View Full Version : Ancient Evil - Long Term 3.5e Campaign

August 11th, 2012, 22:03
Hi all, I am going to be hosting a new, long-term campaign using the 3.5e ruleset. I am fairly new to GMing using FG, but I have nearly 10 years experience as a D&D GM on the tabletop.

The campaign will use the Forgotten Realms setting, up to 1358 DR, which is the year the campaign begins. Any history of the setting prior to that is said to have occurred as recorded, while anything after that is overridden by the storyline of the campaign itself. For those unfamiliar with the Forgotten Realms setting, full details can be found here: Forgotten Realms Wiki (https://https://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page).

The campaign will feature about 50% combat and 50% roleplay. I am interested in running this campaign long-term, so only people who can commit to a long-term campaign should apply. We will try to run once a week, with Sunday afternoon/evening EST being the most likely schedule for it.

Characters should be pre-rolled before the start of the first session, since I don't want to spend half of the first session rolling characters. Depending on how quickly we fill up, this will start either Sunday Aug 19th, or Sunday Aug 26th.

Characters should be level 1, and use only Races/Classes found in the 3.5e PHB. Monster Races with a level adjustment of no more than +1 MAY be accepted, but are subject to my approval. Any non-evil alignment is acceptable. Standard Ability rolling [6 x 4d6, dropping the low die], but if a character ends up under- or over-powered I may request the ability scores be adjusted.

If you are interested in joining you may either post here, or send me a private message, I am on the forum several times every day. Either way, please make sure to register on the Game Calendar: Ancient Evil (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=871)

August 12th, 2012, 01:38
Im looking, applied on the game calendar.

I'm looking to play an Elf Beguiler, or Drow Rogue. Ignore the previous statement.

Im feelin an elf rogue. Let me know if I can use one of the above instead. Beguiler is phb2 which i know is not requested. And drow is +2ECL if I recall correctly.

Free most night. Should be free both weekends you have posted. Let me know please.

Best regards,

August 12th, 2012, 01:49
That's true, wasn't planning on using PHB2, not as familiar with it as I'd like to be. I am, however, using the Player's Guide to Faerun, which includes Regional Backgrounds. A Drow does have a +2 Level adjustment, but a Half-drow does not (half-drow rules included in PGF).

If you're thinking of a Drow Rogue, I'd much prefer you use a Half-Drow, for a number of reasons, the +2 Level Adjustment being the least of these. Most importantly is the 50% roleplay portion of my campaign, and social difficulties a Drow would encounter in any civilized areas of Faerun as of 1358 DR.

August 12th, 2012, 01:52
If you're thinking of a Drow Rogue, I'd much prefer you use a Half-Drow, for a number of reasons, the +2 Level Adjustment being the least of these. Most importantly is the 50% roleplay portion of my campaign, and social difficulties a Drow would encounter in any civilized areas of Faerun as of 1358 DR.

I will look into it and get back to you in a day or two. I have a few pressing matters to look into that should be resolved by the middle of the week. If you have an email I can contact you with or something we can chat that way as I can send you character files for your reference and personal use.

August 12th, 2012, 02:00
PM sent.

Human Cleric

August 12th, 2012, 02:58
Sign me up.

Sun elf Rogue/Fighter.

August 12th, 2012, 05:23
hey guys. looking to play a human monk but subject to change depending on dm ruling and what others choose as to balance out the group.

August 12th, 2012, 15:46
so for those of you who are not familiar with forgotten realms. We are playing after all current history of forgotten realms has been done. Meaning that everything prior to 4th ed that was written has happened. We are at the start of the " God Wars". Where Mishra dies and spellplague and wild magic start. This is the 100 year period between 3.5 and 4th edition forgotten realms where the land changes and is in total chaos. This is a very fun period for gaming in. Remember that alot of the deities die in this period so make sure to research your choices in deities. This is going to be a great time.

Thanks for running this!

August 12th, 2012, 15:52
That's right, 1358 DR is the official start of the Time of Troubles, which is why I thought it such a perfect time for my campaign to be set in. There is lots going on in the world around the PCs, and my campaign adds one more dose of flavor to the overall goings-on. An ancient evil is rising in Faerun, and the PCs will find themselves right in the middle of it!

For more information on 1358 DR, check the Wiki timeline: 1358 DR (https://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/1358_DR)

EDIT: The spellplague hasn't happened yet though, still undecided whether or not I want to work that in, but we'll see.

August 12th, 2012, 16:49
I would like to join as well. Seeing as this is a long term game, I was just wondering how you were going to deal with prestige classes. Are they allowed? If so, from which books?

