View Full Version : *** GMs - Running your game. Please Read ***

July 19th, 2012, 23:39
Firstly, thanks for running one or more games at this inaugural online convention; and thanks also for bearing with us with the number of tools we are using that don't quite "mesh" together. Hopefully everyone will enjoy the con and we will be better prepared for future conventions learning from this one!

So, a few things to do before your game/s run at the Convention:

Please check all of your sessions in the Gamecalendar - look for recent players that need accepting, create a "Scheduled play time" entry if you haven't already (this helps players see what time it is in their timezone) and address any questions in the discussion thread.
Check your current FG server alias and enter/update server address/alias in the calendar entry as needed.
Check that your TeamSpeak3 client is running OK and you can connect to the server and have ran the setup wizard for your headset/mic. Have a quick look around the channels already created.

Running your game!
Please try to log into the TeamSpeak3 server 30 minutes before your game time - please join using your FG website user name so that people will recognise you!

There are various channels in the TeamSpeak3 server: Open Chat, Game Muster, FGCon Q&A and Game Rooms. Please follow the following steps to setup your game and get your players organised:

Right-click on "Game Rooms" and select "Create sub-channel". In the window that appears enter your game name (make this an obvious name so that your players can find it) you are limited to 40 characters. Also change the "Channel Type" at the bottom left from "temporary" to "Semi-permanent". Press "OK" - you sub-channel should appear under the "Game Rooms" channel.
Double-click on the "Game Muster" channel - this will take you to that channel. Once there either talk to see if there is anyone there waiting for your game, or text chat (select the "Game Muster" tab at the bottom of the TS3 window and type your messages in the "Enter chat message..." line underneath. If you find any players for your game, ask them to double-click on the sub-channel you created in step 1 to take them to your game room.
Keep moving between your game room sub-channel and the Game Muster channel to find your players. If you are players short you may want to go to the "Open Chat" channel and see if anyone is looking for a game.
While you are getting all of your players together - start you Fantasy Grounds campaign and get currently mustered players to join. Having players join in a staggered fashion will reduce the network upload bandwidth from your server.
When all of your players are mustered in TeamSpeak and have joined Fantasy Grounds you are ready to play!
When you start, please just quickly tell people the rules of the convention (listed here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?p=128319) and any other table rules you usually have.
When your game finishes and all players have left your game, right-click on your game sub-channel and select "Delete Channel". This will help to keep the channel lists only for open or upcoming games and hopefully reduce confusion of players looking for their game.

I know the above TeamSpeak steps might sound complicated - it isn't really... Just log in and follow the steps outlined above - once you're in the client the steps will be much more clear than just reading the above.

July 20th, 2012, 19:35
BUMP. GMs please review the above post if you haven't already. Thanks. :)

July 21st, 2012, 01:14
Remember to get your players email addresses or at least their FG name - you need 4 of these for a session to be able to get the generous GM support from Smiteworks:
