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View Full Version : Crypt of the Sun Lord

October 17th, 2012, 05:02
I am checking interest for a game I would like to GM this Sunday October 21 at 1:00PM Central time.
It is a module for 1st level players from Adventure a Week. It looks like a simple but solid and fun dungeon crawl that could be completed in 3-4 hours. I am planning on using the Pathfinder rules and character creation will be 20 point buy. You can use pretty much anything Paizo for reference, although monstrous and unusual races should have a way of disguising themselves to fit in. Starting gold will be standard for your class. A brief back story will suffice. If this turns out to be fun and the group wants to play more we may continue weekly.

We will be using ventrilo or something similar for voice chat. More info on a need to know basis.

The PCs hail from the Klavek Kingdom, the most powerful country in the world. The kingdom is paying citizens to pack up and relocate to the small fishing town of Rybalka. The monarchy has had difficulty convincing citizens to relocate to Rybalka due to its close proximity to Vikmordere territory. The horrific stories of Vikmordere brutality keep many Klavekians from accepting the relocation offer. Tales persist of frequent raids on the Klavekian lowland towns and villages. All Klavekian children are told frightening bedtime stories of the Vikmordere warriors. The tales speak of demon-like Vikmordere warriors which arrive at nightfall to slay the Klavekians and steal their belongings. They are described as ghostly demons who return to their ships with their loot, only to disappear back into the mountains from which they came. Recently the monarchy has sought out adventurers looking for fame and riches, both of which are promised to be found in Vikmordere lands. The Klavek Kingdom is paying a handsome sum to adventurers brave enough to make the trek. In the past the journey to Rybalka has been plagued by many tragedies. Thus the Klavek Military now personally escorts new potential citizens and adventurers to Rybalka via ship.