View Full Version : Making arrows with mask enabled causes crash.

November 3rd, 2012, 12:26
I don't know if this has been reported before or if it just me who experience it but:

When I have a map and add a mask FG2 crashes to Desktop when I try to make arrows by holding both left and right mouse button down and dragging.

It does not happen all the time. I have tried making lots of arrows and it crashes and I have tried where it crashes after just a few arrows. At first I thought it was the mask and the unmasking of several areas combined with an arrows that caused the crash but I have experienced the crash without any unmasking. I could not get it to crash with no mask on the map.

I run 2.9.1 and I have this issue in both RM and PF module.

I have tried both small maps (jpg) and big ones. Same result.

I have tried deleting my cache. No difference.

Strangely enough I'm not sure I had this problem just weeks ago (as I remember my players teasing me by making arrows everywhere... :)).


November 5th, 2012, 20:12
No one else have experienced this?

I could do it on my laptop too.

November 5th, 2012, 20:52
Nope, I had a quick go and it didn't crash.

Are you running any extensions?
Does it happen when you're GM or player?
If as a GM does it only happen when players are connected or can you recreate with no players connected?
What kind of images does it happen on? JPEGs, PNGs? What is the size of them?

November 5th, 2012, 21:22
Thanks Trenloe.

Are you running any extensions?

yes. but as I can do this in both PF and RM where I use different extensions Im not sure this is the place to look. But here we go:

RM: FGRandom and Skin FRP

PF: 3.5E Theme - Wood

Does it happen when you're GM or player?

GM. Ill try as player logged in to my own game locally.

If as a GM does it only happen when players are connected or can you recreate with no players connected?

I can recreate it with no players logged in. I first experienced it with during play with 3 players logged in.

What kind of images does it happen on? JPEGs, PNGs? What is the size of them?

JPG 460kb (main of a island they slowly explore, this is the map I have the most problems with)

All my maps are JPG different sized (some down to 120KB). And I'm pretty sure I can provoke the crash on all of them, but I just tested a lot and it VERY inconsistent. That makes it so hard to pinpoint whats wrong and what triggers it. Not to mention it takes forever to start the program again ;).

Could I turn on debugging and that maybe will make sense to someone (I know how to turn it on)? Does the debugger live after the program crash? Does it write a logfile I could look at?

November 5th, 2012, 22:11
Re-created. Using 3.5E, no extensions.

Windows 7 64-bit.
Map is an image file.
Occurs when in mask reveal mode (when the mouse pointer has an eye in it).
Do a few pointer drawings - it usually occurs for me after only a handful.

November 6th, 2012, 05:45
Thanks Trenloe!

I thought I was going crazy(er), because I could not make it crash all the time time, just sometimes (even worse; never to know what to expect. And you should have seen my wife getting impatient when I wanted to show her how I could crash it... and of course it didn't. heh!). You are right, it always happens when in mask mode, eye is a pointer.

Windows 7 64 here too btw.

November 10th, 2012, 13:13
this happened twice to me tonight using beta C&C ruleset.... forgot to look for the eye...

November 10th, 2012, 13:37
:eek: THE EYE! :eek:

Moon Wizard
November 11th, 2012, 09:25
Great troubleshooting guys. I was able to reproduce, and a fix is going into the v2.9.2 beta.


April 20th, 2013, 08:15
Excuse the thread necro... but I just noticed I have NO pointers menu whilst in Mask Mode - UNLESS I use the double-button trick to draw a straight pointer, in which case the menu reappears but to only allow me to delete all pointers.

Is this an expected "feature" ? Or a regression ? Using 2.9.3 (which I do believe is live now, although I'm in test mode)

Moon Wizard
April 20th, 2013, 17:36
This is the behavior that has existed for some time. I just double-checked in v2.9.2, and looked at the code for v2.8.x and v2.9.x versions.

At the moment, it has to be disabled, since the mask mode has greater priority than pointer drawing mode, if they are enabled at the same time.

I can update in v3.0. However, the pointer interface checks for multiple conditions, including movement of existing pointers. I'm not sure it should be enabled given the potential for user confusion over which mode.
* Should initial placement override mask/drawing mode temporarily?
* Should double drag override mask/drawing mode?
* Should clicking on pointer handles to adjust pointer position/length override mask/drawing mode?
* Perhaps pointer placement should be it's own mode completely, which replaces mask/draw?

I'm leaning towards the latter option, since it matches the mode handling I've been updating for v3.0 to add token selection and targeting. In fact, the bonus would be that I would be able to create a custom cursor for pointer drawing, so it would be more obvious that you are in pointer mode.