I love making the odd class from other books, so if we can provide a PDF or a scan, would we be allowed to make a character from a different book? Or does it have to be specifically from the PHB1?

One more question :) When you say we can make a monster race of +1lvl adjustment, are you referring to only the MM1? Or can we use races from any of the monster manuals? For instance I have up to MMV.

Thanks for the info. Sorry for all the questions, but if I'm allowed to play and it's long term, I at least want to make a character I know I'll enjoy and wont kick myself for not asking if I could've made something different. :bandit:

August 12th, 2012, 17:06
Hey Mazz, I'll do my best to answer your questions, and then you can decide. We have 6 players right now, which was what I wanted, but I don't mind running with 7 since I know in advance that we will be losing one player around Nov. I'll just scale up the combat encounters to account for an extra PC and all will be smooth sailing.

As far as allowed Classes/Races, anything from PHB1, Player's Guide to Faerun, and MM1 is allowed for sure. For Monster races, however, I do reserve the right to say no, even if it has only a +1 LA, if I think it won't fit the setting. I am open to considering Classes and Races from other sources if you want to provide a scan, but these will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Prestige classes will certainly be allowed when a character meets the requirements for one. For these, anything from DMG1 and the Player's Guide to Faerun are allowed for sure. Any Prestige classes from other sources will be considered, again on a case-by-case basis. An additional note on Prestige classes, I like to add a dose of realism to my players taking them. That is, just because you meet all of the requirements doesn't mean you can have it automatically. I prefer the alternate rules for Prestige classes which require the character to earn it in-character. This would mean finding a place or person in-game which will induct your character into the ranks of the Prestige class, and passing whatever test they set to prove your suitability for that class.

Hope that answers your questions, and don't forget to apply to the calendar.

August 12th, 2012, 17:47
EDIT: The spellplague hasn't happened yet though, still undecided whether or not I want to work that in, but we'll see.

I vote yes that happens depending on how long ingame it takes. Would make for interesting roleplay to "live through" the spellplague.
EDIT: I am familiar with both 3.5 and 4.0 FR and that is what I'm basing my suggestion off of.

I would like to join as well. Seeing as this is a long term game, I was just wondering how you were going to deal with prestige classes. Are they allowed? If so, from which books?

I love making the odd class from other books, so if we can provide a PDF or a scan, would we be allowed to make a character from a different book? Or does it have to be specifically from the PHB1?

One more question When you say we can make a monster race of +1lvl adjustment, are you referring to only the MM1? Or can we use races from any of the monster manuals? For instance I have up to MMV.

Thanks for the info. Sorry for all the questions, but if I'm allowed to play and it's long term, I at least want to make a character I know I'll enjoy and wont kick myself for not asking if I could've made something different.

I have a lot of the same questions. I was wondering Mykael if I could be a Tiefling as according to the MM1. +1ECL and I think it would fit as they became more popular with 4.0 Let me know. Ill try to roleplay neutral with it but would it be ok if i have some evil tendencies, say overly obsessed with a one yellow metal. Ill adjust accordingly.

And i would like to know if it is possible for us to eliminate Level adjustments according to Unearthed Arcane. A way to pay exp to lose level adjustments. Let me know. I don't have any prestige classes I'm looking at right now but that might change. I will consult you then about role playing it.

I also think maybe if some of the other chars are interested they should play other races then human. Just to add some variety but its up to the chars I'm not forcing anyone just a friendly suggestion to make things more interesting and more roleplaying.

August 12th, 2012, 21:13
i also would love to join this game. Psion here

August 13th, 2012, 04:47
Everyone registered to play in this campaign, please check the Calendar for an important update.

August 13th, 2012, 05:23
in an effort to try and continue weasling my way into the game i am trying to sigh up via the game calendar and cannot find you game by the title or your name, is there something that im missing?

August 13th, 2012, 05:30
in an effort to try and continue weasling my way into the game i am trying to sigh up via the game calendar and cannot find you game by the title or your name, is there something that im missing?
I'm guessing it'll be set to no longer accept players - that removes it from the Game calendar and is visible only to players the GM has accepted.

August 13th, 2012, 05:31
that would explain it. :(

August 13th, 2012, 05:32
im just going to assume since the gm hasnt replied to me directly that there is some possibility of me joining the game still. Fingers crossed and i hope to hear a positive response soon!

August 13th, 2012, 06:09
I am really sorry I have not replied, I completely meant to, but these things do tend to pile up. We have had far more interest than we can handle, and what was originally intended for 4-6 is now 7. We are currently closed for applications, but keep your eyes open, we may have slots open up in the future.

August 13th, 2012, 06:11
yea but look at that trenloe guy's avatar picture... you cant trust him...