View Full Version : 4E Bug Multiple Saving Throws

September 22nd, 2012, 18:46
When automatic saving throws are set to off. When a player has multiple savable effects and rolls his saves by double clicking the save field. You use to be able to drag and drop the save roll from chat and drop it on onto the effect on the tracker to save and clear the effect. You can no longer do that, instead of dropping the "die" it drops an effect like string.

Please fix this. Having to manually clear on the effect(s) on the tracker shouldn't be that much harder than drag and drop - but somehow it is.

Moon Wizard
October 5th, 2012, 03:44
Added support for dropping save roll results from chat window directly onto effects again. It's in the v2.9.2 beta now.


October 5th, 2012, 04:10
Thank you for the fix.