View Full Version : FG2 Virtual Con 2013 (part 1) - Friday 31st May to Sunday 2nd June

February 5th, 2013, 17:11
Hi folks,

We've been working hard in the background to set a date and setup what is needed to run the next Fantasy Grounds virtual convention.

We've set the date for Friday May 31st to Sunday June 2nd.

Start time May 31st 5pm GMT+12 - Time conversion here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?iso=20130531T17&p1=22&p2=240&p3=5&p4=236&p5=113&p6=27&p7=37&p8=136&p9=179&p10=64&p11=75&p12=224

End Time June 2nd, 10pm GMT-12 - Time Conversion here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?iso=20130602T23&p1=103&p2=240&p3=5&p4=236&p5=113&p6=27&p7=37&p8=136&p9=179&p10=64&p11=75&p12=224

So, put this in your calendar! Prospective GMs start thinking about what you'd like to run.

Like last time, this is a global convention - so it can run from Friday May 31st GMT +12 to Sunday June 2nd GMT-12. Essentially over 3 days of gaming - if you're in New Zealand you can start playing Friday afternoon until Monday evening local time, if you're in Hawaii you can play Thursday evening to Friday evening local time. Of course - there have to be games running for you to play...

There's a lot of work for the team to do in order to get prepared and make this a success, a rough timeline is:

February: internal testing of convention website and event tracking system.
March: Continued testing and refinement of the website – on all areas, but concentrating on the GM event posting side. Plan other areas of the convention. Begin publicity.
April: Website goes live for GMs to register their games. Full call for GMs. Very active publicity pushing people to the website where they can find video links, extra info, sign-up for a mailing list, etc..
May: Player registration opens. GM game registration continues. Big publicity push. Player and GM support.
May 31st – convention begins!

February 5th, 2013, 18:00
Excellent news!

I am booking that weekend off from all domestic duties

February 6th, 2013, 13:34
It is in the diary/calendar. I'll start thinking of some games to run. Hopefully I might get to play in one or two as well if the times are UK friendly.

February 6th, 2013, 16:28
That's my wife's birthday weekend (and the weekend after UK Games Expo) so I cannot commit yet, but assuming I can get a pass I'll run Savage Worlds: Scooby Doo F'taghn!

February 6th, 2013, 21:23
Depending on my work schedule, I might be able to run something.. Not sure as of yet..

February 7th, 2013, 12:37
This sounds fun. I'll make sure I'm free and available to run something.

February 7th, 2013, 17:51
I might be game for CoC and possibly D&D 3.5 if there's interest.

S Ferguson
March 20th, 2013, 02:16
If all goes well, I should be free that weekend to run a couple of one shots, for lite players.

April 1st, 2013, 02:34
I missed last year, but looking forward to this year!

April 6th, 2013, 21:42
Is the timeline still accurate? Is this still a go?

April 7th, 2013, 06:20
Is the timeline still accurate? Is this still a go?
It sure is - we're just finalising the website.

April 7th, 2013, 15:23
Sweet! Thanks. I'll be honest, I have no idea how to understand GMT +- 12. I even tried using converters online. What time does it start in EST?

S Ferguson
April 7th, 2013, 15:27
GMT -5. or 7 hrs. before GMT +-12

April 7th, 2013, 15:41
GMT -5. or 7 hrs. before GMT +-12

Dear God, I hope the website displays date/time in a users time zone lol

S Ferguson
April 7th, 2013, 15:44
Nope, you just go out and buy 12 wall clocks and set and label them properly, silly:p .

April 7th, 2013, 16:31
GMT -5. or 7 hrs. before GMT +-12
7 hours later than GMT - 12, but 17 hours earlier than GMT +12.

Essentially, the early hours of the Friday and late on the Sunday for people in EST. The exact times will depend on when the first and last GMs run their games.

S Ferguson
April 7th, 2013, 16:34
7 hours later than GMT - 12, but 17 hours earlier than GMT +12.

Essentially, the early hours of the Friday and late on the Sunday for people in EST. The exact times will depend on when the first and last GMs run their games.

I'll definitely be running late if it's 17 hrs. earlier!

April 7th, 2013, 17:42
First post updated with timeanddate.com entries.

April 7th, 2013, 18:28
EST is 5 hours ahead of GMT, so all you have to do is subtract 5 hours from a time posted as GMT.

Here's an easy to use converter, just type in the time posted and it will give you your time. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

S Ferguson
April 7th, 2013, 18:38
First post updated with timeanddate.com entries.

Gosh, you have access to the neatest links :) . When are we going to start posting our games we're running?

April 7th, 2013, 21:12
EST is 5 hours ahead of GMT, so all you have to do is subtract 5 hours from a time posted as GMT.

Here's an easy to use converter, just type in the time posted and it will give you your time. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
Just to confuse things further, remember that GMT does not adjust for daylight savings. So, New York is currently GMT -4 as it is in daylight savings. Currently, when it is 11am GMT, for example, it would be 7am in New York (Eastern Daylight Time).

Keep using the time converter in the link and everyone should be OK! :)

April 9th, 2013, 03:46
Gosh, you have access to the neatest links :) . When are we going to start posting our games we're running?
Just working on getting the web site finalized, then the fun begins.

April 9th, 2013, 22:58
I think I get the time/date dealio now. What still confuses me is why is there a +12/-12 in the post at all? Why not just say it starts at "5PM GMT" and call it a day? lol

At any rate, can't wait for event registration! :)

April 9th, 2013, 23:02
I think I get the time/date dealio now. What still confuses me is why is there a +12/-12 in the post at all? Why not just say it starts at "5PM GMT" and call it a day? lol
The times are so that wherever in the world a gamer lives they will be able to play from at least Friday evening until at least Sunday evening. If you want GMT, take 12 hours off the start time and add 12 hours to the end time - that's where the +12 and -12 come from! ;)

April 29th, 2013, 23:30
Website finished yet?
Is there a cut off date for game proposals?

April 30th, 2013, 23:20
website is 95% done.
Trenloe is travelling this week (and last).
As soon as he is back we will push it live asap because we are obviously running very short on time... hopefully we havent left it too late...
As soon as its live we will get you to start uploading games...

May 1st, 2013, 17:20
Hi Guys - we are almost there - but at the same time we are cutting it pretty fine... can I get a quick show of hands - who is planning to host one or more sessions at FG-Con2?

May 1st, 2013, 18:12
I am planning to run at least 3 beginner PFS (pathfinder) games.

May 1st, 2013, 18:18
I am planning to run a couple PF games

May 1st, 2013, 21:04
One CoC d20 Modern session, possibly multiple sessions if there is sufficient interest.

