


CONC <--- works
CONC ranged <--- is ignored
CONC melee <--- is ignored

what's up with that? I have tried every iteration I can think of for tweak the range modifier... I have used "Ranged", "R", "r"... and it's all ignored.

April 9th, 2013, 04:42
AAAHHH! Never mind.

I just figured it out.

I need "CONC:ranged"

Now it's really sweet!

Moon Wizard
April 9th, 2013, 22:38
Yeah, the effects system was sort of a hack to add a lot of functionality without having to build a lot of UI framework. So the format of the effects is somewhat specific.

At some point in the future, I'd like to move to a drop down list of effects with a separate way to specify supported options for each effect type.
