View Full Version : *** Players - Final Preparations for the Con & Joining Games - Please read! ***

July 19th, 2012, 23:15
Firstly - thanks to all of the players for joining the convention - we currently have over 100 player-slots signed up, there are still some games with slots free so join more games if you have the time!

If you have already signed up for games, please check each game you have signed up to for any updates - go to the Gamecalendar and the middle box at the top of the page titled "Campaigns you are playing in" will show the games you have signed up to. Have a look at each game and if you can no longer play, please post a message on the game and then click the "resign" link next to your name. This is very important as it will allow waiting players to join full games or for GMs to know that they have less players than they thought and can make plans to cater for that. We have people on the waitling list for some games so if you can't make it please give me as much notice as possible so the GM can invite a replacement. Please do not just "No show" - thank you!

If you're unsure of the exact time of your game please check the convention matrix here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuS4bmZlL0uUdEhLRnQyUFp3cGtkU3g5Ti1jWHZMO Gc#gid=0 as your first check, and the Gamecalendar "Scheduled Play Time" entry (which will be displayed in the timezone you set in your profile).

Please make sure you prepare before the game to make sure there are no delays getting started. Do the following *before* the game - as early as possible, preferably the day before at the latest!

1) Have Fantasy Grounds installed on your computer and updated to the latest version V2.9.0. If you do not have this version you will have problems connecting.
2) Have your headset with built in mic connected to your computer. Please use a headset and mic - speakers & mic cause feedback and affect the quality of the game.
3) Have TeamSpeak3 installed on your computer and run through the setup wizard with the headset/mic so that you connection is ready.
4) Log into the TeamSpeak server to check you can connect OK.

On game night, carry out the following actions 30 minutes before game time:

1) Confirm the Fantasy Grounds server alias from the Gamecalendar entry - this may have changed recently so check for the most recent alias.
2) Log into the TeamSpeak3 server: ts22.gamespeak.com:9284 Please use your Fantasy Grounds Forum name so we know who you are!
3) Check the "Game Rooms" channel. If there is a channel there with the name of the game you are playing double click on the name to go to the channel.
4) If your game is not currenty listed in the Games Rooms, please go to the "Game Muster" channel and wait there until the GM comes to the muster channel or you see your game appear in the Game Rooms list. Once the game appears double-click on your game to move to it. While in the muster channel you can voice and text chat with others waiting.
5) Once in your game follow the GMs instructions. These may be via voice or text chat (bottom window of the TeamSpeak3 client).
6) When the GM instructs you to join your game. Open Fantasy Grounds, click "Join Game", enter your FG forum name for "username" and the FG server alias (from item 1) for the "Host Address". Click "start". You should connect and start to download the campaign files - this can take a few minutes.
7) When the game comes up, you will be presented with a list of characters. Double-click on the one you wish to play.
8) You're in the game! The GM will give an introduction when everyone has joined and your game will start.

Remember - if everyone follows the above instructions you will all be ready to play by the start time and you will have a complete sessions gaming. If you don't get ready and come early then the game will be shorter and you have impacted not just your own gaming time but the other players and the GMs time too!

Real life sometimes gets in the way - we all know that. So, if you have any problems getting to your game please let the GM know so that they can factor your needs into the game as necessary. Even if you're "just going to be 30 minutes late" - please let the GM know!

Any questions please post in the game forum.

Thanks for joining the con and taking the time to read this message.

July 20th, 2012, 16:25

I'm seeing only 19 people have actually logged into the TeamSpeak3 server to do a test - please don't leave this until the last moment to test!

July 20th, 2012, 16:49
20! .

July 20th, 2012, 16:53
I do know of at least one GM that is going to use a different voip program. :confused:

July 20th, 2012, 16:59
I do know of at least one GM that is going to use a different voip program. :confused:
Yes, that is confusing. We did ask GMs to use the TeamSpeak3 server in the initial convention announcement, but we can't force them to use it.

I just hope that the players aren't confused and miss the game or other games running on the TS3 server...

July 20th, 2012, 17:03
i guess that is upo to the DM at the end of the day.
if you are running a game for your own gaming group it probably doesnt matter.
if you are running a game for all comers it would be good to use the TeamSpeak server regardless of your own preferences (i use ventrillo in my own games). you have probably spent hours getting your game ready plus another 3 or 4 hours hosting it.... spend another 10 and do the TS thing!
if not please try and give your group as much info and help as possible to make the experience easy for them :)
(i'll get back in my box now)

July 20th, 2012, 17:46
The general idea of the Con is to run the game for all comers... isn't it?

July 20th, 2012, 17:56
First time using the Teamspeak software and I have to say it is painless to use, and the voice quality is great. Oh and the con has officially started hasn't it !?!

July 20th, 2012, 18:17
Oh and the con has officially started hasn't it !?!
It certainly has. :) Although the honours lie with Valarian who has the first session (an Intro to Fantasy Grounds) at 7pm GMT.

July 21st, 2012, 09:46
It certainly has. :) Although the honours lie with Valarian who has the first session (an Intro to Fantasy Grounds) at 7pm GMT.
:o Glad I'm first at something