View Full Version : Problem with "User.getLocalIdentities();"

November 28th, 2012, 04:58
Hi all,

in a Ruleset, created a long time ago and now being reworked by some friends of mine, a problem occured.

In the File "Charlist_Clientlocal.lua the Function "User.getLocalIdentities();" is used. In the 4e Version it works fine and the Databasenode is filled with Data.

Network Notice: Local session started
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_client.lua, onInit
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_client.lua, onInit, Ende
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_clientlocal.lua, onInit
Script Notice: activeidentities:
Runtime Notice: { }
Script Notice: id
Runtime Notice: nil
Script Notice: aLabels
Runtime Notice: nil
Script Notice: nodeLocal
Runtime Notice: nil
Script Notice: localIdentities:
Runtime Notice: { #1 = { s'id' = s'id-00001', s'databasenode' = databasenode = { charsheet.id-00001 }, s'session' = s'Test_4e' } }
Script Notice: activeidentities:
Runtime Notice: { }
Script Notice: localIdentities:
Runtime Notice: { #1 = { s'id' = s'id-00001', s'databasenode' = databasenode = { charsheet.id-00001 }, s'session' = s'Test_4e' } }
Script Notice: v.databasenode:
Runtime Notice: databasenode = { charsheet.id-00001 }
Script Notice: id
Runtime Notice: nil
Script Notice: aLabels
Runtime Notice: { #1 = s'Alrik Test', #2 = s'', #3 = #0 }
Script Notice: nodeLocal
Runtime Notice: nil
Script Notice: v
Runtime Notice: { s'id' = s'id-00001', s'databasenode' = databasenode = { charsheet.id-00001 }, s'session' = s'Test_4e' }
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_clientlocal.lua, addIdentity
Runtime Notice: s'id-00001'
Runtime Notice: { #1 = s'Alrik Test', #2 = s'', #3 = #0 }
Runtime Notice: databasenode = { charsheet.id-00001 }
Script Notice: setLocalNode
Runtime Notice: databasenode = { charsheet.id-00001 }
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_clientlocal.lua, addIdentity, Ende
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_clientlocal.lua, onInit, Ende
Runtime Notice: databasenode = { charsheet.id-00001 }
Runtime Notice: windowinstance = { class = charsheet, node = charsheet.id-00001, x,y,w,h = 410,90,525,613 }

In the DSA Ruleset it is not.

Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_client.lua, onInit
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_client.lua, onInit, Ende
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_clientlocal.lua, onInit
Script Notice: activeidentities:
Runtime Notice: { }
Script Notice: id
Runtime Notice: nil
Script Notice: aLabels
Runtime Notice: nil
Script Notice: nodeLocal
Runtime Notice: nil
Script Notice: localIdentities:
Runtime Notice: { #1 = { s'id' = s'id-00001', s'databasenode' = databasenode = { }, s'session' = s'Test' }, #2 = { s'id' = s'id-00002', s'databasenode' = databasenode = { }, s'session' = s'Test' } }
Script Notice: activeidentities:
Runtime Notice: { }
Script Notice: localIdentities:
Runtime Notice: { #1 = { s'id' = s'id-00001', s'databasenode' = databasenode = { }, s'session' = s'Test' }, #2 = { s'id' = s'id-00002', s'databasenode' = databasenode = { }, s'session' = s'Test' } }
Script Notice: v.databasenode:
Runtime Notice: databasenode = { }
Script Notice: id
Runtime Notice: nil
Script Notice: aLabels
Runtime Notice: { #1 = s'Ghunarjan Boronski', #2 = s'', #3 = #0 }
Script Notice: nodeLocal
Runtime Notice: nil
Script Notice: v
Runtime Notice: { s'id' = s'id-00001', s'databasenode' = databasenode = { }, s'session' = s'Test' }
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_clientlocal.lua, addIdentity
Runtime Notice: s'id-00001'
Runtime Notice: { #1 = s'Ghunarjan Boronski', #2 = s'', #3 = #0 }
Runtime Notice: databasenode = { }
Script Notice: scripts/manager_node.lua, createWindow
Script Notice: scripts/manager_node.lua, createWindow, Ende
Script Notice: common/scripts/button_icon.lua, onInit
Script Notice: common/scripts/button_icon.lua, onInit, Ende
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_client_entry.lua, onInit
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_client_entry.lua, onInit, Ende
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_client_entry.lua, setLocalNode
Runtime Notice: databasenode = { }
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_client_entry.lua, setLocalNode, Ende
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_clientlocal.lua, addIdentity, Ende
Script Notice: activeidentities:
Runtime Notice: { }
Script Notice: localIdentities:
Runtime Notice: { #1 = { s'id' = s'id-00001', s'databasenode' = databasenode = { }, s'session' = s'Test' }, #2 = { s'id' = s'id-00002', s'databasenode' = databasenode = { }, s'session' = s'Test' } }
Script Notice: v.databasenode:
Runtime Notice: databasenode = { }
Script Notice: id
Runtime Notice: nil
Script Notice: aLabels
Runtime Notice: { #1 = s'Alrik', #2 = s'', #3 = #0 }
Script Notice: nodeLocal
Runtime Notice: nil
Script Notice: v
Runtime Notice: { s'id' = s'id-00002', s'databasenode' = databasenode = { }, s'session' = s'Test' }
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_clientlocal.lua, addIdentity
Runtime Notice: s'id-00002'
Runtime Notice: { #1 = s'Alrik', #2 = s'', #3 = #0 }
Runtime Notice: databasenode = { }
Script Notice: scripts/manager_node.lua, createWindow
Script Notice: scripts/manager_node.lua, createWindow, Ende
Script Notice: common/scripts/button_icon.lua, onInit
Script Notice: common/scripts/button_icon.lua, onInit, Ende
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_client_entry.lua, onInit
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_client_entry.lua, onInit, Ende
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_client_entry.lua, setLocalNode
Runtime Notice: databasenode = { }
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_client_entry.lua, setLocalNode, Ende
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_clientlocal.lua, addIdentity, Ende
Script Notice: utility/scripts/charlist_clientlocal.lua, onInit, Ende
Runtime Notice: databasenode = { }
Runtime Notice: nil

Anyone an Idea why this may happen?


November 28th, 2012, 05:18
What version of FGII support is the ruleset configured to use (it's in the base.xml, in the root tag, as a version attribute) ?

Think I saw something funny around that call myself, can't quite recall what though...

Moon Wizard
November 28th, 2012, 06:09
Also, can you post the function where the call is made, and the function for the callback passed as a parameter to the call?


November 28th, 2012, 17:43

thanks a lot for the Replies.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-15"?>
<root version="2.0" release="4" logo="logo.png">

It is used in the Manage Characters Part. I will shortly post the Data.


November 28th, 2012, 17:54

I change to Version 2.9 release 23 and it worked. I will test further. Thanks a lot!!!
