View Full Version : 4E Wood Theme link icons disappear

December 30th, 2012, 19:18
I was trying out the various themes for 4E and noticed that when using the Wood Theme, the red dragon icon for links doesn't show up. Links still work, but they look like an empty box. When you do actually click on a link, the icon will show up briefly. I tried deleting the Wood Theme and re-patching, to make sure it wasn't a corrupt file, but that didn't fix it.

Anyone else experiencing this?

March 16th, 2013, 21:50
Yeah I have the same problem.

Mind you, you posted this like last year, so I realize my response is doubly unhelpful. :D

Moon Wizard
March 17th, 2013, 07:31
The wood theme does not use the dragon icon. It uses the original wood theme from when FG v2 first launched. The links use a gray-filled square for an available link, and an empty square for an empty link.


March 17th, 2013, 07:45
Can I edit the theme to use the dragon icon? I get that no icon is the default, but being used to the dragon, it now looks like a bug. :D

Moon Wizard
March 17th, 2013, 08:19
Your best bet is to make a copy of the theme.

1. Make a copy of the wood theme extension file. (FG2 data folder, extensions subfolder)
2. Open the .ext file by renaming it to .zip.
3. Replace the icon you want to replace.
4. Change the extension name in the extension.xml file.
5. Change the file back to .ext
6. Place the new extension in the extensions folder.

If you just edit the wood theme in place, it will be overwritten on the next update.


March 17th, 2013, 19:32
I am going to give it a shot! Thanks!