View Full Version : Pathfinder Online Campaign

August 15th, 2012, 02:51
Well as the title says I am working on a campaign for D&D 3.5/pathfinder which will be hosted online with the fantasygrounds 2 software which is free for the purposes of connecting. The campaign will start in the city of Triboar with the players hired originally as escorts for a caravan heading to waterdeep with a large shipment of leather. Naturally though things will get more complex quickly although I will not spoil any of the surprises. The players will receive payment for their service upon arrival although they will begin with a couple of extra items as well in the form of mounts, saddles, and a couple of other items I will add to the players sheets. I may also be implementing a lovely little feature in which characters can suffer from countless types of mutations some which can be very good others which are crippling and which will likely result in your allies rushing you to a cleric who is able to remove it. I will allow sexual situations and the like if those in the group desire it and in general will try to alter the campaign to suit the desires of the players in order to give them a journey they will enjoy for a long time.

The campaign takes place in the forgotten realms setting pre-spellplague. The purpose for posting this is both to gather a few players as well as a location to record the campaign and put information regarding to it. Homebrew content is allowed to be used although I will need to look it over first to make sure it is balanced with SRD content.

The party size is not overly relevant although I will try to keep it under ten people in order to allow things to move fairly smoothly as a larger party means slower battles we also want at least four people in order to be able to function properly. As a diverse party is more interesting please try not to use the same race and class as someone else. It is also good to avoid an overly used class type as a party with five arcane spellcasters and a fighter is fairly hard to use as they lack healing and trapfinding abilities. In some cases I will allow the same race and class to be used twice although it depends on the exact class as some can vary largely based on the build used. Preferably the party when assembled should have at least 1 arcane spellcaster, 1 rogue type class able to dismantle high level traps and deal out large amounts of precision damage, 1 fighter type class to soak up damage and draw attention, and a divine caster of some sort for support spells and the occasional bit of healing. Once those four roles are filled then effectively any class can work well although try not to have more than three of any role. If there is absolutely no interest in a particular role then I might make an npc for the role although I would prefer to avoid that unless necessary. Another useful class to potentially add is something with a focus on charisma such as the bard in order to function well in diplomatic situations this is not needed technically as long as we have someone with at least a decent charisma score and a few point in all the diplomatic skills.

Remember please only apply if you think you will be able to regularly play the sessions will normally be at 11:00 AM PST likely on Fridays although the date and exact time are pretty flexible.

Below are a number of links containing the download for the software being used, the rules regarding how to play, instructional videos on how to use the software, and where to find homebrew races and classes.


We are using pathfinder rules despite the setting being from D&D 3.5 this is because pathfinder is more or less an improvement on D&D 3.5 and any materials from each are easily ported.

As said before homebrew content is allowed just run it by me in advance and I will look it over to see if it is usable.

Here are a list of some well made furry races you by no means are required to play one.

Feats relating to the beastfolk races above.

Here are the races and classes of the pathfinder world any listed here are pretty much automatically accepted. You can also find any other pathfinder materials here.

Just install the unlicensed version.

You can also email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.

If I'm online just ask and I will open up the server if it is not already up so you can work on your character sheet. To join the server simply open the software make sure it is updated to the latest version then click join and enter undead dungeon good user as the address it is the server alias which is used instead of an IP to keep things simple and is randomly generated.

You can make your sheet there if I am not online at the time. It is not perfect although it should at least allow you to make the basic sheet if you need any help making the sheet feel free to ask and I will help. Generally though the server is perpetually up so I recommend just using it instead.

Here is the point buy calculator it is used to determine stats without the random chance of a dice roll use the pathfinder version of it. You have 32 points to use for it. Remember to apply racial stat modifiers.

You can find a lot of the SRD info here although some spells and most of the classes will require you to download the sourcebook pdf for the full information. If you need to find a book I can upload it for you easily and send you the link. Not all of the materials are compatible with pathfinder although in general it is easy enough to tweak them to suit it.


The campaign setting information is below.

Information about Pathfinder rules, items, weapons, and creatures. Please do not view creatures not related to your class abilities such as animal companions for a druid or certain outsiders for magic users and summoners. This is to keep things more interesting as knowing the weakness of every foe sucks a lot of the fun out of battles.

The actual world the campaign is set in.

The map of the world.

Below is a list of all the players currently accepted please try not to use a duplicate race or class if it can be avoided:

Nice1220: Sylph Witch
Kitsunegami: Human Dragonfire Adept
Shurikan238: Catfolk Scout
SorrowEternal: Drow Rogue
Vintrion: Tiefling Magus

As we are currently lacking a cleric and solid tank Kitsunegami is also using a Human Cleric and I am running a Asterion Barbarian. They will likely both disappear from the party after we get a solid tank and divine spellcaster.