View Full Version : BRP - Fantasy

September 28th, 2012, 20:32

Currently starting a BRP fantasy campaign. 6 spaces available, sign up below! But please make sure you have read everything first :)

Here's the details... IMPORTANT!! Please read!!

What is needed?

Must have head set with working mic
must have teamspeak3 installed ... Its free


New to BRP? Doesnt matter :) I will teach you everything you need to know.
New to Roleplaying then thats is fine also .. I will teach you everything!

I have the ultimate edition so players only need to have the client installed.

When do we play?

System - BRP
Genre - Mythological
Day - Saturdays
Time - 7pm - 10.30pm +0gmt
Start Date: As soon as we have 6 players all created and ready to go :)

Game Details

Play style - To start with we will have a classic dungeon adventure so that you can get into your characters and the world itself. I will introduce you to the world its terminology etc over the course of game play.

most of all the goal is to have fun.

The Game itself is a Fantasy Sword and Sandle style game. What? ... :) Imagine the heros of greece. Heracles, Achilies, Jason and so on. Add a touch of magic, The gods are jealous of each other and often are at odds with one another that directly effects you, the world you live in and the NPCs you love and hate.

A little starting info to wet the appetite.
Three hundred years ago a brave human hero named Pericles (A Hipparchos) was slain leading an epic charge during the height of the Gigantes-Heca War. The body of the hipparchos was never found; but, because of his bravery, the tide of the war was turned and Pericles became revered as a Demi-God thereafter. A brotherhood was formed that revered the hipparchos and they erected a shrine on the very sight of the battlefield where Pericles was slain. They called themselves the Brotherhood of the Dori in honor of the weapon Pericles wielded on that fateful day (and the only relic they could find of his); a golden spear called Cheros, The Giant Slayer.

The shrine fell to ruins at the hands of Kraken, God of the seas and all things of the water, lashed out in anger. He flooded the Ophidian plains and the shrine was lost to history... Until now.

A map, leading to the location of the shrine of Pericles has found its way into the hands of the Archon of Myrmon high up in Oros Obilis (Obilis Mountains). He sent fourth riders to the three nations of Deltius seeking heroes to step up to his cause. Thats where you come in...

So 6 heroes are needed, are you one of those legendary heroes? If so sign up below and I will send you a character creation PM with lots Q&A's to help create character before this game starts :)

To avoid gameplay slowing down no arguing over Team Speak with the Games Master if you do not agree with the situation or how its happened. We can discuss it at the end. It is important to remember that I am just your guide through a story that you are writing yourselves. It is NOT a game of me vs you. Together we will have have creating a memorable Mythological Fantasy RP experience.

Fantasy Grounds Login details will be given over Teamspeak on the day of the game not before.

Teamspeak details will be given once character creation Q&A has been returned.

How characters will be created?
Step 1:
A Q&A will be sent out to everyone with some details re: Proffessions and Nationalities and Races. It will ask some Questions regarding roleplay elements of the character.

Step 2:
A secondary Q&A will be sent re: character bonds and Teamspeak details

Step 3:
Log into TS3 and FGII to create character in game

Step 4: Game play day!! WOO HOO!

September 29th, 2012, 09:23
only 5 spaces available now

October 5th, 2012, 02:17
4 spaces left!

October 5th, 2012, 19:50
Link to Gamecalendar entry:
