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View Full Version : Thinking about getting FG

October 26th, 2012, 14:00
So me and my friends all live far apart now, but we're thinking about getting FG and starting up a 3.5 D&D campaign. How does it work exactly? If I get the DM copy, does it turn my computer into the server and they are connecting to my computer, or we are on servers hosted by FG? If so, do we have to pay any sort of monthly fee to use their servers?


October 26th, 2012, 14:09
If you purchase the GM/DM (Full License) version, you will be hosting it on your computer through that program. Any one who connects to your open "server" from your computer, would need either a Lite, Full, or Ultimate License.

The only thing that FG hosts is the propagated random password for the server, I believe. Everything else is hosted on the GM side of the game.

If you wanted to host the game without having anyone else having to purchase, then you want the Ultimate License. As it allows any amount of people to join your game without having to purchase a separate license.

Hope that answers some of your questions. We would love to see more 3.5 games around here and a larger community :). Welcome!

October 26th, 2012, 14:24
Awesome thanks a lot! Yeah, we were looking at the package deal where you get the discounts. So we'll be doing a couple of DM versions then the other players will be getting the player version. We've tried other free programs before and they were nice but really buggy, so we if we can get something more solid (and so nice looking!) then we're willing to spend for it.

October 26th, 2012, 14:39
It's a really great product and as well I have tried other VTT in the past and always came back to this one. Mainly for the community but also how the developers and owner will jump on the boards to help someone in need.

The other major plus is the ability to customize the layout to whatever you want. If you know a little Lua and XML, you can create an entire new ruleset with character sheets etc. Although time consuming, it has allowed for some pretty awesome mods from the community.

October 26th, 2012, 15:54
FG is solid. You won't regret it.

October 26th, 2012, 16:02
Thanks for the feedback guys! I think we're sold. Just a quick question. I downloaded the demo and noticed there were no tokens in the token bag. Does the full version come with tokens or do I have to make my own?

October 26th, 2012, 17:32
In the final version the default letter tokens are a module you activate by clicking on the book icon on the side bar and activate the module by opening the book icon.

It has many years since I tried the demo, but I suspect it will be the same in the demo.

That said when they have all been drawn the icon selection in FGII is going to improve drastically!

The Base Fantasy kit from this Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/vortexgames/game-masters-campaign-the-fantasy-art-kit)is being added to FGII!

October 26th, 2012, 21:19
Thanks for the feedback guys! I think we're sold. Just a quick question. I downloaded the demo and noticed there were no tokens in the token bag. Does the full version come with tokens or do I have to make my own?
As Doswelk says, there is a letter token module that comes with FG to get you started. There are tokens available in the store and there are also some from Devin Knight's site - the first 20 token packs are available for free: https://www.immortalnights.com/tokensite/tokenpacks.html

There's also this thread that has a way of extracting all of the mini pictures from the Wizards of the Coast website and making them into tokens: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10812

Of course, you can make your own as well!

October 27th, 2012, 08:40
But why all the talk, why not just try it? You can dl it, and use it in a demo mode... together with your friends even. You wont be able to save anything but it will give you a feel of how FG2 works. I used that and the Library to play around with what I could do.

*Edited: I was too blind and to fast again on the keyboard. You did dl the demo. heh!. You are TRAPPED now! MUAHAHAHAHA!*

November 5th, 2012, 02:02
As Doswelk says, there is a letter token module that comes with FG to get you started. There are tokens available in the store and there are also some from Devin Knight's site - the first 20 token packs are available for free: https://www.immortalnights.com/tokensite/tokenpacks.html

There's also this thread that has a way of extracting all of the mini pictures from the Wizards of the Coast website and making them into tokens: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10812

Of course, you can make your own as well!
And there are now these awesome tools to easily extract tokens and tiles from some websites: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17628

November 14th, 2012, 03:26
My friends and i use FGII as the tabletop to track creatures and character sheets and we use Skype to actually talk that way we have more of a feel for being together and the fun that goes along with voice. I then use FGII to send private messages to individual players. It has worked wonderfully for that. I also use it to make and keep track of my adventures that i am gaming with people at their house. It is a very powerful GM tool to be used in that aspect as well.

November 14th, 2012, 08:25
Hi Salz78. If you'd like to observe a game, and maybe take control of a PC (pending regular player presence), I have a game Saturday night you could join in on.

I did this when I was trying to make the final decision on FG and it really sold me on the product... fast.

PM me if you're interested.