May 2nd, 2013, 06:30
I plan to run a Rolemaster Classic game

May 2nd, 2013, 09:08
I am not entirely sure I will have internet as I am moving to a new house at the end of the month. But, if I do have internet I would be more than willing to run a game of L5R. I have a mod that I have been working on to introduce a new living campaign that will be focused here on Fantasy Grounds. I can also run a game of AD&D 4th Ed or 3.5.

May 2nd, 2013, 16:46
its a little hard to say what I will be free during or not, as work only gives us our schedule a week in advance.

But I'm planning for some SW and maybe Pathfinder

S Ferguson
May 6th, 2013, 02:51
I should be able to run an introduction to C&C unless something drastic like an alien invasion happens.


May 10th, 2013, 17:00
Hi everyone! We're just getting the booking system and webpage finalised. Hoping to get this "live" over the weekend...

So, GM's start thinking of what you want to run and time-slots.

Rose Claymore
May 11th, 2013, 10:59
Now that I have my license to play (and GM), I should pay more attention to this. I'm working the Phoenix ComiCon on the weekend prior, so this will be like two game cons in a row.

May 12th, 2013, 14:11
Based on the calendar so far, it looks like there is a lot of room for more tables running Saturday night into Sunday morning (Nothing listed yet from 8pm-11am EST). Lets get some British & Australian friendly games up there.

May 12th, 2013, 14:21
I just had a look on the game calendar and can't see any games that say they are for FGcon (like last year).

May 12th, 2013, 14:22
We aren't doing it the same way as last year... there should be a post shortly announcing where the website is located and whatnot... I jumped the gun a bit with my last post.

May 12th, 2013, 14:56
somebody post it already....

May 12th, 2013, 15:00
Did they? Must have been in the other thread.
Here is the CALENDAR (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuS4bmZlL0uUdDlkcjE1blRBVFY5dVk5WHlJZVpvU Wc#gid=0) I was referring to. (Same googledocs setup as last year)

May 12th, 2013, 15:09
sorry - I meant "someone post the details now please!"
EDIT by Trenloe - I'm releasing data later today. Please be patient until I put a "proper" release not together. Thanks.

May 12th, 2013, 15:17
Oof. My first booking error. I accidentally accepted Bloodlust for a one of Trenloe's games by mistake. I assume that it won't be an issue.. although I think the timing conflicts with the 'First Steps - Part 1' game he signed up for also.
Bloodlust.. please check the calendar...

EDIT: Cool.. I was able to fix it.

May 12th, 2013, 15:26
Yes, I cancelled the first steps one - want to play in Day of the Demon and Veteran's Vault if possible :)

May 12th, 2013, 15:31
One more thing... when you are deciding on what time slot to go for when scheduling that game you want to run.. take a look at the spreadsheet and try and pick slots that don't conflict with other games as much as you can. That will give more opportunities for players to run in multiple sessions with a variety of GMs.

May 12th, 2013, 16:07
I'm stuck at Step 3. I don't see a check box for "Where".

May 12th, 2013, 16:09
Guys - please be patient a few hours longer... An announcement will be made shortly...

May 12th, 2013, 16:14
Roger that.

May 12th, 2013, 19:00
Website live: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?p=148666

May 13th, 2013, 03:25
I'm stuck at Step 3. I don't see a check box for "Where".
Just carry on with the other steps. I'm thinking the "Where" field has been made invisible or removed, and the walkthrough has yet to be updated about it.

May 13th, 2013, 05:34
Just carry on with the other steps. I'm thinking the "Where" field has been made invisible or removed, and the walkthrough has yet to be updated about it.
Correct. The instructions have been updated earlier today.

May 13th, 2013, 21:57
Correct. The instructions have been updated earlier today.
You copied my signature!!

May 13th, 2013, 22:12
You copied my signature!!
The colour of mine's better. :p

May 13th, 2013, 23:16
Mine is much simpler.

May 13th, 2013, 23:19
Mine is much simpler.
I'd expect that. ;)

S Ferguson
May 14th, 2013, 00:42
Now, Now, children. You know that bickering back and forth... They both look good.

May 14th, 2013, 03:14
The colour of mine's better. :p
I'm color blind. :confused:

May 14th, 2013, 21:41
umm, sorry I have been away folks so I need to get up to speed with this. I will be happy to help out and GM stuff if you like :)

May 15th, 2013, 00:07
umm, sorry I have been away folks so I need to get up to speed with this. I will be happy to help out and GM stuff if you like :)Cool. Welcome back. :)

May 15th, 2013, 03:36
Yay! Skellan is back!

"And there was much rejoicing"

Rose Claymore
May 15th, 2013, 04:07
Yay! Skellan is back!

"And there was much rejoicing"


May 16th, 2013, 01:57
umm, sorry I have been away folks so I need to get up to speed with this. I will be happy to help out and GM stuff if you like :)
Glad to see you back, Skellan! :D

May 19th, 2013, 07:47
I am planning to run a one-off scenario- v possibly Cthulhu Invictus

May 19th, 2013, 15:54
I am planning to run a one-off scenario- v possibly Cthulhu Invictus
That would be great! I suggest you get the event up on the FG-Con website so that you give players a chance to see it and register. Less than 2 weeks to go!

May 19th, 2013, 16:11
Last year, did players wait until the last minute to book a seat as well? There seems to be more games than players so far. I'm worried I'll waste that Saturday night. Posted a game a week ago.

May 19th, 2013, 16:16
Last year, did players waited at the last minute to book a seat as well? There seems to be more games than players so far. I'm worried I'll waste that Saturday night. Posted a game a week ago.
It did take a while last year for players to sign up. But, with 2 weeks to go I think we've given the FG community here enough time to sign up first. I'd suggest that if you use other RPG forums that you advertise your game (and FG Con) there. You may need to hand-hold complete FG newbies that come in from other sites a bit more - an email to them when you received their booking request to initiate contact and make sure they will have everything for the game is a good idea. Actually, I think this his a good idea in general for all GMs to email their players individually once they are booked in to the event to make sure they are prepared for the game: FG installed, Teamspeak and headset (if using voice), etc..

Rose Claymore
May 19th, 2013, 22:18
I'm managed to rearrange my schedule to allow me to participate events, though I lack the time to prepare to run anything myself.

May 19th, 2013, 22:34
I'm managed to rearrange my schedule to allow me to participate events, though I lack the time to prepare to run anything myself.
Cool. The more players the better! :-)

S Ferguson
May 19th, 2013, 23:09
Cool. The more players the better! :-)

You wouldn't happen to be a recruiter, would you? :D


May 21st, 2013, 02:53
Games are starting to fill up after Doug's newsletter went out.

