View Full Version : Questions about the combat tracker and other

November 13th, 2012, 06:58
My group has had our second session using Fantasy Grounds 2 and playing Deadlands. We are quickly getting the hang of things as both players and as GM, but there was one thing we could not figure out. When using the combat tracker, should the players be able to see the entries? As the GM, I see each character and critter that I added to the initiative, but the players tell me they can't see anything. Is there a way to turn it on so they can see? Also, when making rolls from the character sheet, is there a setting that can be used to get a 'summed' roll? For instance, if you roll a skill that has a modifier involved, it displays the top number on the die, then shows the modifier, but does not do the math to give you the total. I see that you can program a macro to do such a thing though, but I would like to be able to do it from the character sheet.

I also have the SW adventure deck and we are using it in the games. I can auto deal the correct number of cards to each player from the character library screen by clicking on the lower square, and that works just fine. I am not able to click on the upper square to auto-deal chips to the characters though. Should I be able to?
Anyways, thanks for any help on this one!

November 13th, 2012, 08:09
My group has had our second session using Fantasy Grounds 2 and playing Deadlands. We are quickly getting the hang of things as both players and as GM, but there was one thing we could not figure out. When using the combat tracker, should the players be able to see the entries? As the GM, I see each character and critter that I added to the initiative, but the players tell me they can't see anything. Is there a way to turn it on so they can see?
Yes there is near the bottom of the combat tracker is a button labeled "mini" this should really be changed to "share" it shares the player version of the combat tracker to the players.
A while ago I made a video showing off the new combat tracker (3.2 version) here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByQ80qAxrrI&feature=share&list=UUHSJY58TshY6mBFZvhCSkOQ)

Also, when making rolls from the character sheet, is there a setting that can be used to get a 'summed' roll? For instance, if you roll a skill that has a modifier involved, it displays the top number on the die, then shows the modifier, but does not do the math to give you the total. I see that you can program a macro to do such a thing though, but I would like to be able to do it from the character sheet.
Not to my knowledge but you can just right click on the entry in the chat window and click on the '=' icon.

I also have the SW adventure deck and we are using it in the games. I can auto deal the correct number of cards to each player from the character library screen by clicking on the lower square, and that works just fine. I am not able to click on the upper square to auto-deal chips to the characters though. Should I be able to ?
Just right click and select the "Reset Bennies icon" this sets the Bennies for all characters.

Hope that helps

November 14th, 2012, 04:57
Thank you very much! This will come in handy for the next game.

November 14th, 2012, 05:06
Also worth noting...

Pretty sure I changed dice rolls to "auto-total" for SWEX 3.3 - there might be a preference option for it ? Can't quite recall now.

Players can open the combat tracker themselves via the "init" button. But I often share via the "mini" button on the main tracker.

Surprised the Benny reset square buttons didn't work - could you type "/version" on the chat window and let me know what is returned ?


November 18th, 2012, 22:59
I got to play another session of my Deadlands games and tried some of the tips I was given here. The combat tracker works like a charm with all my players able to see it now. Phantom Whale, the die results do not total (if you add a modifier for instance, it shows the total die result followed by the modifier result but does not sum the result) and there is no preference switch to make it do so that I can find. Left clicking the top box on the PCs in the PC tab does not deal out chips. I can right click on it, get a radial window and 'add chip', but I have to do it one chip at a time instead of it dealing out the correct number of chips.

version numbers: 3.3.0 (build 11) for SW, 1.1.0 (build 3) adventure deck, 1.2.0 (build 6) for Deadlands. FG is at version 2.9.1 ultimate

November 18th, 2012, 23:05
Ah yeah, I think the chip auto-deal was NOT implemented for DL:R (due to greater complexities on how Fate Chips work with limited numbers etc...). I still add them one at a time for my game (after gathering up the chips via the Fate Chip bag tool) at the start of each session.

As for auto-totalling, I think I only implemented it for damage rolls it seems. Perhaps there is a new wishlist item there to add it in for trait rolls too when there is a modifier applied ?

November 18th, 2012, 23:18
Thanks for the quick reply Phantomwhale, and my group is keeping track of 'wishlist' items as we run into the need for things that are not implemented or difficult to achieve.