View Full Version : Creating Token Modules

January 22nd, 2013, 05:11
Is there a way to create .mod files for tokens? I got a lot of tokens, loading them all really slows FG2 down.

January 22nd, 2013, 05:47

Use the /export command in a campaign with the tokens loaded.
( you could also make a new campaign and create folders for your tokens)

Drag the tokens from the bags into the area that indicates tokens

once they are all dragged over, right click in the export window and save the file

there might be an easier way but I know this works

January 22nd, 2013, 06:12
That's problematic as I'm trying to export like 1,300 tokens into one module, 4,000 tokens into another module.

Dragging a whole bag, which is what I'd like to do, gives me a script error: [string "utility/scripts/export_tokens.lua"]:19: Invalid parameter to setPrototype.

January 22nd, 2013, 06:17
I hear you.

Would opening a module with that many tokens cause memory lags I wonder ?

I'm guessing that you have them organized in bags. If I remember correctly when you export given the method described, all the tokens end up in one bag.

January 22nd, 2013, 06:22
I may have sort of solved the problem myself. A large percentage of those tokens are misc. items and structures from Dundjinni which I don't really need.

Still leaves me with like 100mb in tokens. Maybe package the Dungeon Tiles into one .mod, we'll see.

January 22nd, 2013, 06:38
Looking the .mod created when making a token mod file, it is very easy to create the .mod

One simple .xml file and a directory with all the tokens

zip them up and change the extension to .mod

if you take a look at the .mod file you'll see what I mean

January 22nd, 2013, 07:00
That worked! Ahhh, blissfully short loading. Thanks!

I really should have thought of that myself. >.<

January 22nd, 2013, 18:16
Now I need to try it out. Did you put everything into one folder, or were you able to organize them ?

January 22nd, 2013, 18:27
What I did was: I made a new module with one Monster token in it.

Then I opened the module up (i.e. renamed the file from .mod to .zip) and dropped all the Monster tokens in it, remembering to also delete them from my token directory.

Then when I ran FG, the monster tokens were gone and there was a Monster Token module. When I activated the Monster Token module, voila! All the tokens loaded.

Weirdly, it seemed like the overall load time was reduced drastically. FG2 loaded much faster without all those tokens in the tokens folder, and activating the module was almost instant.


Thanks again!

January 22nd, 2013, 18:43
One quick question:

Have you tried loading with the token module opened previously ? Curious if you need to close the module before the end of the session.

January 22nd, 2013, 22:46
when i am setting up an adventure/campaign/whatever i tend to grab all the tokens i will definitely need and a smaller bunch of extras for npcs etc and stick them in a module. i find that works well for me.

January 22nd, 2013, 23:25
You do not need to reopen the module every time you launch the campaign, I just tried it. My monster tokens persisted.

January 22nd, 2013, 23:27
when i am setting up an adventure/campaign/whatever i tend to grab all the tokens i will definitely need and a smaller bunch of extras for npcs etc and stick them in a module. i find that works well for me.

I run a pretty open world game which means my players regularly surprise me by going off in a random direction and trying crazy ****.

Which I'm fine with, I love it. I have all the monsters parsed, it's easy. But it means I also need a huge collection of tokens ready because I never have any idea what the players are going to do next.

"Let's go talk to the Lich!"

"Ahhh...ok, hang on a second, lemme set up the encounter."

"Wait, we don't want to *fight* him."

"I realize that. But I'm an optimist!"