Mask_of_winter - I'm hanging back to give other's a chance to take you up on the only other Savage Worlds game being run, but if your short players closer to the date, I'm gonna jump onto your game.

May 29th, 2013, 16:44
Hi guys - still about 6 games with plenty of spots available. Sign up now so the GM has time to finish prepping - or to abandon ship and climb on board another game.

May 29th, 2013, 18:42
It's a shame there aren't games running for 3.5e in edt, it all seems to be Pathfinder in that time zone.

May 29th, 2013, 18:49
It's a shame there aren't games running for 3.5e in edt, it all seems to be Pathfinder in that time zone.
Give some Pathfinder a go anyway - it's really not that different! :)

S Ferguson
May 29th, 2013, 18:52
Give some Pathfinder a go anyway - it's really not that different! :)

Heck, I'm doing it. And it really isn't all that different. Just picture 3.5 with Monte Cooke driving the reigns.

May 29th, 2013, 19:01
Pathfinder rockz! :rv: It'd just be nice if the Pathfinders would leave some scraps for other systems. :D

S Ferguson
May 29th, 2013, 19:03
Pathfinder rockz! :rv: It'd just be nice if the Pathfinders would leave some scraps for other systems. :D

Yeah, they do seem to take up all the forum space... :o

May 30th, 2013, 07:47
BREAKING NEWS! All full licences will be upgraded to ultimate for the duration of the convention! :-)

More info at the "latest news" page on the FG-Con website: https://www.fg-con.com/latest-news/

May 30th, 2013, 14:23
I have tried the Path Finder rule set once, maybe it was the group but it had a very elitist feel.

The time spent bashing 3.5 was almost equal to the time spent actually playing the session.

I may try it again, hopefully it was just that group of people.

May 30th, 2013, 14:43
I have been put off Pathfinder society merely by the fact that you need to bring a character with you, need to be registered and to run a game. I may be wrong but that is the impression I get. I would love to try PF some time but probably more interested in 3.5

And that's from the bloke who tried 5 different games last FGcon (man, I was knackered)

May 30th, 2013, 14:55
Do I need to just move the unfilled games around to better times? Lots of overlap with Pathfinder is probably not doing anyone any favors.

If there are interested players who can't make it because of conflicts, as long as I'm not up at 3 a.m., I would be happy to accommodate. Suggest an alternate time.

May 30th, 2013, 15:44
I have tried the Path Finder rule set once, maybe it was the group but it had a very elitist feel.

The time spent bashing 3.5 was almost equal to the time spent actually playing the session.

I may try it again, hopefully it was just that group of people.
That's completely the group you were playing with. Other than people discussing the main differences between 3.5e and Pathfinder, which is needed for people familiar with 3.5e and trying Pathfinder out, I've never even discussed 3.5e during my Pathfinder games. We just get on and play...

May 30th, 2013, 15:57
I have been put off Pathfinder society merely by the fact that you need to bring a character with you, need to be registered and to run a game. I may be wrong but that is the impression I get. I would love to try PF some time but probably more interested in 3.5
For Pathfinder Society games, yes you need to register and bring a character (unless you play one of the Pathfinder Society pre-gens in your first game) - it is organised play and a lot of people like it because of the one-shot nature with an underlying campaign and character development. This is not a Pathfinder only phenomenon: D&D 3.5e had Living Greyhawk and 4e has Living Forgotten Realms with similar registration and character requirements.

Non society Pathfinder RPG games would essentially be the same as 3.5e games - Pathfinder was built around being, and still is, 3.5e compatible. I run a campaign written for 3.5e with the Pathfinder rules with very little change to the NPCs/Creature stats from the 3.5e material.

If you're not interested in Pathfinder Society (PFS) games then just keep an eye out to see if the GM is advertising as a Society (PFS) game or not.

And that's from the bloke who tried 5 different games last FGcon (man, I was knackered)
I'm running 3 Pathfinder sessions at the convention that are *not* Society games - two of which have open slots. Give it a go... :)

May 30th, 2013, 15:58
I have tried the Path Finder rule set once, maybe it was the group but it had a very elitist feel.

The time spent bashing 3.5 was almost equal to the time spent actually playing the session.

I may try it again, hopefully it was just that group of people.

Yeah, the people you play with makes a big difference - I find this with all rpgs :) There's nothing in the rules that mean you have to be elitist hehe

May 30th, 2013, 18:10
Personally, I've had a really good experience with the players on these forums in general, regardless of the system. And honestly, the system really isn't the thing... some have different interesting features or whatever... but the GM and the players are what makes a game fun. Currently, I'm playing PF because there are plenty of good/fun players playing it. If there was a fun group playing RuneQuest, I'd be playing that.. or Rolemaster... or Vampire.. or whatever the game was... it's about the people.

May 30th, 2013, 18:22
This is not the first time I have wished for a "Like this post" feature. I second Blackfoot's sentiments.

May 30th, 2013, 18:29
I second Blackfoot's sentiments.
And I third them! :D

Fantasy Grounds is an amazing application, but if the community wasn't so great I wouldn't be active here - I'd just play with my friends and no one would be the wiser... ;)

May 30th, 2013, 19:39
Do I need to just move the unfilled games around to better times? Lots of overlap with Pathfinder is probably not doing anyone any favors.

If there are interested players who can't make it because of conflicts, as long as I'm not up at 3 a.m., I would be happy to accommodate. Suggest an alternate time.
There are definitely still a few open time slots in the Calendar (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuS4bmZlL0uUdDlkcjE1blRBVFY5dVk5WHlJZVpvU Wc#gid=0) I'm not sure how those work with your schedule (they are generally pretty late at night as far as US time zones go) and it is getting toward last minute for signups. There is nothing currently on the schedule for Sunday Night (again US times)... that might give some time for players to get their act together and sign up... or it might be a bad time as folks have work in the morning.

Alternatively, you could try and run a pickup game from folks in the 'pickup game' room on Teamspeak...

June 1st, 2013, 17:24
Good to see 4 sessions running concurrently: 2 PFS games, 1 Rolemaster game and one game of Fantasy Dice !

June 3rd, 2013, 05:47
Well, the event is now over! Share your feedback and thoughts on how it went!

Ran two games myself - they both ran a little long (still trying to master the pacing at such events). Both were fun, and I'd gladly run more games at the next event! I only wish the next time I wouldn't have so many real life schedule conflicts and I'd get to play as well!

Many, many thanks to everyone who invested a lot of time setting this up. It was great and your efforts produced many laughs and good karma. :)

June 3rd, 2013, 05:48
I only got to play in one after I figured out I'd done the times wrong lol.

The one game I did play in though was awesome! I pity those poor bandits though :)

June 3rd, 2013, 07:05
Thanks to everyone who helped organize these events and thanks to everyone who stopped by to play in a game.

June 3rd, 2013, 09:03
Anyone else with the after FGcon blues...

I suppose it can only go on so long. Hosted one game and played in two, but would have hosted three and played in five if I could have (damn RL commitments!)

Thank you so much to my players, you were very patient and courtious.

Thank you to phantomwhale and John_Geeshu for wonderful sessions. Shot a mafioso boss with my Colt .45 and "won" the girl in one game and went insane and jumped into a pit of screaming bodies in another (I won't tell you which game was which, that would ruin it). I had a blast!

Congrats to the player who had to leave very suddenly as his daughter was having his second grandchild!!!

Thanks to Smiteworks for the ongoing development and the support during the con. I hope maybe we could eventually see an official FGcon soon.

That's my tu'pennies worth! I love you all and want to have your babies! WOOOOOOOO!!!!


June 3rd, 2013, 15:29
Thanks for coming!

Thank you all for playing, for games mastering and for helping get this thing off the ground. We’ll pause for a quick breath before we start working on the next one – which we think will be bigger than the last and we’ll actively promote it outside the current Fantasy Grounds Community. It was great to see lots of Cthulu, Savage Worlds and Role Master. Surprisingly there was no D&D 4E or 3.5E but of course there was plenty of PathFinder going on.

Feel free to share with us your thoughts on how it all went. We do want to know what we need to do better for next time. And of course we want more – may more – of you to join in the fun at Virtual Con 3! [email protected] or here.

June 3rd, 2013, 15:45
Had a lot of fun, and enjoyed immensely chatting with folks on TS.

Thank you to the organizers for a job well done. Count me in for the next Con.

Thanks Trenloe for all of your assistance, advice, and for the PF game and for helping me identify my connectivity issue.

Thanks to bennis, hemophage, and the now twice grandpa for being great players. Wow that was fun!

Thanks to Smiteworks for granting Ultimate licenses for the weekend. That was gracious and generous and awesome!

I will be in the next Con and I will be more than happy to help with organization and promotion in whatever way I can be useful. I will run Call of Cthulhu and 3.5. There, I've committed already. So sign me up!


June 3rd, 2013, 16:01
Thank you all for the best wishes on the new grandson; he was born on June 2nd at 7:13am Alaska Standard Time, weighing 5lbs 5oz (~0.38 stone) and 17.75" long (45.085 cm) and was named, in part, after me :D, Camden Duane.

Thank you Smiteworks for hosting this event, it was a LOT of fun. I played in Ben's game, Deadlands: Noir on Friday as the eager, shotgun-wielding voodoo priest, Jean Laveaux and as Pierre, third-party insurance investigator extraordinaire in John's game, Call of Cthulhu (d20).

Had a wonderful time & would not only do it again, but I've also highly recommended it to family & friends.

June 4th, 2013, 00:00
Might we look at 2 event weekends each year? One in the late spring / early summer (i.e. now) and one in late fall / early winter?

Or would that be too much work to organize?

June 4th, 2013, 00:10
Thank you Smiteworks for hosting this event, it was a LOT of fun.

We can't take credit for this. Trenloe really took the lead and rangled up some of the other super community folks and devs to join in. The amount of effort spent by Trenloe and you GMs just for the enjoyment of others is truly amazing.

June 4th, 2013, 00:24
Ah, gee! Everyone is so nice. What is that warm fuzzy feeling inside my chest? Oh no - I feel it coming and I know I will instantly regret it... ... ...

Extra XP for all my players!

(damn... what have I done!!!)

June 4th, 2013, 00:27
Might we look at 2 event weekends each year? One in the late spring / early summer (i.e. now) and one in late fall / early winter?

Or would that be too much work to organize?
That's exactly what we're looking at. I've always liked the sound of "FGHalloweenCon" but the convention team need to look at possible dates and pick something towards the end of the year but before the commitments of the December holidays kicks in...

June 4th, 2013, 01:07
Thanks to Trenloe and everyone involved in this con. I had a great weekend and got to try out new systems. Next time I wont shirk off and I will run something myself

June 4th, 2013, 01:48
Thanks to the con organizers. Damian did bang up job on the web site, Martin kept pushing it along and even managed to fit in a vacation. (Glad I was able to help out by running plugin updates without anyone's knowledge ). ;-)

This was the annual weekend I actually get to play in sessions, so any mention of it being more than once a year is welcome.

GMs were great, as were the players, looking forward to the next one.

S Ferguson
June 10th, 2013, 22:20
Might we look at 2 event weekends each year? One in the late spring / early summer (i.e. now) and one in late fall / early winter?

Or would that be too much work to organize?

I'd second that. It's so rare I actually get to play.

July 3rd, 2013, 16:11
FG Con 3 announcement: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?p=151679

October 15th, 2013, 01:41
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Con 3 is here - plenty of player slots available and just enough time for GMs to add any new games! Follow my signature for more info!

April 10th, 2014, 14:06

FG Con 4 is here!

FG Con is back for our 4th event. This time around FG Con will span 100 hours from the evening of Thursday May 8th (AUS/NZ time) to late night Sunday May 11th (US/CA Time).

We’ve got 38 sessions available for registration right now and several more close to being published. Visit the site here: https://www.fg-con.com/events and get started.

Players – now is the time to sign up for your games – but first you need to make sure you have your timezone set in your user profile – see instructions here: https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/FGCon_UserRegistration.pdf All players play free! Of course you still need to have installed a copy of Fantasy Grounds and TeamSpeak but you can still play even with a demo license.

GMs – there is still time to get your game listed – but don’t leave it too late as it will get harder to fill your game. Instructions for GMs here: https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/FGCon_GMGuidelines.pdf All Full Licenses will be bumped to Ultimate licenses for the duration of the Con so you can get those friends involved who haven’t yet committed to a license.

If you need any help – either as a player or a GM please contact the FG Con team by email: [email protected] All feedback is welcome. Suggestions regarding the site, regarding recruitment, regarding emails – whatever – the FG Con team want to hear from you.

July 27th, 2014, 23:18
FG Con 5 - Dates Announced

FG Con 5 will run from Friday evening 17th October AEST until Midnight Sunday 19th October PDT.

The first FG Con was held almost exactly 2 years ago running from 20th-22nd July 2012. FG Con has come a long way since then. The first FG Con was organised completely on the Fantasy Grounds Forums and Game Calendar along with spreadsheets managed by Blackfoot and wbcreighton to coordinate games across timezones.

