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View Full Version : Fate Dark Age Game Interest Check

July 14th, 2012, 02:55
I recently posted I may start a 3.5 game, but I've been looking at alternatives and am very interested in fate. I've really grown tired of character classes and would like to try something that doesn't use them. I also want a light rules system that doesn't get in the way of RP.

The rules can be found here (https://faterpg.com/dl/FATE2fe.pdf)

THe FG ruleset can be found here (https://oberoten.dyndns.org/fgwiki/index.php/Dresden_Files)

Game would be Sunday 7 or 9 Central Time.
Setting: Dark Age medieval low fantasy

With the Fate RPG there are no character classes, instead there are aspects. Aspects define your character, typical you create a character with 5 phases, each phase being a part of their life. In each phase you pick an aspect and 4 skills. An example might go like this.

1st phase

Aspect: "Student" with knowledge and athletic skills

2nd phase

Aspect: "Dropout" with theiving and street skills

3rd phase

Aspect: "Gang" with more theiving and fighting skills

4th phase

Aspect: "Repentant Criminal" with religion and social skills

5th phase

Aspect: "Cleric" with spellcasting and healing skills

Aspects can also be more specific like "family" or a specific horse.

Its a very interesting system and I'd like to try it out.

July 14th, 2012, 23:32
I've gotten a few questions about the system and the game so let me take a shot at answering them.

I would be available to assist in character creation 7-15 Sunday night if anyone is interested.

I have yet to play the system, but I've read the book and it seems very simple, I don't think anyone would have a hard time picking it up by just hanging around and playing.

The FG ruleset is actually for the Dresden Files RPG which is the fate system with licsensed content and spiffed up a bit. It should work fine for basic FATE.

Taking negative aspects at character creation, such as "Greedy" give you a chance to earn Fate points in the game, if you get in a situation where you should do something greedy the GM gives you fate points for doing it, these points allow you to modify rolls, like willpower.

Magic: There are several different magic systems offered in the game, there are two magic systems I'd like to use. The first one is called improvisational Magic, which allows you to cast spells at will and gives a system to work out their difficulty, more power the spell the more difficult. If you pass great, if you fail your magic backfires on you.

The other system is called Stunt Based Magic, a bit more traditional, you still get lots of flexablity and at will weak powers, but you buy a certain number of stunts, or spell slots that allow you to create more powerful effects.

One of the things I've never liked about D&D is classes. They've come up with all kinds of confusing powers and options to try to make it so that not all fighters are alike, but all it is is a different choice of a few powers.

With the Fate system every character is as unique as the individual playing it.

July 15th, 2012, 00:19
Well I'm up for learning a new system. If the game is going to be up for sure I'll make up a character.