View Full Version : Dedicated server?

March 19th, 2013, 05:54
Is it possible to host FGII on a dedicated server? say through linux debian?

March 19th, 2013, 05:59
I believe the GM needs to be in control of the hosting client as any client that connects to the server would be identified as a player.

You could perhaps manage the server client through remote desktop or similar, if that's an option?

March 19th, 2013, 15:24
DM is the host.

August 13th, 2014, 16:01

Sorry to zombie a thread, however this was the very first question that entered my head when reading about the various licenses. This would be a fantastic feature for the Ultimate license and being able to run a dedicated linux server in a DC that has a very good internet connection would push me to buy that license right away. I realize that I could accomplish something similar by installing it on the server and using vnc to play "from" the server, however then I'm also transmitting the desktop video over the network. I understand the challenge of implementing such a concept with the license model that is used. A reasonable idea for managing such a concept would be that the Ultimate license would actually give you 2 licenses that are linked (one for the server and one for your client) and only your client license would have the ability to administer the dedicated server.

I'm still playing around with the demo trying to learn the software, and I'm looking to get some friends on board to play some pathfinder. I've just started to get into D20 tabletop games so I'm still trying to learn the rules and such; however tools like Fantasy Grounds and HeroLab help alleviate a lot of the mistakes a novice like myself makes with simple things such as character creation.

Maybe at some point I'll try to join a couple short campaigns where players are willing to teach.

August 13th, 2014, 16:21
Have you checked out the Tutorial Videos available on the Wiki? They are pretty good (even mine) and if you're trying to learn the Interface, etc, then they're probably your best bet.

Oh, and Welcome! :)


August 13th, 2014, 22:53
...however this was the very first question that entered my head when reading about the various licenses. This would be a fantastic feature for the Ultimate license and being able to run a dedicated linux server in a DC that has a very good internet connection...[/quote[
Its just such a niche case... so few people would ever choose this route that it seems like it would be a poor use of SmiteWorks resources to build this style of deployment...

[Quote]Maybe at some point I'll try to join a couple short campaigns where players are willing to teach.
Welcome aboard. I am planning to run another one shot session in the near future. Post an introduction that also lists your availability too so people can see, and have a look at what games other people are advertising as looking for players.