While lots has changed many things remain the same!

• FG Con is a 100% online Convention using Fantasy Grounds

• FG Con is community organised and run

• Totally Free for Players

• Full and Steam licenses get upgraded to Ultimate for FG Con

• Community TeamSpeak server for all games (thanks Mellock)

• Game choice and timing is completely up to GMs (PG/13)

• Players and GMs from all over the world

• Organised gaming from the Pathfinder Society (with Paizo support) and Savage Worlds from the Society of Extraordinary Gamers

• Wide spectrum of games available

FG Con 5 delivers a fun and dynamic convention-like gaming experience for Players and GMs to play your favourite RPGs and meet other like minded gamers. Participants can enjoy a wide variety of games and genres.

FG Con 5 will be managed and run from the FG Con Website (https://www.fg-con.com/). We are planning to break 50 sessions at FG Con 5 and showcase a wider variety of games. We are talking to several publishers about providing some small prizes and incentives.

Important Dates

• 26/07/2014 GM Game registration opens

• 23/08/2014 Player registration opens

• 16/10/2014 Player registration closes for most sessions

• 17/10/2014 FG Con 5 begins!

• 19/10/2014 FG Con 5 finishes

All interested GMs and Players can register for FG Con 5 now by visiting the website (https://www.fg-con.com/wp-login.php?action=register)and choosing Login -> Register (https://www.fg-con.com/wp-login.php?action=register). That way you will also receive our FG Con newsletter and any FG Con updates by email.

For any one thinking about running a session as a GM at FG Con 5 feel free to drop us an email with any questions you might have: [email protected]

Keep reading here - FG Con 5 Dates Announced (https://www.fg-con.com/latest-news/fg-con-5-dates-announced/)

July 28th, 2014, 00:41
Here's to hoping there will be a little bit of DnD 3.5 happening this year. :)

July 28th, 2014, 06:34
I'mhoping for a few more non-D&D / PFS games. Previous ones have been dominated a little.

July 28th, 2014, 06:57
I'm hoping for a few more non-D&D / PFS games. Previous ones have been dominated a little.
The odds are pretty good that there will be at least 15 PFS games at the Con (the minimum number for Paizo support). Other than that.. there will be as many games from different systems as people sign up to run. We are hoping for at least 50 games so if there are 15-20 PFS games.. that leaves another 30 'other' system games to be run. Based on the growth from previous cons.. those numbers aren't all that out of whack.

I strongly recommend that other groups 'get organized' it helps to get more games going and get some energy for the con. I know there was a big group of Savage Worlds games run at the last Con.. so I expect they did some planning there as well.

July 28th, 2014, 13:09
I'm hoping for a few more non-D&D / PFS games. Previous ones have been dominated a little.

hey Valarian - hopefully you might like to run a TOR session again!

The odds are pretty good that there will be at least 15 PFS games at the Con (the minimum number for Paizo support). Other than that.. there will be as many games from different systems as people sign up to run. We are hoping for at least 50 games so if there are 15-20 PFS games.. that leaves another 30 'other' system games to be run. Based on the growth from previous cons.. those numbers aren't all that out of whack.

I strongly recommend that other groups 'get organized' it helps to get more games going and get some energy for the con. I know there was a big group of Savage Worlds games run at the last Con.. so I expect they did some planning there as well.

Im hoping to see just as many Pathfinder Games - they are very popular and in many cases GMs can re-run something they have already run to cut down on prep time.

Im hoping we will also see several 5E games. The Society of Extraordinary Gamers are coming to the party again with more Savage Worlds and some other games too.

Castles & Crusades is slowly picking up too.

Hopefully we can see some Cthulhu and some other other less well played rulesets too.

For anyone interested in Barbarians Of Lemuria - there are now 2 pledge levels that includes a Fantasy Grounds ruleset over on Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/700903193/barbarians-of-lemuria-mythic-edition?ref=https://www.fg-con.com). With a deal of luck we might see this being run at FG Con too!

I will be sending out a GM Newsletter in the next 24 hours too :)

July 28th, 2014, 13:19
I'mhoping for a few more non-D&D / PFS games. Previous ones have been dominated a little.
I am hoping to run at least one Savage Worlds game... problem is I do not know which one yet...
...Daring Tales of Adventure...
...Deadlands Noir...
...Deadlands Reloaded...

or even Scooby Doo again... or the "sequel" which is now rather than a Scooby Doo adventure will be an East Texas University adventure - Spring Break!

July 28th, 2014, 21:52
This is what I feared, Maybe you should call it PFS Con with a few other systems on the side.

July 28th, 2014, 22:00
This is what I feared, Maybe you should call it PFS Con with a few other systems on the side.
I think that's an unfair comment based on the 39 sessions of gaming ran in FG Con IV - 24 of which weren't PFS games. That is just over a third of the total events being PFS games.

More details in general on the FG Con IV statistics here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20977-FG-Con-IV-Summary

We don't restrict any particular system for games running at FG Cons - GMs can run anything they like and we encourage them to do so.

And, to be brutally honest, without the 15 PFS sessions at the last 2 FG cons the whole convention would have been a very small affair (8 events for FG Con III) - and maybe it wouldn't still be running as a result... PFS has helped to keep this convention going and grow - please don't forget that!

If you're not interested in PFS that is totally cool - just ignore the PFS games and sign up for the games you're interested in.

If you want more games to be ran, then please help advertise FG Con and convince some GMs to run games you are interested in. :)

July 28th, 2014, 23:06
This is what I feared, Maybe you should call it PFS Con with a few other systems on the side.
And you are certainly welcome to run games using your favorite system... as many of them as you like.

July 29th, 2014, 00:31
@sirchet - we welcome all GMs - even those who havent run much before. its not PaizoCon or TrollCon or other RulesetCon its FG Con! So long as the game is being run over Fantasy Grounds (and is suitable for all ages) then we are happy to run the session. GMing requires a much bigger commitment and effort than playing and we dont want to dictate or limit what people can run.
I believe you had a negative experience in a PFS session once before. Sometimes that happens, sometimes its a mis-communication, sometimes its different personalities, sometimes its just unfortunate. We'd love you to consider running a session and please do consider playing in a session or 2 once player registration goes live.

July 29th, 2014, 00:41
I have a feeling there will be lots of Savage this time if those extraordinary gamers are involved :)

July 29th, 2014, 00:46
Due to bad timing, I will be attending Con on the Cob in Ohio so unable to run at FG con. If you are lucky enough to live in Western PA, Ohio, or South East New York come join me!

July 29th, 2014, 01:11
Due to bad timing, I will be attending Con on the Cob in Ohio so unable to run at FG con. If you are lucky enough to live in Western PA, Ohio, or South East New York come join me!

I've been thinking about going to Con on the Cob for years now since it's only about 2 hours away and is a reputed Savage Worlds convention.

July 29th, 2014, 03:01
If I would have known my opinion would strike so many nerves I would have kept it to myself.

I will be a little more careful with my comments in the future in hopes of not gaining the ire of PFS supporters.

It's just that I really do enjoy DnD and am hoping to partake in a few sessions, if not, then the campaigns I've been playing in on FG the last few years will suffice.

July 29th, 2014, 03:20
It's just that I really do enjoy DnD and am hoping to partake in a few sessions, if not, then the campaigns I've been playing in on FG the last few years will suffice.
Understood. Positive comments and constructive action will help that happen.

I will be a little more careful with my comments in the future in hopes of not gaining the ire of PFS supporters.
I don't think the ire was specifically defending PFS (certainly not from my side), my main dislike of your comment was that I felt it wasn't constructive and was devaluing all of the great games and work done by the community at FG Cons. Many members of this community work tirelessly to organise, get the word of FG Cons out there and try to attract GMs to run all sorts of games. In the end the games that go ahead are the ones that are popular with GMs (so they post the game in the first place) and are popular with the players (so enough sign up for the game to happen). Last convention we had 11 games that didn't go ahead due to not getting the minimum number of players - these were sessions for all different systems.

FG Cons will only grow if more GMs run games and more players sign up for those games. To do that we need the positive/constructive word to get out to as many role-players as possible - initially to Fantasy Grounds GMs and then to the playing community in general.

July 29th, 2014, 03:21
It's just that I really do enjoy DnD and am hoping to partake in a few sessions, if not, then the campaigns I've been playing in on FG the last few years will suffice.
Understood. Positive comments and constructive action will help that happen.

I will be a little more careful with my comments in the future in hopes of not gaining the ire of PFS supporters.
I don't think the ire was specifically defending PFS (certainly not from my side), my main dislike of your comment was that I felt it wasn't constructive and was devaluing all of the great games and work done by the community at FG Cons. Many members of this community work tirelessly to organise, get the word of FG Cons out there and try to attract GMs to run all sorts of games. In the end the games that go ahead are the ones that are popular with GMs (so they post the game in the first place) and are popular with the players (so enough sign up for the game to happen). Last convention we had 11 games that didn't go ahead due to not getting the minimum number of players - these were sessions for all different systems.

FG Cons will only grow if more GMs run games and more players sign up for those games. To do that we need the positive/constructive word to get out to as many role-players as possible - initially to Fantasy Grounds GMs and then to the playing community in general.

July 29th, 2014, 13:13
I agree with your sentiments, but positive feedback is valuable only when it is honest. Last year a third of the sessions were PFS as Trenloe stated. I wonder what percentage of the remaining 70% were DnD.

I will not be GMing anything myself because I would like to avoid putting folks through the pain of a poorly run session.

I will watch the schedule and hope for sessions that suit my taste.

July 29th, 2014, 13:24
I agree with your sentiments, but positive feedback is valuable only when it is honest. Last year a third of the sessions were PFS as Trenloe stated. I wonder what percentage of the remaining 70% were DnD.

Ahh thats easy -

Generic - 3 / 7%
D&D 3.5 - 3 / 7%
Pathfinder - 15 / 37%
Numenera - 1 / 3%
Savage Worlds - 8 / 20%
Castles&Crusades - 2 / 5%
Fate - 1 / 3%
Extinction Event - 1 / 3%
Rolemaster - 1 / 3%
Basic Role Playing - 1 / 3%
Star Wars: Edge of the Empire - 1 / 3%
Dungeon Crawl Classics - 1 / 3%
GUMSHOE - 1 / 3%
Champions - 1 / 3%

July 29th, 2014, 16:57
I will not be GMing anything myself because I would like to avoid putting folks through the pain of a poorly run session.

I will watch the schedule and hope for sessions that suit my taste.
This is a comment not just to sirchet but to *anyone* who wants to see specific types of games running in FG Con: Help us to help you. Post on external forums/other social media in the areas you're most interested in - let people know about FG Con, try and convince some GMs to run games for the systems you enjoy.

This is especially important for older or less mainstream game systems. For example, D&D 3.5e is now 2 releases "old" - if players want to see 3.5e games running in FG Con there will need to be some effort to attract 3.5e GMs. I'm not picking on 3.5e as being "old" (it's still perfectly playable), just providing this as an example.

The FG Con organisers rely heavily on community members getting the word out - the convention is organised by a small group of volunteers who commit a large amount of their free time to bring this twice yearly convention to the public. The same few people "spamming" forums and social media can be counter productive, so we need lots of people helping - anyone that can help get the word out and round up more GMs/players will be helping all of us. :)

August 23rd, 2014, 10:56
FG Con 5 - October 17-19th.
There are about 30 sessions which are now open for player bookings!
GMs get your games posted early so we can get them filled up.

September 3rd, 2014, 04:06
The latest FG Con Newsletter has just gone out.
Not getting it? Make sure you subscribe over at https://www.fg-con.com and you'll get all the latest news and a monthly newsletter on FG on, Fantasy Grounds and Gaming in general.
View past newsletters here: https://www.fg-con.com/latest-news/fg-con-newsletter-archive/
And sign up here: https://www.fg-con.com/wp-login.php?action=register
FG Con 5 runs from Friday 17th October - Sunday 19th Octber 2014 (https://www.fg-con.com/events)

October 3rd, 2014, 02:42
Lots of games still looking for players.
2 weeks to go - please have another look and get signed up for FG Con 5.
So much Pathfinder, Savage Worlds and more!

October 7th, 2014, 04:38
I need a couple more players for one of my sessions - this should be a lot of fun - https://www.fg-con.com/events/elenes-necklace-2/ Saturday evening for all you American/Canadian players.
There are plenty of other games available still too!

January 27th, 2015, 12:46
FG Con 6 dates have been announced!
April 17th-19th 2015.

View the latest FG Con newsletter here: https://www.fg-con.com/?wysija-page=1&controller=email&action=view&email_id=25

FG Con 6 will run from Friday evening 17th April (Aus and NZ) thru until late on Sunday 19th (US and Canada). Thats nearly 70 hours of great games on offer for players to participate in, 70 hours for GMs to show case their latest creations and for everyone to meet new people and plan great and heroic adventures!

