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View Full Version : FG2 New GM Looking for Testers

November 21st, 2012, 13:21
Hi guys I just got my license upgraded and am now looking for 3-4 people that have experience at GMing to play in something to help me learn the system from the GM side of the table. I have GMed before with my face to face group but not on FG2. I have not decided what I want to run yet just trying to find out if anyone would be interested in helping a fellow gamer out.

I do know what system i want to use. We will be using the Pathfinder system.

Post here if you are interested.

November 21st, 2012, 14:20
I am interested. But if you don't know what system how are we using the pathfinder?

November 21st, 2012, 14:34
I am interested. But if you don't know what system how are we using the pathfinder?
The system is Pathfinder
The adventure is (unknown)
If anyone has any ideas for a good adventure that wont be to hard to learn with please post that here to.

November 21st, 2012, 18:38
Depending on timing and availability, I'd be happy to spend a few hours getting you to walk through things.

More DMs are always a good thing IMO.

November 22nd, 2012, 02:41
Well i have not desided when it will be but i will let everyone know

November 22nd, 2012, 03:20
If anyone has any ideas for a good adventure that wont be to hard to learn with please post that here to.
If you want something ready to go (i.e. everything is already setup in Fantasy Grounds) there is the "Well Met in Kith'takharos" adventure module that comes with Fantasy Grounds for free (activate the module in a 3.5E/Pathfinder campaign) or Tales of Dinor (an example campaign available in the "downloads" section at the top of this page).

If you like the Kith'takharos setting, there are more adventures available for purchase in the store (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/?search=&sys=9&pub=3&typ=-1&x=7&y=15&sort=1) that expand on the events in Well Met into a series of level progression adventures.

Also, the recently added "Curse of the Sickled Hand" adventure is pretty cool - but this is not for 1st level PCs (levels 3-4).

If you don't mind doing the extra prep work to get an adventure into Fantasy Grounds, then 0One games prequel to Curse of the Sicked Hand is for levels 1 - 2: Fangs from the Past (https://0onegames.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=390) and is pretty good as a get started adventure.

Paizo have the level 1 adventure Masters of the Fallen Fortress (https://paizo.com/products/btpy8ey4?Pathfinder-Module-Master-of-the-Fallen-Fortress) available for free download (it was a Free RPG Day Product) as well as a few others available for free download.

I suppose it all depends if you want to run a one-off, or start with something that can be ran over 2-3 sessions and can be expanded on if the initial game goes well.

I'm happy to jump in a game with you to play and show you the ropes...

November 22nd, 2012, 10:38
Im actually running Master of the fallen Fortress for my son and his friend (10 years old) . Its a very simple, short and fun adventure. I would give that a go. It would also give you some work on preparing the adventure but without making it a BIG job to do it...

November 22nd, 2012, 13:52
Ok i think i might do the "Well Met in Kith'takharos" as long as no one has any issues with it. Ill read over the game and look at some of the others.

I was thinking of running something this weekend cause im off work and would be able to work on the game.
I'll set up something on the game calender and post the link in a thread in the 3.5/Pathfinder fourms.

November 22nd, 2012, 14:15
Did you want players as well? I sent you a private message.

November 22nd, 2012, 14:20
I would like at least 2 fellow GM's but i would like a players opinion as well so yes I will be letting players play as well.

November 23rd, 2012, 14:07
Hey Guys the game calender is up if you want to sign up.


November 23rd, 2012, 14:24
You should actually schedule your game - that's the one thing people will see. Start and end times may be important.

Personally, I have registered, but whether I can participate or not depends on the start/finish.

November 23rd, 2012, 14:32
You should actually schedule your game - that's the one thing people will see. Start and end times may be important.

Personally, I have registered, but whether I can participate or not depends on the start/finish.

Well i'm not sure how long the adventure should take because this is my first time running it and the first time I have ran a module that i did not make.

November 23rd, 2012, 17:54
Sure, that's reasonable to not really know.

The first time I DMed in FG I had enough content for what I felt would be maybe 2 hours of play time. Imagine my surprise when my (great) players took the setting and situation and ran with it, turning those supposed 2 hours into about 6 of actual play time.

The important thing is you need to let your players how much time they need to take into consideration on this particular date. Someone might be OK with the start time, but bail when he hears the game is going until 1 AM and he's only available until 10 PM (as an example).

Always be clear with your time expectations and scheduling.

November 23rd, 2012, 18:02
Play time will be 5-6 hours if everyone is ok with playing that long

November 30th, 2012, 21:43
I concur with what JohnD is saying about precision of game times - i live in New Zealand and therefore time-frames are my ONLY consideration for playing. So if you state a start time and approx length in the calendar it makes it easier to commit my time to you.

November 30th, 2012, 21:54
and aim for a 3-4 hr session if you can - you dont have to finish everything on one sitting - particularly if you are learning...