View Full Version : Searching for a group

September 22nd, 2012, 22:35
Okay, I really haven't gamed in years. Being a dad and a family man to non-geeks has hindered my ability to really game. Still, I'm hoping to find a group that is rather light a quick, meeting bi-weekly and after 2100 est.

I know the following systems passingly to extremely well:

Old World of Darkness
New World of Darkness
Cinematic Unisystem (Angel/Buffy varient)
Cortex (Serenity/Core)
Dungeons and Dragons 3.0-Next
Swords and Wizardy
Muntants and Masterminds 2

Systems I'm interested in playing in

Colonial Gothic
Record of Lodoss War
DC Adventures
Shadowrun (any)

edit: I have a lite licence but may be able to upgrade to full after christmas.