View Full Version : cant install fantasy grounds

August 15th, 2012, 03:47
I download the FGWebinstall.exe and after doing the "I agree" I get the the following error "Unable to get path SHGetspecialfolderpath failed". Then when I click okay, it goes to Settings and then when I okay or cancel there, it will run the updater, but that will not complete either........
Any idea's?

August 15th, 2012, 04:35
try disabling antivirus and rigt click the installer and Run As Administrator....

August 15th, 2012, 04:48
I am running XP so it does not give me the option to run as administrator..and additionally I did disable the antivirus...but to no avail............


Moon Wizard
August 15th, 2012, 10:31
The installer needs to be able to run in administrator mode in order to write files to the program files directory.

Try these directions (https://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/windows_security_runas.mspx?mfr=true) for XP from the MS website.


August 15th, 2012, 14:56
I have this problem on my wifes pc also (running xp too). Im pretty sure shes an admin in the machine, but know I'm not so sure...

I did not had the time last night to check up on it, but I noticed that the setup form (that pops up after the error) did not have a path for the app (it could not create one I guess), after the message posted by the op, the setup run fine for a while (or so it seemed), and ofc FG2 could not could not start.
I couldn't even uninstall the program.
Going to delete it manually, I noticed that the install had dumped all the files in the root of C:\. I deleted them and did not get any further as I had no time to do so last night.

My plan today was to start the installer and add a path for the program manually in the setup form and try it from that, but if that don't help Ill try the posted link to MSD, thanks for that info :).

Ill return with what I found later today.

August 15th, 2012, 17:01
Nothing works...

I tried my first idea, where I added a folder manually in the setup form.

Did not help.

Deleted the folder again (and all other traces of FG2 like in the Registration database).

Did like you said, ctrl+right click, run as... Adminstrator (Her own account is an admin account btw).

Same problem.

Any new ideas?

August 15th, 2012, 18:53
I had a player with a lite license who had to reformat his hard drive and had problems with getting FG installed last Sunday. His problem was he would get part way through and the install would hang, usually on a 3E/Pathfinder file but the file was different on different tries. We did finally get FG installed, but I can't tell you what we did that worked because we tried a lot of things and maybe one of them worked or maybe we got lucky with the installer.

Since that was a 4E game we didn't really care about 3E/Pathfinder so we first tried sending him the 3E pak file since it seemed to hang there. It was hard to tell if that really helped at all because while the next time he updated the installer hung on a 4E file but the time after that it hung on a 3E/Pathfinder file again. We finally just sent him all the files in FG's program files and I had him try to use the WebInstaller to update first to Live, then Test, then Live then Dev, then Test and so on. I kept having him try different updates from different versions to another version until the WebInstaller finally managed to get FG installed on the Dev setting.

Once he got his license key in, I had him use the FG launcher settings button to flip it back to live and had him update from Dev to Live from the FG launcher. This all happened over the course of a 45 minute or so discussion over what direction to did the group want the game to go in. I can't really say anything we did mattered at all or if he just got lucky on the WebInstaller updating to Dev. I know it wasn't the first time he tried to update to Dev, it was like 5-6th update try, maybe more times, into the permutations of updating from one build to another.

August 15th, 2012, 20:18
Finally got it to work.

Here's the story:

I deleting everything again.

Made a folder C:\Programmer\Fantasy Grounds 2\ (My "Program files" is called "Programmer" as I'm using a danish version of xp, maybe this is the cause of all the hassle, I have no idea how the installer is made).

Made sure the folder was NOT write protected (Rightclick, Properties, check OFF the write protected option.

Installed FG again. Ran it as the user logged in, NOT as Administrator, Still error about path.

Setup form opens.

Entered the folderpath I just made manually in the top field where the path for the application is written.

Pressed ok or what ever you do then (I forgot).

The installer ran the update.

I THINK I got the same error about not being able to open a xml file (sorry the name of the file eludes me now). You are asked if you want to try loading it again, but if you press yes it just keeps spamming you with the same question. So I pressed no.

Angry about still getting errors I fired up FG2 from the shortcut on the desktop i frustration and ..... it just started! I did NOT do that before (yes I tried).

Tried to connect to my pc where the host is gonna run and could connect using the internal IP. tested some things like opening a char, sharing a map from the host, rolling dice etc, no errors.

Hope this helps someone....

August 20th, 2012, 04:26
however..i have tried several things including your suggestions..and no success as of yet... i have even reloaded windows ...all updates and everything else works except being able to download FG. Still getting the SHgetspecialpath failed.

so hopefully more folks will see this and perhaps have the "magical answer"

thanks again for your help !


August 20th, 2012, 06:26
Make sure you e-mail [email protected] with your issue. They are small company and right now at GenCon so they might miss your post. They might want to ask you questions about your setup, ect.

August 22nd, 2012, 02:36
I am having the exact same issue and I have given up in frustration. (I also run xp)

Moon Wizard
August 22nd, 2012, 03:21
In another thread, bagginssiss mentioned that the SHGetSpecialPath error went away once he re-installed SP3. I'll have to review on our web site where we state our requirements, but SP3 is required for XP.


August 22nd, 2012, 04:40
Reinstalled sp3 still having the exact same problem- ah well other programs available to do campaigns with.