View Full Version : One player wanted

August 6th, 2012, 17:51

Recruitment suspended - all full.

Session time: 8-12 a.m. (GMT-5)

Day: Sunday.

Frequency: Every other weekend.

Next session: Oct. 7.

This is a home brew system/setting. Everything you need to get started is at the following link. If interested PM me or use contact information on the Calendar to get in touch.

Rule set: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/83733879/Medieval%202e.pdf

August 6th, 2012, 18:51
The next session is on August 8th, but that's a wednesday...not a sunday. Is that correct?

August 17th, 2012, 15:54
Bump for one player.

September 3rd, 2012, 18:41
We are still seeking one, even two players for the campaign. Here follows a synopsis of the adventure thus far. These events cover three four-hour sessions of which a total of 15-20 minutes was combat. If this sounds like fun, we would love to have you join us. Please feel free to contact players for opinions on the game.


Antiquarian Philippe Guissaard contracted the party to recover a cache of letters from a ruined monastery in brigand-controlled hill country. The treasure hunter, woodsman, and wizard arrived at the ruin to discover a dozen outlaws currently occupied it. The party made the decision to enter the ruin surreptitiously via the burial chambers beneath the hilltop fortifications. After narrow escapes in the booby-trapped tunnels, successful pillaging of an ancient mausoleum, and an entanglement with a mysteriously intelligent cloud of smoke, the party fled the malevolent cloud to the upper levels of the monastery. Here they snuck through the ancient church, recovered the letter cache, and slipped away into the night without raising the alarm within the outlaw camp.

The party returned to the city of Chichester and delivered the letters and their report to Guissaard. Shortly after Guissaard excused himself to lock away the letters and retrieve the party’s payment a search turned up their employer dead in a pool of his blood.

With barely enough time to take in the murder, government agents raided Guissaard's home and took the party into custody. Threatened with murder and High Treason charges, the party had a choice between certain conviction and assisting in the prosecution of an unspecified threat to the Crown.

Philippe Guissaard was associated with a radical group of political dissidents planning to collapse the Crown. The dissidents had a secret asset they would soon unveil that would destabilize the present government. If the party assisted in the elimination of this asset, a full pardon would be issued.

Returning to the scene of Guissaard’s murder the party discovered a secret tunnel beneath the house and made contact with the dissidents. A second bargain was struck offering the party an opportunity to earn the trust of Guissaard’s partners by performing a series of tasks that would establish the party’s usefulness to the dissidents.

The first task to rescue a dissident leader held by a criminal gang was completed without a hitch – the party left only a single gang member behind, a feathered shaft piercing his chest. The second task to escort an informant whose identity had been compromised went awry. When the party was separated, Manse Bruckle slew a knife-wielding thug but outnumbered was forced to relinquish the informant. Badly injured, Bruckle hobbled to the appointed safe house to report the attack.

As the party decides whether it will strike back at Bruckle’s assailants, and what it should do with the portal key discovered on the body of an assailant brought down by Bruckle, they await their final task.


This is a medieval sword and sorcery game.

September 5th, 2012, 21:10
Hey ive been looking for a game to play and would like to join your campain? Im new to both fantasy ground and tabletop games but i grew up around them so i know the basics. feel free to contact me if you like :bandit:

September 8th, 2012, 19:26
I'd like to join your campaign, I'm new to Fantasy Grounds but not to D&D style games. I applied on the calender let me know if there is anything else i need to know. Also i'm open to different types of character roles so i'm flexible :)

September 13th, 2012, 18:46
i sent an application to join you

September 24th, 2012, 16:43
Something's afoot in the hamlet of Blackstone. When Father Bartholomew goes missing during an official visit to investigate a shortfall in Blackstone's tithed contributions, a bishop hires Manse and Neldiv to track the priest down. Blackstone seems an idyllic locale for a bit of R & R, but a violent break-in at the church and the gruesome slaying of a deacon casts some doubt on just how safe and pleasant is this small village...

Manse and Neldiv could use some support. Something sinister and deadly lurks in the backwaters of Blackstone; exposing this community's dark secrets may cost the two adventurers more than a night's sleep and a purse of silver.

Apply here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=797

A portion of the chatlog from yesterday's session: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/83733879/Medieval%20Blackstone%209-23.pdf

October 17th, 2012, 16:58
Recruitment suspended - all full.

At breakfast Manse and Neldiv encounter two travelers in Blackstone to visit an old friend – the slain Deacon Bennet; the newcomers – Kelgin and Darin – join Manse and Neldiv to hunt down their friend’s killer and root out the poison within Blackstone. Breakfast is interrupted by a dangerous stand-off with a group of thieving carnies spoiling for a bloody knife-fight. Backing down the group then recons in the woods north of Blackstone in search of the rumored druidic circle and comes across both a circle of menhirs and another clearing in the haunted forest that appears to be the site of pagan animal sacrifices. Later that night under a waning gibbous moon the party is witness to a blasphemous ceremony attended by a pair of villagers and a monstrous creation made from animated animal bones. A brief, fierce battle ensues killing the younger villager and leaving the party shaken but victorious with the wily old wizard as their prisoner of war.