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View Full Version : Any game planned for Friday?

December 6th, 2012, 11:13
Just wondering if anyone planning as game for Fri?


December 6th, 2012, 11:39
I was thinking of running something, not sure what or what time yet though. It would probably be one I have already prepared as I want to run blackros matrimony on sunday.
am open to suggestions for friday

December 6th, 2012, 13:27
Just if the off chance the Friday game might start after 8pm EST (GMT-5), I would join in! Either with my level 2 character or with a pregen at higher level.

December 6th, 2012, 14:49
Midnight GMT is about as late as I could start and still have a chance of being conscious at the end of the session. Could you make a little earlier?

December 6th, 2012, 15:04
Midnight GMT is about as late as I could start and still have a chance of being conscious at the end of the session. Could you make a little earlier?
No (I'm on babysitting duty tomorrow, wife going out, but kids go to bed only at 8). :eek:

Don't schedule it at a crazy time on my account though; there's usually enough GMT players to get a group going!

December 6th, 2012, 15:05
choices are:
Icebound outpost
gods market gamble
goblinblood dead

December 6th, 2012, 15:07
No (I'm on babysitting duty tomorrow, wife going out, but kids go to bed only at 8). :eek:

Don't schedule it at a crazy time on my account though; there's usually enough GMT players to get a group going!

I have another player who can't start till midnight, so I will start then.
Sorry to miss you out lachancery, I am sure you'll get in one soon :D