GM registration officially opens on February 2nd - we are just finalising some coding updates. Many of you will already know the drill and we hope to see a bunch of new GMs joining in the fun for this great event. Once again SmiteWorks have agreed to promote all Full Licenses to Ultimate for the duration of FG Con opening the games up to more GMs and Players!

Players - you cant sign up for games just yet - player registration will open on February 28.

Some of the highlights of FG Con 5 -

We ran 48 sessions - thats 23% more than FG Con.
We had over 280 bookings which is almost 50% more than FG Con 4.
We ran our first hangout sessions and recorded them live onto Youtube. The 4 Hangout Sessions were for new Players and GMs and can be found here: https://www.fg-con.com/latest-news/fg-con-hangout-recordings/
18 Pathfinder Society Events
Games in Swedish and German
Over 20,000 visits to the https://www.fg-con.com site

March 1st, 2015, 00:15
In case you are not subscribed to the FG Con Newsletter here is a link to what went out less than 24 hours ago - and we have almost 100 bookings already.


Please share with friends who might be interested in joining your hobby!

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/fg-con-6-150-1.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

March 29th, 2015, 14:46
FG Con 6 runs in just under 3 weeks!
We have 57 games covering lots of rulesets and lots of genres!
We have about 35 GMs running these awesome game sessions and we have taken almost 250 bookings!
We have room for almost 100 more players.

Please invite your friends.
Invite people youve played with in the past who may have been missing for a while.
Invite your enemies.
Share the link and dates on your favourite forums outside this one!

There are games here for just about everyone from 5e to DCC, from 50 Fathoms to Star Trek, FireFly to Thunderbirds, Extinction Event to Shadowrun, Star Wars to Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu to Trail of Cthulhu and so much more!

Its Free - totally Free - you ca play with a Demo license!
What do you need? Teamspeak 3 installed and configured. A headset and mic. Fantasy Grounds installed and updated. Register on the https://www.fg-con.com/events website!

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/fg-con-6-150-1.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/fg-con-6-150-2.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/fg-con-6-150-4.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/fg-con-6-150-5.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/fg-con-6-150-6.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/fg-con-6-150-7.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/fg-con-6-150-9.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/fg-con-6-150-12.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/fg-con-6-150-13.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

https://www.fg-con.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/fg-con-6-150-15.jpg (https://www.fg-con.com/events/)
FG Con 6 – April 17-19th 2015 - register at www.fg-con.com (https://www.fg-con.com/) for all the latest info.

June 26th, 2015, 09:33
Were running *FGDaze!* this Saturday 27th June. *15 free one shot games* for all comers but you gotta book! We have a fantastic range of rule systems and genres being run from the Savage Worlds - Eye of Kilquato to Star Wars, Shadowrun, Top Secret, Pathfinder, Fate, and lots of D&D 5e. All games are newbie friendly - new to the system and new to +Fantasy Grounds.

You need a demo license (or better) of Fantasy Grounds , TeamSpeak and a Headset and Mic. Games are filling fast - dont miss out.

A couple of new games posted - 18 spots all up available right now -

[FGDAZE] - Eye of Kilquato - Savage Worlds - Pulp (3 spots)
Buck savage and the crew have been contracted to retrieve the legendary Eye of Kilquato! The race is on as the Third Reich has deemed the eye a national treasure fit only for motherland. Brave river pirates, fight ancient cults and explore the darkest corners of the Amazon!

[FGDAZE] -- Shattered Galaxy One Shot -- Savage Worlds -- Scirf (6 spots)
he freelance crew of the Gay Deciever is looking for work on the merchanter outpost on the edge of reclaimed space. What awaits them in the lost shards of the galaxy that is putting itself back together after FTL travel was broken for nearly a century. Will be using Teamspeak and if no expereience with either/or Savage Worlds/Fantasy Grounds, please tell me ahead of time so I am aware.

[FGDaze] D&D 5e - Bandit's Nest (6 spots available)
Newcomers welcome! Bandit's Nest is an adventure for 1st level characters. I will run as much as we can get through in two hours. Please have TeamSpeak installed and a mic. Pregens will be available but you can bring your own character built with the standard array. Also, please be aware that I don't own the official module and am not a regular D&D 5e GM although I'm confident in my ability to provide a fun experience for all.

[FGDAZE] DDEX2-5 Flames of Kythorn - New Players Welcome (1 spots)
During a summer drought, Mulmaster is threatened by a series of arson attacks. As the populace riots, accusations fly blaming Thayans, residents of the ghettos, rowdy sailors, the refugees from Phlan and dozens of others. Can you solve the mystery before the city burns? An adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

[FGDAZE] Savage Top Secret [SXG] (1 spot available)
Synopsis: Missile plans your organization wants are rumored to be in a relatively unguarded warehouse safe. Your team is tasked to get them ASAP. This is a one shot for FGDaze. It is a Savage Worlds conversion of an old school Top Secret adventure. Pregens will be provided.

[FGDaze] D&D 5E - Adventurers League- DDEX02-01 City of Danger -Noobs Welcome (full)

[FGDaze] D&D 5e - White Plume Mountain (3 spots available)
When Riikan Dack, a wealthy collector of rare art objects, hired you to recover a weapon stolen from his vault, he offered your group 10,000 gp—a reward sizable enough to dissuade you from asking too many questions. He showed you the boastful note left by the thief—supposedly an ancient wizard named Keraptis—and told you that his sources had pinpointed your destination (the “feathered mound” named in the note) as a volcanic peak called White Plume Mountain.

[FGDaze] Lost Mines of Phandelver NPW (New Player Welcome) (4 spots available)
FGDaze one shot - Meant to introduce new players interested in D&D 5th Edition as well as Fantasy Grounds. Will be running thrue the first part of LMoP

[FGDaze] Savage Worlds - The Last Parsec: Omariss Death Worm (full)
The heroes are asked to accompany Dr. Albert Mars to the distant desert world of Omariss 7. There he hopes to capture the mysterious and legendary "death worm." A local war complicates the matter, so the JumpCorp team will need all its wits to survive this dangerous expedition. This is a one shot session for FGDaze and will run for 4 hours. No Fantasy Grounds nor Savage Worlds experience is required. PreGens supplied. Headset and mic required.

[FGDaze] Shadowrun Missions - SRM02-01 Parliament of Thieves (full)
Shadowrun Missions - SRM02-01 Parliament of Thieves

[FGDaze] Star Wars - Force & Destiny Beginner Game - Noobs Welcome (full)
A 4 hour one-off game of the new Beginner Game for Star Wars: Force and Destiny. PreGens provided and beginners welcome.

