View Full Version : Updates for products purchased on the FG store?

July 9th, 2012, 01:09
With the latest update to Fantasy Grounds, I've noticed that a few of the rulesets I purchased on the Fantasy Grounds store have the signs of needing some minor maintenance. Anytime the console window pops open (and it didn't before) would be a good indication.

Now, most of these look like they are probably quick fixes, would be quickly visible to the developers, and are recent or popular releases of commercial products. I would guess that any actively maintained module, extension, etc. would have already been updated for such bugs, or would be forthcoming.

So... how does one know if their products purchased through Smiteworks have been updated? I know some of the stuff is covered by the updater... but I don't see it trying to update _everything_ I have installed. I also know I can go to my Order History page, but that doesn't indicate _release dates_ or anything like that.

Is the updater that smart? Are ALL installed products covered by the updater functionality? Are all products sold by Smiteworks covered by it? Or do I need to somehow determine if and when something (else) gets updated on my own?

July 9th, 2012, 05:08
Eventually, we hope to have all the products from the store covered by the automatic upgrade utility. We have a few technical issues to resolve for a few of the products and then we just need to finish loading them all in. Most product updates we roll out coincide with a slight update to the product description page and in the past they have also been paired with an email notice to previous buyers.

July 9th, 2012, 09:23
I am currently looking into 'breaking apart' the rulesets that I have and seeing what makes them all tick. My hope is to be able to convert the vast majority of them to being extensions of the core 3.5E or 4e rulesets that ship with FG. The advantage to doing it this way is that it should (in theory) negate the need for constant updates on them.

The current obstacle I am facing is that apparently somewhere in the last two years I forgot absolutely everything I knew about LUA, and I have so many things going on at once that taking on more projects at this time would be very unwise for me.

The bright side, if I can get it to work correctly I am absolutely sure that other members of the community will jump on the band wagon and it will only be a matter of time till the vast majority of the rulesets have been converted.

Granted this idea currently will only help with D20 based rulesets, non D20 rulesets will need quite a bit of work still.

July 9th, 2012, 13:57
Good information, thanks guys.

So, I'm finding that most "settings" for Savage Worlds 3.2 have some issues.

Deadlands, Super Powers Companion (Headquarters), and some others are popping console messages now (under FG 2.9) This is with, or without the SW extensions pack added in. In some cases, developer added windows (like the Headquarters list) has graphical errors (no background).

I hope I get an email that these get updates sometime soon. ;-)

July 9th, 2012, 14:52
How would one know which items are covered by the updater, and which are not? I have also bought a bunch of FG stuff at DriveThruRPG.com... how do updates to those work? I really don't want my FG table falling apart just because the core product is getting better.

July 10th, 2012, 05:32
You can post any specific issues under the Savage Worlds forum and the developers that did the original conversions can confirm whether or not this is a known issue or something that can be easily addressed. I am not aware of any significant issues like you are seeing in the latest versions.

For RPGNow and DriveThruRPG, we post any updates to products directly there as well. An email goes out from OneBookShelf but it looks like a number of those are blocked due to user preferences on the site. You should be able to go into your previous order history though and see any updates there.

Moon Wizard
July 13th, 2012, 20:46
Currently, there are only a handful of products that are covered by the updater. (primarily Savage Worlds and Deadlands rulesets) We hit a size limitation on one of our subsystems that requires a redesign to move forward with the full catalog, but I did not want to delay 2.9 any further.

As soon as 2.9 settles down a bit, we plan to update the offending subsystem so that we can add the whole catalog.
