View Full Version : How Do I Stop Active Modules Loading All Content?

September 17th, 2012, 23:22
So I've got a couple of D&D modules such as Dungeon Delve, Monster Manual, Adventurers Vault, etc. and have the modules active so that I can pull the stats blocks from the books into my encounters, etc.

However, I've also now noticed that it pulls every map, story, item and token from the books as well and it's taking a hell of a long time to load up FG with near crashes each time a person connects. Is there any way to have the modules active to pull stuff from the books without them loading all the content (specifically tokens), or any quick way to delete them all. I've found that while a module is still active I can't delete any of the content it has put in my FG Campaign.


September 18th, 2012, 05:01
If I am understanding your problem, you have to have the reference modules open and you would rather that not be. You could potentially have two problems: 1) Stat Blocks. You are making encounters with monsters drag and dropped directly from the reference module, ie Monster Manuel. And thus the stat block link back is directly into the monster manual which needs to be open so monster stats can be referenced. Instead if you first drag and drop the monster into the personality list and then drag and drop the monster from the personality list into the encounter the link back will be to the current module and the monster stats are *really* in the current module not the Monster Manuel. You will now be able to close the monster manual as far as stat blocks go. 2) Tokens. Its the same problem as stat blocks: if you don't want a link back into the Monster Manual you have to put the tokens into the current campaign module or you have to hold them in host tokens and then link the tokens to the personality list monsters by drag and dropping them from the token box onto the personalities. If you have lots of large file sized tokens it may not be practical to put all your tokens in the host\token folder in FG's Data App folder. Instead you are going to want to to put the tokens needed by each adventure in the adventure. You do that by creating a tokens folder in the adventure campaign and then putting all the tokens you need for that adventure in this folder. They will show up in the token box when you start that campaign, then just drag and drop the token onto the personality list monster to attach it so the token is not linked back into the actual campaign and that will break the need to have the monster manual open.

The final step would be to re-parse your Monster Manuals without the tokens since the tokens are now attached at campaign/adventure module level. Once you do that you probably will want to type /flushdb on the server when no players are connected to stop anything previously shared from having to transfer to the clients.

Its the same with items, by the way, but it doesn't usually matter because items don't usually have images and item stat blocks alone are small. First drag and drop to items list and then open the item and drag and drop the open item into a treasure parcel to break the item reference module dependency.

However the real problem sounds like your tokens take up too much space either because their total file size is too large or you just have too many of them. Windows only allows so much RAM for one app and it sounds like you are near or at the limit. On Vista this is 2 Gigs and Win7 4 Gigs. This was a fairly common problem a while back that people were making their 4E reference modules so large they would crash FG when they were all open. The culprit was images in the modules. Aside from tokens you also need to watch the file size of you maps. Tokens and maps usually take up the most memory.

Finally, just in case you didn't know - you should have a base campaign that only has the characters in it. Everything else should be in adventure modules so you can open and use the module when you are running that adventure and close it when you are done.

Hopefully, that will help.