[FGDaze] War of the Dead (full)
This is a one-shot, three hours in length for FGDaze. Beginners welcome, no experience necessary. Where were you, the day the Earth died? An unexplained cataclysm is infecting the world. Millions are dying and rising as flesh-consuming ghouls. Entire cities are roaming graveyards, and even the countryside is overrun with creatures in search of living flesh. Those remaining are banding together for survival, some seeking safety in numbers and others seeking to use their numbers to overpower and dominate the weak. It's a war for survival. A . . . . . . War of the Dead!

[FGDAZE] C-Sec Adventures: Murder at the 4th Star Hotel - New players welcome. (full)
FGDaze One Shot - A known Turian xenophobe has been murdered in his hotel room. A Spectre is in the area who is notorious for collateral damage and loss of life. It's up to C-Sec to solve the crime and bring the murder to justice before this Spectre decides to step in. This is a One Shot session for FGDaze and will run between 4-6 hours. Characters will be provided.

[FGDAZE] D&D 5e - DDEX2-8 Foulness Beneath Mulmaster - New Players Welcome (full)
The sewers beneath Mulmaster have always been dangerous, with countless stories of brigands, murderers, and worse that lurk beneath the streets of the City of Danger. But those stories pale in comparison to a new threat under Mulmaster, one brought to light by a strange and disturbing corpse recently found. It is up to you to learn the terrifying truth of what lurks below. An adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

[FGDAZE] Maelstrom - Fencing Masters - Noobs Welcome (full)
FGDaze One Shot - Fencing Masters. This is a one shot session for FG Daze and will run for 4 hours. No Fantasy Grounds or Ruleset experience is required. Pregens supplied. Headset and Mic required. Please have Fantasy Grounds and Teamspeak installed and updated prior to joining the session.

[FGDAZE] PFS-Thornkeep #1: The Accursed Halls (full)
Beneath Brokenhelm Hill and the weathered walls of Thornkeep lies an ancient maze of magic and madness. Once the workrooms and summoning chamber of a rebel Azlanti lord, these subterranean chambers were forgotten thousands of years ago after the eradication of the evil lord and his followers. Over the centuries, adventurers have found their way into these twisting passages and magnificent chambers, only to discover that the fading magic of the ancient Azlanti still lingers here.

Games for everyone!

July 20th, 2015, 16:40
The next FGDaze! event will be run on August 15th 2015.
Wanna play some one shot action? Wanna run something different?
Help spread some gaming goodness to all the new and lapsed players out there with awesome one shots Saturday August 15th!

FG Con 7 will be running from October 16th - October 18th 2015.
FG Con is our premier Fantasy Grounds Gaming convention and thanks to all you awesome people the event gets better every time.
GM Registration will open on Monday August 17th and player registration will follow 4 weeks later.

And... there is another awesome event about to be announced! Look for it in the next day or two!

September 23rd, 2015, 06:38

Woohoo! FG Con 7 is open for player registrations. 25 sessions posted already and now taking bookings!
I have 16 more GM sessions in the works and I know there are others coming too.

GMs dont be shy - run a game and share your RPG talents with players new and old!
Players - spread the word - invite a friend - try something different!

If you are considering running a game but are hesitant for any reason drop me a PM and we'll see if we can help you out.

There is a loose Fright Night! theme but its completely open to the GMs what they run. Im running a some Investigative Cthulhu and some old school Fantasy Hack and Slash!

If you want some signature banners Ive made up a few here - https://www.dropbox.com/s/h73p3embzqnnbow/fg-con-7-signatures.txt?dl=0

February 20th, 2016, 05:32

FG Con 8 is coming! FG Con 8 will run April 8-10 2016!

FG Con 7 will run from Friday evening 8th April (Aus and NZ) thru until late on Sunday 10th (US and Canada). That's nearly 70 hours of great games on offer for players to participate in, 70 hours for GMs to show case their latest creations and for everyone to meet new people and plan great and heroic adventures!

GM registration is open now. Many of you will already know the drill and we hope to see a bunch of new GMs joining in the fun for this great event.

Players - you cant sign up for games just yet - player registration will open in Mid March.

Subscribe to this thread to receive notifications when more details are posted!

Signature files are available here if you want to help promote the event!


October 8th, 2016, 00:40
Check out some of the *other games* running at *FG Con 9* next weekend.


Symbaroum - The Promised Land

Dungeon World

Rite of Spring- Gods of the Fall

Star Frontiers: Salvage

Star Wars: Edge of the Empire - Fringers IV

La Saga de la Ravenar [G+ FG Spain][Spanish]

[SXG] Star Trek: Shattered Alliance

The Derelict - Call of Cthulhu

The Devil is in the Details

DnD 4e, New Players, New DM. Keep on the Shadowfell. Lvl 1-4

And there are:

37 D&D 5th Edition Games including Adventurers League
24 Pathfinder Society Games
22 Savage Worlds Sessions

All players play for free. Play from your own home and experience the awesomeness of RPGs on Fantasy Grounds Can play with a free/demo license all weekend.

October 11th, 2016, 03:51
Sessions with 2 or more spots available
99 Sessions currently and 470 confirmed bookngs
There are plenty of other sessions that have a single spot available or you can add your name to a wait list by leaving a comment on that sessions event page

Adventurers League

Savage Worlds

Multitable 1-2/ (https://www.fg-con.com/events/season-3-special-blood-under-absalom-1-2/) | 3-4/ (https://www.fg-con.com/events/season-3-special-blood-under-absalom-3-4/) | 5-6/ (https://www.fg-con.com/events/season-3-special-blood-under-absalom-5-6/) | 8-9/ (https://www.fg-con.com/events/season-3-special-blood-under-absalom-7-8/) | 10-11 (https://www.fg-con.com/events/season-3-special-blood-under-absalom-10-11/)

Other Systems
Symbaroum https://www.fg-con.com/events/symbaroum-the-promised-land/
Dungeon World https://www.fg-con.com/events/dungeon-world-3/
Trail of Cthulhu https://www.fg-con.com/events/sxg-the-murderer-of-thomas-fell/
BRP Star Frontiers https://www.fg-con.com/events/star-frontierssalvage/
Cypher System https://www.fg-con.com/events/rite-of-spring-gods-of-the-fall/
Star Trek https://www.fg-con.com/events/sxg-star-trek-shattered-alliance/

April 10th, 2018, 02:11
Ho good people - FG Con is on in 3 days time.
Stacks of games running - over 350 player bookings so far.
Come and join in the fun.
D&D is definitely the king this time around but soe other great sessions too including Savage Worlds, Pathfinder and more.