View Full Version : any type D&D game

February 18th, 2013, 03:46
im looking for a D&D game any day but thurs and fridays as i play on those night can play any role and just looking to play more and make more friends free any other time good role player and can play anything group needs skype me if you want me to join robmaster2323

February 18th, 2013, 14:37
You probably want to note what time zone you're in (like say eastern time zone usa to give an example ) , there's so many different players from so many different time zones that it will help people know if you'd be within their time zone and able to game with them :) ..

I'd also recommend looking over the same threads here where GM's say they're looking for players - I've found what's most effective is to write up a short but interesting background/personality write up for the character (you mentioned you're a good role player so I'm guessing that sort of thing will come easy to you ;) ) which is something I've found to be catnip for GM's .. someone correct me if I'm wrong but I've noticed like 9 out of 10 GM's love players who will put that added effort into role playing out their character's personality :P ..

One other strange question - how fast of a typist are you? The reason I ask is I notice there's two types of FG games .. for the slower typists there are the games where the communication takes place mainly via voice chat/skype.. but there are other FG games where the voice chat thing is disliked (people feel it takes away from the atmosphere of the game basically) and EVERYTHING.. what you do in or out of character .. is typed .. slow typists tend to be miserable in these sorts of games .. other FG games will use a mixture, type what you want to do in character and use skype for occasional out of character questions (though I've seen that reversed too use skype for in character RP and type ooc stuff on FG ) ..

Welcome to FG btw :) ..