View Full Version : Separating Pathfinder from 3.5E ruleset?

January 21st, 2013, 09:01
Does it make sence to split the 3.5E ruleset into one clean 3.5E ruleset and one clean Pathfinder ruleset ?

I know the differences are very small but it would make the rules written in lua less complex on the other hand and you would have a cleaner separation of "content" (XML) and "rules" (LUA) in my opinion.

For example you do not have to create dynamcly the combat ability "grabble" (3.5E) or "CMD" (Pathfinder) label for the charactersheet by using lua code, you can just define the value within the XML tags.

An other argument could be that Pathfinder rules developing is going on while 3.5E is stopped.

Maybe it is not worth to do that because it could end in more ruleset maintenamce effort or other problems, but what do the community think about that idea ?

January 21st, 2013, 15:48
Personally I'm happy with the status quo.

They share so much commonality... which I suppose is an argument that could swing either way.

January 21st, 2013, 20:54
Depends what is developing faster - the "core stuff" or the "ruleset specific stuff".

I spend a LOT of my time keeping Savage Worlds ruleset up to date with the new "core stuff" that 4E adds in, and I know a lot of rulesets that have fallen far behind on these features due to lack of maintenance - it is quite a large effort.

The longer term goal I think is to create more modular rulesets, such that it's easier to keep core stuff (dice rolling, images) separate from ruleset specific stuff - thsi would sound like a better point to split. Not sure when (or if) this is coming though, so don't hold your breath !

January 22nd, 2013, 00:25
There are pros and cons either way but for feature parity we want them to share the same base. In fact, we're looking to also support Iron Heroes, D20 Modern, D20 future and Arcana Evolved from the same base.

Moon Wizard
January 25th, 2013, 22:43
At this point, I am leaning towards forking PFRPG and 3.5E with the future modular ruleset features. It will be much easier at that point to reuse ruleset code across rulesets, which will make the split much easier too.
